

26 Mar


Originally posted by Ohjeezrick93

If one bean leaves will that penalise the 3 others or will the score be adjusted ie will they just be a man down for the final score ? Thanks

I've been working on a potential fix for this today!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Right now we have a bug where it's randomly eliminating a team rather than erring on the side of not eliminating anyone. hopefully we can get a fix out soon!

25 Mar


Hearing everyone loud and clear on this. Challenges came in pretty hot and we'll be looking to tweak the difficulty early next week. We also have more challenge types on the way that should also really improve the feature too. Thanks for all the feedback!

24 Mar


Originally posted by TheChickening

I feel like this is something where you are quite literally in the position to change it.

you're asking me to move mountains here


Originally posted by TheStarblind

Is there a reason why you don't just go on without eliminating anyone if everyone is tied (like you would in a normal game)?

Would leave a chance that we'd have longer games, but that already happens in normal rounds and it's completely fine.

That's the plan, but we can't fix it remotely like we can with other things.


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's a very good question that I don't know the answer to! Will def look into it because it makes sense that we avoid uneven teams in squads as well as Main show


As a first step we've lowered the weightings on Team Tail Tag- we'll continue to look at what we can do here to improve variety but rounds like Slime Climb were cut due to the extra complexity of being both a survival and race round. Definitely something we'd like to bring to Squads though!


Originally posted by PuppetShowJustice

I wish they would just add either a dedicated slot for banner / title / emote / color / pattern / ect stuff in the featured store items or make a 4th slot so they can feature two skins.

I hate when half a skin appears. I remember when the top half of Valkyrie appeared in my shop early on in Season 2 and I finally just got the bottom to appear in my shop yesterday --- two whole seasons later.

I can't wait to see how long it takes me to get the bottom half of Samurai Fish.

Love the Godzilla though.

Every day I wake up and regret making the featured store 3 slots instead of literally any even number.


Slick! We've been talking about something like this internally based on beta feedback. Personally I'd like something I can check during gameplay too (that doesn't take up the whole screen and lets me stay focused on the gameplay. I've shared this with the team though - awesome work!

23 Mar


Originally posted by trichoglossusbee

I just generally call these like "Skirmish" levels and totally agree it'd be awesome to see in the future!

Bee stop promising them features we talked about this

22 Mar


Originally posted by ElectroBlade

So can you queue with one friend and then find two other "randoms" to fill out the squad?


21 Mar


Originally posted by KomaForceFive

Will it have to be a team of 4? I only have one consistent friend to play with, so will we be able to pair with randoms or play with less than 4?

The way the scoring mode works you wouldn't want less than 4 players as it's a definite disadvantage- but if Squads is a hit there's no reason why we couldn't try Duos mode some day!


Originally posted by ThatDudeOverThere

probably 20 shards each for all 4

even the single player who wins the final got help along the way

plus some of the finals are going to be 4v4 or 4v4v4 team games

Correct. 20 shards each for all 4 Squad Members regardless of who 'wins it' for their squad.


Originally posted by LGanimations

Do I need my friends to join a squad or can I just play with randoms?

You can play with randoms too if you like!


Originally posted by tyketro

Hey, how will Squad mode work with the Infallible achievement? Would having your squad (but not you personally) winning still count towards the 5 wins in a row needed?

Yes! You just need a squad win for it to count.

20 Mar


Originally posted by rYue

wow, that was fast! Thank you for the answer, can I ask a followup?

The winner for your squad

Do you mean to say each squad member will also be ranked within the squad itself by the end of the show ?

Nope! All squads mode winners are rewarded + treated equally.


Originally posted by VanSnoekelrooy

So the winner gets the crown and the three other team mates get shards?

Everyone on the winning squad gets 20 shards a piece


Originally posted by Dominicb95

When is squad mode dropping? With the new season update?

March 22nd!


Originally posted by Shermutt

How about Kudos and Fame? Will those amounts be consistent with regular shows?

Yes, except for slightly lowered bonuses for the winning squad.