

30 Jun


If this is a persistent issue for you, it’s likely caused by an underlying localised issue. Please see: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360021425793--PC-How-to-Resolve-Data-Corruption-Errors


Empty slots in the UI are not indicative of available space unfortunately. You’ll need to remove some items.


This does appear to be GPU-related, so you’re on the right path by having already reinstalled your drivers and that. There’s some other solutions here that you may not have already tried: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360034654593--PC-How-to-Resolve-GPU-Crashes

Also - see what happens if you lower your ‘Worker Thread’ count to 6 within the launcher’s ‘Settings’ menu. Although this is related to the operation of your CPU, annoyingly, CPU-related issues can produce GPU-related errors.

29 Jun


Looks like a GPU crash here, it may be that a simple driver re-installation is needed. Please see: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360034654593--PC-How-to-Resolve-GPU-Crashes


Are you playing on the Modded realm? Please switch to the Official realm using the checkboxes next to the ‘Play’ button within the launcher.


Thank you - working on it.


Thank you, added to our database!

27 Jun


Sorry to hear about your issues Nateila. The patch is coming very soon, early next week, and addresses a bunch of issues - so please see if there’s any improvement once it’s been released. If not, let me know, and I’ll escalate this to a Console Developer.


Thank you Romucha, I’ve raised this with development.


I’m a bit stuck on this one, it looks like an error in our code but the category of error you’re experiencing is usually the result of a localised issue.

I’ve raised it in our database anyway for investigation, but in the mean time it may be worth running through any solutions you haven’t already tried here: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360021422873--PC-How-to-Resolve-Most-Crashes


It’s unfortunate that lowering your ‘Worker Thread’ count didn’t help. That would’ve been my initial recommendation.

Honestly there’s nothing in the logs that screams out at me. I can only recommend running through the solutions here: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360021422873--PC-How-to-Resolve-Most-Crashes


Oh, I responded to your previous post without seeing this. We’ll continue the conversation there!


Try either:

  • Lowering your ‘Worker Thread’ count to 6
  • Switching to DirectX 11

Both can be done within the launcher’s ‘Settings’ menu.

26 Jun


Looks like your installation might be incomplete! Try the Verify Integrity of Game Files option, and see if the issue persists:

  1. Right-click Vermintide 2 in your Steam library sidebar
  2. Select ‘Properties’
  3. Select the ‘Local Files’ tab
  4. Select the ‘Verify the Integrity of Game Files’ button. This may take several minutes
  5. When complete, close and reopen Steam
  6. Launch Vermintide 2

@Skie, unfortunately your Intel® HD Graphics 630 does not meet the minimum requirements.


Could you pop us a message over at http://fatshark.se/support please? We’ll look in to it.

25 Jun


Thank you, I’ll ping you his email address right now.


Hmmm are any other errors displayed at any point, perhaps in the upper or lower right-hand corner?


Could you try reverting to the last driver version, so we can identify whether that is indeed the problem?