

14 Aug


Awesome to see the positivity, great job captains!



Heyo Captains!

Just a small reminder that with 8.7 approaching soon on the Horizon, with this update remaining Fuel Tokens will be converted into Credits at a rate of 1:22,500 credits.

If you have anymore of these tokens, make sure you spend them in the armory before this updates releases. These are my top picks for your remaining tokens!


13 Aug


While there are some automated systems in place that do alert us, we can not be everywhere in the forums at once.

If you find something you believe needs moderation activity or staff to review please hit the report post on the questionable post. This can be found:

This will leave a notification on staff and volunteer panels, in which will promptly be reviewed.

Since the volunteer system was a new concept for the NA forums, we wanted to ensure its suitability before expanding it to include more moderators.



That is A-okay and infact encouraged, if you had a great game or experience with another player feel free to compliment them here.


Hey Arrrgh,

I can confirm that CS has received your ticket and is currently investigating your situation.

Please standby for a response from them.



Hey Captains,

After a few posts recently, we'd like to restate an important rule that exists on the forum: Name and Shame.

First I'd like to define this rule: Naming and Shaming involves but is not limited to the following:

Posting screenshots of conversations between yourself and another player with the intention to make another player look bad.

Posting screenshots of another player's stats or gameplay with the intention to make another player look bad.

Describing with inclusion of another players name, actions taken by them with the intention to make another player look bad.

These actions are not permitted on the forums and will be removed by moderators when reported, and action taken against the poster.

While we understand that sometimes these images details the wrong-doing by another player, breaking the rules yourself will not reprimand the other player. If...

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Heyo Captains,

This post has stark resemblance to a thread that was closed down late last week. @Kami provided a really good close to that thread:

Since this thread is verging into Name and Shame territory, I will also be closing this one up too.



Heyo Captain,

We have not made any differences to the replay system in quite some time beyond automatically turning them on for all players to save the last 30 replays.

When watching replays, the replay must be from the same version of the game as what is currently installed. Old replays will no longer work after that client of the game has been patched over (unless you keep old versions of the game).

You may also have some interference from 3rd party modifications, we would recommend removing them completely from your client and see if that resolves the issue.

Let us know,



Heyo Captains.

Upon reviewing this thread, I have determined that this is in breach of several forum rules and regulations.

In such, I will be closing it at this time.

If you are looking for a clan to call home, make sure you check out the Clan Recruiting section of the forum found: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/forum/173-clan-recruitment/

Please ensure all posts to the forum are constructive and not trolling in nature.



An update on the USS Texas event on October 26ths:

Heyo Captains,

Despite the USS Texas preparing for her move and repairs, we have confirmed with the Ship and her staff that event is still scheduled and planned to proceed as intended on the 26th of October.

If there are any updates or changes to this we will let you know.



Heyo Captains,

Despite the USS Texas preparing for her move and repairs, we have confirmed with the Ship and her staff that event is still scheduled and planned to proceed as intended on the 26th of October.

If there are any updates or changes to this we will let you know.



Thank you everyone who participated in Blast from the Past! It was great reading through your memories and experiences within the Wargaming world.

Congratz to our randomly drawn major prize winners:

@War_Maggot - Gets their Graf Zeppelin

@NotchbackFiero - Asked for a Roma

@capncrunch21 - Will soon have the Aurora

Congratz to the following participants who will receive 10 Anniversay Camos

(All prizes will be credited within the next few days)

Make sure you check out this weeks forum contest, available:


Heyo Capitanes.

Es bueno verte de vuelta @ELDIFFERENT

Periódicamente realizamos concursos de diseño de camuflaje para varios barcos, nuestro último se enumera aquí: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/community/stalinium-speedbotes/

Sin embargo, cuando se trata de diseñar barcos, ya que tenemos un proceso y procedimiento establecidos en nuestra oficina de San Petersburgo. Desafortunadamente, no es realmente posible ofrecer la experiencia de diseñar un barco a los jugadores. Abriría la puerta a muchos diseños desequilibrados e inviables que no funcionarían bien dentro del juego.

Sin embargo, te animo a que te mantengas atento para el próximo concurso de camuflaje y envíes un diseño, ya que tu trabajo es muy impresionante.

Actualmente estamos en el proceso de hacer que los concursos de foro...

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Heyo Captain,

From this it looks as though you've selected the download location to be the C drive of your Mac.

I would suggest restarting the process and ensure your denote the appropriate drive for download.



Heyo Captains;

Let me start with the following video is a great resource in understanding how the credit economy works in World of Warships:

Traditionally, economic gain is lower in Co-Op modes because those modes have a higher WR % and typically (not always :P) easier to play. There are many ways you can help get into the positive in terms of multipliers you can use on your ships including: Flags, Camos and Signals. From the provided screenshots it only appears you are benefiting from the 5% credit gain from the Military Month Contributor flag. try loading up some additional flags and changing your camo and let us know how you go.



Heyo Captains,

As other captains have mentioned Devastating Strikes and Detonations are different situations.

Devastating Strikes are when you destroy an enemy ship with a single artillery salvo, torpedo salvo, or aircraft attack by causing damage over 50% of the destroyed ship's normal HP. These usually occur when a ship gets hit by multiple shells into a critical part of the ship (such as the Citadel) in quick succession. The only way to avoid a devastating strike is by careful positioning and being mindful of what is shooting you and from where.

A Detonation on the other hand is caused by the ignition of at least one of the Magazine modules of the ship. Historically, they are where the powder charges and ammunition for the main artillery are stored. In game, sufficient damage that causes one magazine to explode results in the destruction of the entire ship regardless of how much health it has remaining. As of patch 0.7.2, a ship mus...

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Heyo Captains,

There is definitely merit in submitting a ticket if you are having issues with the game or the client.

From experience, consistent disconnects (no attached to server issues) are predominantly related to driver updates on the GPU. Please double check this.

If the disconnects continue, please perform a WGCheck (which details the technical specs of your PC) and submit that with a ticket into support so they can further investigate if there is a incompatibility with your hardware.

Detailed instructions for this can be found: https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wows/article/19498/



Heyo Captains,

We like to change things periodically to allow those who either play certain modes, tiers of ships, etc a better chance to participate.

These periodic changes are notated on the portal when we decide to do them.

We enjoy offering inclusivity when possible for events and in-game events. Swapping the metric that Naval Battles is based off allows us to expand the offering to other types of players periodically.



3 people will be selected randomly, they will receive the Captain they listed.

If you already have all available captains, you will receive doubloons instead.



Heyo Captains,

As stated in the article, these missions are simply tools for you to help track your progress in the wider contest which has various premium ships available for winning.

Full details on this contest are available:


The missions are not meant to be completed, but used for seeing how many points you have accumulated.
