One of these crashes is mod-related - I’m not sure which, and the other is an issue in our code which we’re working on. Thank you for your report.
One of these crashes is mod-related - I’m not sure which, and the other is an issue in our code which we’re working on. Thank you for your report.
Thank you, I can see the issue - it’s on our radar.
Known crash - working on resolving it ASAP. Apologies for the inconvenience.
This is wholesome aw
Fair to want answers - but unfortunately I don’t have them. I added this to our internal database on the 20th of July but I suspect it was swamped by higher-priority issues. Anyway, I’ve raised the priority on it so it’ll hopefully see some action soon.
D’oh, would you be able to upload the console log corresponding with this session please @Argonaut14?
Thank you!
Please upload the console logs corresponding with these sessions.
Your console logs can be located using the instructions below.
Timestamps within the log names should help you locate the corresponding log(s).
Thank you!
Sorry to hear this, I’ve added this to our database for investigation.
We’re working on it! Thank you for your report.
Please include the associated console logs also. Thank you!
We’ll keep an eye out.
I’ve raised this with our developers. Thank you for letting us know.
Could you please send us a crash report with all of your mods disabled? Thank you!
I think this is ‘UI Tweaks’.
Thank you Kitten, I’ve added this to our database.
I believe I’ve already responded via the Steam discussions, but please try:
Please include the corresponding console logs also. Thank you!
We’re looking in to it, apologies for the inconvenience.
This particular error indicates a corruption in your Windows user profile; I recommend you either try a new profile or contact Microsoft Support for workarounds.