

20 Mar


Originally posted by bjdmcv

Is there a way to do fill squads, as I have no friends but would still love to play squads mode!

Yep! Squads will autofill to top you up to 4 players.


Originally posted by rYue

perhaps /u/FallGuysJoe can clarify if there will be multiple celebrations available in Squad Mode

The winner for your squad peforms their selected Celebration animation, and the 3 other winning beans clap along adorably!


Originally posted by RadioAFrequency

Im sorry if this has been answered, but will it correlate with the amount of players in alternate shows? For example jump around would give 30 shards, hex trials give 20 etc.

Nope! Those shows will still award 1 crown.


Originally posted by LargoPear

Are crown shards just earned through the squads mode or can they be earned in the regular mode as well?

They can be earned somewhere else too...


Originally posted by ThatDudeOverThere

how many crown shards does a squad win get you?



Originally posted by Xaevier

Oh many I've been wanting some more variety in final rounds for a long time. That alone makes Squad mode sound amazing

You haven't LIVED until you've played 4v4 Jinxed final round. Honestly it's probably my favourite new S4 thing (and that's saying something).


Originally posted by MBP_S

You said crown shards are a possibility, will the crown shards awarded add up to one crown or will it be more?

60 crown shards = 1 crown!


Originally posted by RadioAFrequency

Thanks! I feel that the main issue people have with team modes is getting eliminated by randomly chosen teammates, so this is a great solution. Sorry, one more question but is there any way to communicate with random teammates, even just a few premade messages?

er.. emotes? :D

In all seriousness I'd love to do a Tribes: Ascend or Rocket League system one day. Squads is already a massive feature though so we've tried to keep it as focused as possible for now!


Originally posted by RadioAFrequency

Are there going to be shows that allows for squads, or even squad exclusive shows?

Will team games show up more often in squad modes than in solo? Edit: kinda answered

Will you ever be grouped up with other teams in team games? For example, if there are 9 team left, will there be 3v3v3 teams? Edit: answered

Do you think you will ever be able to incorporate those last few rounds that arent squad compatible at some point? It would be a little sad if some modes could never make it. Edit: answered

Will there be some kind of friends feature so you can play again with any of your random squads?

Sorry i have a lot of questions.

Are there going to be shows that allows for squads, or even squad exclusive shows?
Squads Mode is its own exclusive show for now. For the first time there's gonna be 3 Show live at the same time!

Will team games show up more often in squad modes than in solo? Edit: kinda answered.
I'd say yes, but they feel very different in Squads Mode. I think players will generally like them a lot more now

Will there be some kind of friends feature so you can play again with any of your random squads?
Not at launch, but it would be a lovely feature to have one day!


Originally posted by Moose_Nuts

So will the number of squads going to the final be pretty consistent? 3 squads totaling 12 people seems like a happy medium, but are 2, 4, or 5 squads possible?

Yeah, it's much more consistent as all Rounds now eliminate a guaranteed amount of squads. There's still variety but generally it's 3-5 squads in the semis, and 2-3 squads in the final. It's not an exact science though as it depends on how many squads the show starts with.


Originally posted by varunpotter

Squad mode will be a different mode altogether. If you are alone you will be matched with the other players to make a team of 4 Main show will remain as at it is

This guy gets it


Originally posted by bluswimmer2

I have a couple of questions.

How exactly do Survival/Team rounds work?

Which rounds are currently not present?

Squad Survival rounds give your squad points for each second you each survive- the worst performing 2 teams are eliminated, so the longer you survive the more points you score! This takes a bit of getting used to as it's possible for your entire team to land in the slime but still qualify.

Team Rounds also only ever put one Squad on a team, meaning they come a bit later in the show now. This also means that Fall Ball, Jinxed and Power Trip can be final rounds which I think is great. Squads Mode essentially has twice the number of final Rounds and Main show now!

The Rounds missing are Slime Climb, and then any 'solo scoring' Round, so Ski Fall, Hoopsie Legends and Short Circuit. We know how to adapt these though, so hopefully they'll get added in a later update.


Originally posted by varunpotter

So in a final round can there be a scenario where you are 1 vs team of 4 ?

Only if for some reason your entire squad quit on you, but even then if it's a Final like Hexagone or Fall Mountain you can still win it!


Any Squads mode questions fire away! There's quite a lot to unpack in this feature and I want to make sure it's a clear as possible come Monday!

19 Mar


Originally posted by deafonreddit

Why is the poster of tundra run?

Story time. We only decided to run this show a few weeks ago and we don't have any suitable images of Thin Ice in the build right now (we frontload about half a season's worth of shows at once when we push a new update). This was the closest we had and felt like it was better than not running the show at all!


Originally posted by krae_man

Does this fix fall ball so every time I dive into the ball I don't rag doll and make the ball move only 2 inches while other beans can send it into orbit?

Beans are definitely a bit more rigid now when it comes to heading the ball in hoarders/ fall ball!

18 Mar


Originally posted by beanrace

Why is this an issue? I was confused when this was being discussed at the launch of season 3. I would keep getting freezy peak with 17 spots, and then 6v6v5 snowy scrap. Why can’t the qualification limit just be increased by one player, instead of the game choosing to qualify an uneven number of players?

So currently our elimination works on a percentage, so we can say that "80% of players make it through to the next round". Unfortunately that number can leave odd teams, and even if we make the maths even from 60, we still have to deal with smaller lobbies and survival rounds that don't eliminate a predictable number of players.

There's no reason why we couldn't have elimination try to round to even numbers in certain situations though. It's on the backlog!

17 Mar


Originally posted by Nyteshade517

Will it have uneven teams like the Season 3 playlist had for Pegwin Pursuit & Snowy Scrap?

It will, yeah. We're looking for ways to fix this going forward but we still feel it's preferable to not seeing those rounds at all. Main Show will always have even teams and increased weightings for all S4 rounds though!


Originally posted by FestiveKillian

wont they have a playlist for season 4 only levels?

Keep an eye out for the FG 4041 playlist on March 22! It'll be all Season 4 levels, all the time.

10 Mar


Originally posted by krae_man

Jumping up those crowded stairs with current physics/desync would be a nightmare. Hope that's fixed.

It is!