

07 Mar


Sweet Thieves is something a bit more experimental- because the teams are different sizes it felt like it didn't really fit into Main Show, and we're trying it out as our first 'standalone' mode in Fall Guys. How often it returns will really depend on how popular it ends up being!


Originally posted by CreepyInpu

Hello ! Is there any further plan to tweak the grab forces ? In its current state it really take the fun out of levels like Roll out, and, for me, for the game in general. In my opinion, there's already lots of "passive" level where we can't mess with other players, it would really be a shame to have even less active level :(.

Its something we're actively monitoring! I do think it could probably be a bit stronger still, but we're trying to make gradual changes at the moment and gather feedback from our Vibe Checks

25 Feb


Hey! yeah we've been trying to improve the stability of grab and remove those moments where it looks like you've been grabbed for the wrong side and then moved around.
I think these fixes are currently slightly too strong though, and we've lost too much of the grab meta in Roll Out style levels. I've got a meeting in...30 minutes to go through feedback from the community and to tweak the grab forces.

21 Feb


Swinging by to say this is something we're actively working on fixing it the moment!

02 Feb

19 Jan


Some really lovely ideas here! I especially love the swinging gates (really clever way of using an obstacle in the space like that), and the swinging bells being housed within a dome to traverse. You've done a great job of recreating the S3 theme too. I'd happily have this level in the game!

16 Dec


Lots of great feedback here! Thanks for taking the time to write it all up.

07 Dec


Originally posted by Alchemised

Some actual challenges:
"Collect all canisters in a single round"
"DON'T get boinked by a rhino in X rounds"
"Jump into the slime while carrying Bert" - just for fun.

These are some great suggestions - hearing all the feedback loud and clear for this event! This is definitely a more experimental set of challenges and I think we overestimated how many Canisters players would pick up per round a fair bit. If we run similar things in the future we'll be taking all the feedback into account for sure.

06 Dec


Glad you're enjoying it!
There's definitely a few more experimental things in this event- the canisters, Bert challenges, etc., and we'll be closely monitoring the feedback from them all. It's lovely to bring some new gameplay along with an event though- definitely something we're looking to do more of in the future!

02 Dec


Originally posted by Hoy-Small-Fry90

What a bizarre way of doing it. Surely you want to front-load the pass?

The pass is still front loaded, but just less so than it used to be (players used to complete ~6 levels in their first Show. From around level 15 the pass takes about 30% less Fame per rank to complete than in Season 5.

We have done a few tweaks just to flatten the curve and stop high skilled players smashing through the entire thing in a day, but I think with challenges it should feel much more regular and fair than it used to in previous Seasons. It's something we'll keep an eye on over the coming weeks though!

01 Dec


Originally posted by ThinkFree

Ever since Season 5.2 the beans have been "heavy" and body blocking too apparent in many games where many beans jostle and collide. In mad dashes to the crown in Lost Temple and Fall Mountain, getting boxed out of position by merely touching other beans can be the difference between winning and losing.

Why can't we fix it to what it was in Season 5.0? I swear, that patch had the best physics the game ever had.

Just to speak to this a bit, in Fall Guys we're in a situation where we essentially have to pick between beans feeling 'too heavy', and players being unfairly pushed by others due to being 'too light'. Ultimately we can't have both because these two things are directly at odds with each other- you're either sturdy, and can't be pushed, or light, and can be.

I think generally feeling slightly too sturdy is the lesser of two evils for now as it's unlikely to get you eliminated in the way being too light is. We'll continue to monitor feedback for sure- I think there are likely ways to make you 'feel' less heavy without that additional compromise.

30 Nov



We've tweaked the early part of the game path as players in S5 were reaching ranks 6 or 7 after their first game, which ended up devaluing a lot of those early levels. We really want each rank to feel like a reward you earned, so the earlier levels take more fame than they used to (but daily challenges can really boost you through them).

The good news is that the later levels take about 30% less fame to complete as a compromise, so it should feel considerably less grindy from about rank 15ish onwards.

It's something we'll continue to monitor though! Please keep giving us feedback as you go.

15 Nov


Originally posted by InferiorBeverage

I agree they have been commenting / posting less lately. But you also have to remember that this sub isn't an official channel for them. This was made by fans. All their other channels (Instagram Twitter discord TikTok) are officially run be mediatonic and are listed in their link tree. Just not reddit. That's why we usually just get the big announcements here. So it's possible they are prioritizing the official ones over Reddit.

And tbf, if I was working for MT I wouldn't want to check this sub. I see more "F mediatonic" "the devs hate the game" ects type posts here than any other fall guys channels. just seems unproductive. Like why are you playing / posting here if you hate the game lol

I'm still here, reading and relaying things to the design team every day. I don't always post as much as I used to now that the team is a lot larger, but I'm always lurking!

19 Oct


Originally posted by Breakfours

Would making it more translucent make a difference?

it's tricky- in the Fall universe slime is synonymous with elimination, I'd worry that even translucent pink liquid would still block the camera too much.
Still though, lots of fun ideas to explore! The idea of a Gauntlet that uses rising/falling slime is something we talked through today a little. I think there could be some legs there!


There are some really lovely ideas in here! The geysers especially really nail what makes a great Fall Guys obstacle- physical, easy to understand, and a multitude of use cases that allow players to interact with them creatively.

We're talked a bit about the 'tidal wave' concept before in the past- one thing that's tricky is that in a 3rd person mode you run into issues where the tidal wave starts to clip with your camera right before it reaches you, making it really hard to see where you're going at the most critical moment of the level. We think maybe there's something we can do with a more angled 'crest', but you do start to lose some of the visuals that make it so iconic.

Great work though! Always a pleasure to see your mockups.

21 Sep


Thanks for sharing your story! I'm so glad Fall Guys has been able to play a part in your recovery- we've always worked really hard to make Fall Guys as accessible and as welcoming as possible, and stories like yours really do make it all worthwhile.

Best of luck with your continued recovery, and congrats on your Golden Hotdog + Infallible combo, that's a huge achievement for ANY Fall Guys player, let alone one that's been through what you have! Woo Woo!

17 Sep


Originally posted by Entire_Visit_7327

Cool. Hey, and what about the fruit cannons on See Saw? Where did they go?

I think they used to be confetti cannons at the end before we updated what our 'finish lines' look like!


We took the animal heads out of Egg Scramble because it was causing absolute nightmares with the camera, and kept getting in the way. Unfortunately we did this after we started taking screenshots for the level, so some of these things have crept in. We'll get round to updating them one day!