

12 May


Originally posted by 440k

Fixed Fall Guys having too much throwing power with objects like basketballs, pegwins, eggs, and batteries.

I'll be honest, I'm a little worried about this one. Those throw moves have become a really important part of how I play those rounds.

You can still 'hurl' stuff using that weird spinny move - this just stops the physics freaking out when a dropped object intersects with another player.

11 May


I think this would be really fun to try!
I think we made Fall Ball Cup way before shards and multiple winners were a thing, which is why we have to go to a random final to decide the winner- definitely something we can revisit in the future.

15 Apr


This is everything I've ever wanted. Thank you so much for making it!

09 Apr


Originally posted by Spikeyroxas

Understandable, I think the community would rather the levels be implemented well though rather than hot fix insertions so take your time :)

How come short circuit isn't available though?

Short Circuit is weird one because although it plays like a race it actually uses the scoring system from Hoopsie Legends. Once we implement team scoring (which we're working on) for those rounds then we can include Short Circuit too.


Originally posted by Spikeyroxas

Could you maybe make "point checkpoints"

Every team member who passes this gets a certain amount of points. Meaning if a player falls off they won't pass anymore checkpoints which means the total team gets less points for every checkpoint they didn't make. With the final checkpoint being the flipper part?

So like if there were 5 total checkpoints each giving 10points per person the total possible score a team could get would be 200.

Checkpoints being placed after every group of obstacles, such as after the laser part, the projectiles part, low grav with slime slide, Swinging lasers and flipper finish.

As you said it would be a shame to not be able to include the full level.

Yeah, stuff like that we can totally do but doing 'custom' implementation takes time and needs a build update to go live (which has a much higher overhead for the team and slows other things down). Things like Slime Climb squads we can just do with the tools we already have and don't need a new hotfix to go live, so we prefer to do them if we can!


Originally posted by Spikeyroxas

I understand why hoverboard heroes can't be added in the same way.

But how come the other new round, the one where you race two laps (short circuit?) isn't available to squads? Surely that just follows the same qualify criteria as any other race round?

One way we could do Hoverboard Heroes in the short team is be be a survival round, but with a timer that ends before you get to the flippers. That way everyone who survives gets the same amount of points. Feels like a bit of shame to not get the payoff at the end but could work as a quick-win while we figure out a more elegant solution!

08 Apr


Originally posted by SmartTitan666

So how does the slime climb scoring work is it the same as normal races or different?

Same as normal races, except if you fall into the slime you score 0 for your team.

07 Apr

06 Apr


UPDATE: This show is now 2 rounds into a final. Thanks for all the feedback so far!

05 Apr


We're going to keep a close eye on how this one does! Gut feel is that Slime Final could be an interesting final in the Main Show but that will very much depend on the community's reaction.

04 Apr

01 Apr


Originally posted by JustFailing

What about the other very important things mentioned here, e.g. Basketfall and Power Trip being extemely heavily favoured by the map selection when they're borderline coin flips, maps like Slime Climb and Big Fans that are in the Fan Favourites playlist but barely ever appear in Main Show, the distribution of finals being completely imbalanced? I played a lot at the end of season 3 and none of these problems were as glaringly obvious as they are now.

Might not have been super clear in my post but I've kicked off conversations internally about these things that we'll investigate further next week! I'm definitely in agreement that the Main Show weightings need some work.


UPDATE: We did in fact have the Rounds you've listed above get lost in a merge during the craziness of the Season 4 launch. We've just pushed an update live to fix this! Next week we're going to have a closer look at the Main Show weightings across the board.

The physics issues you've mentioned are going to be a slightly longer road to fixing, but we're working on it. Thanks again for the deep dive!


No you're not supposed to enjoy it


Really interesting post for us to break down. Thanks for the thorough investigation on these things!

UPDATE: We did in fact have the Rounds you've listed above get lost in a merge during the craziness of the Season 4 launch. We've just pushed an update live to fix this! Next week we're going to have a closer look at the Main Show weightings across the board.

The physics issues you've mentioned are going to be a slightly longer road to fixing, but we're working on it. Thanks again for the deep dive!

31 Mar

30 Mar


Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

29 Mar


Originally posted by knightry

How about just flat scaling? So no one teammate gets an outsized influence, just like in a full squad. E.g. If a squad only has 3 beans, then every normal point is now worth 1 1/3.

The problem then is that you get players winning decimal placed points which is just a bit icky. Plus it's not as exciting!


I had a bit of a think about this over the weekend and I think granting double points to a random other squadmate is a nicely elegant solution. Obviously the best solution is to minimize quitting, but I think this would work as it's easily understandable and creates some interesting new gameplay (a lone player in squads gets a 4x bonus!)

Ultimately it's a little tricky as you could game the system by having slowpokes quit to give your leaders double points, but I think that's balanced out by being at a definite disadvantage in any final. Happy to hear some opinions on this!

26 Mar


hey! We definitely try to avoid 2 team games in one show but the increased S4 weightings might have messed with this. One for us to look at one Monday!