

07 May


Originally posted by FreightTrainUSA

Anytime you run into an issue reporting it in game is helpful because it gives us your player logs that help identify what could be causing the issue.

Also, thank you for using the setting that allows us to see where you are touching on screen. This is very helpful when looking at videos like this and others.


Originally posted by Karam2468

Galaxy note 8 and no. I didnt think the servers would be able to to pick it up since I was on home screen. I will do it though and let you know. My ign is in my prof.

Anytime you run into an issue reporting it in game is helpful because it gives us your player logs that help identify what could be causing the issue.

04 May


Hey Folks,

Some of you all have reached out and confirmed that Inferno was back, but his challenges weren't. Good news, this issue has been resolved. Get back into the action and complete those challenges!

03 May


Originally posted by FreightTrainUSA

Some of you all have reached out and confirmed that Inferno was back, but his challenges weren't! We're looking into it, that's definitely not expected behavior. We're on this!

Hey Folks,

More good news, this issue has been resolved. Get back into the action and complete those challenges!


Originally posted by LoicDoesNotCare

So that would be the acquisition delay, which is 150ms right now ? I understand the need not to rush changes and think about these correctly, but I find it pretty rich to use the word “rush” in this particular case given how long it has been since the changes have been announced.

As I mentioned above, its not something we have forgotten about. It was more working towards fixing game impacting issues such as buttons not working correctly and other issues we have tried to resolve in Season 8. Some aspects are always going to take a higher priority to fix and look at versus others. Not saying auto fire isn't important, but auto fire won't crash your game or not allow other major functions.


Originally posted by FreightTrainUSA

Hey Folks,

Have an update for you all and its good news! This issue has been resolved and players impacted will have received the Inferno pack. If you believe you are still impacted by this issue please reach out to our player support team.

Some of you all have reached out and confirmed that Inferno was back, but his challenges weren't! We're looking into it, that's definitely not expected behavior. We're on this!


Originally posted by LoicDoesNotCare

Test this : “AutofireAcquisitionDelay”: 0.200

Better yet how about tuning up the “AutofireCooldown”: 0.0 that you already built in the code just in case people really got too upset ?

Explain what the “testing” consists of exactly ? Because the way it looks to me, you guys made it extremely practical to adjust. So what will you test since you already have everything in the code ?

Testing takes into consideration lots of aspects from the everyday player to the competitive players. We have to take this into account when making adjustments and properly test any value changes in a variety of ways.

Some test include the community issue of the "sweeping" motion that players have spoken about where moving the screen left to right will lead to a "non-human" type of shot.

We're not going to rush out changes that can cause issues just by changing a number. We also have to think about how these values affect potential future items we introduce into the game.


Hey Folks,

Have an update for you all and its good news! This issue has been resolved and players impacted will have received the Inferno pack. If you believe you are still impacted by this issue please reach out to our player support team.


We have not forgotten about auto fire. It is still an area we are looking at. The teams focus has been on areas of improvement for crashes and other game impacting issues. While we were not able to stick to our plan of auto fire adjustments in Season 8 our goal is to still make changes to auto fire when we have sufficient testing time for this feature.

02 May


Originally posted by Slinky621

Well, that's a quick fix.

How about fixing the chug jug glitch?

If you are speaking about the issue where the Chug Jug goes off and you do not get health/shield benefits, this should be resolved in next weeks patch.

Hey Folks,

We want to address a concern that has been brought up regarding Shadow Bombs. We received a report that if a player was eliminated under the effect of the Shadow Bomb that they would keep invisibility and all movement buffs when they respawn. This issue is only occurring in modes that had respawns enabled, such as Team Rumble.

However, if you're experiencing or observing this happening in other non-respawn modes or tournament modes please let us know!

External link →

Thanks for reporting this along with the video. We are currently investigating this issue and will update everyone when we have more information.

Experiencing an issue? Help us resolve it by providing the information requested below in the comments.

When reporting issues please include:

  • Description of the issue
  • Account Name (optional)
  • Device
  • Link to video or images
  • Include details on when this issue started happening
  • Any additional details, such as how to reproduce it.

Also, remember to report any issues in-game using the Feedback button.

How to use the in-game Feedback report system:

  • While in-game, open the Options menu
  • Navigate to the Feedback Button
  • Create a Bug report to provide us with logs of the issue

A few known issues in v8.51

  • Weapon Icon is not displaying on the Hot Bar
  • Graphic settings have been lowered on certain devices
    • This is intended and was poorly communicated by on our part, apologies for t...
Read more External link →

Originally posted by airplaneconvos

it fixed it. i didn’t know that fazing was an option, sorry for the confusion!

Thank Jeff he knew what the issue was right away!


Originally posted by airplaneconvos

it happened after i threw and flew through a smoke grenade, i tried it again just now but i didn’t get the bug so i’m not sure what it could be.

You hit faze, which lets you fly threw things. Pull out the phone while playing and click the faze button to fix it.

If you could try this and let me know if that resolved the issue that would be great!


Thanks for the video, I will be sure to pass this over to the team to investigate. Is there any additional information you can share on how this happened?


Thanks for the video, I will be sure to pass this over to the team to investigate. Is there any additional information you can share on how this happened?


Originally posted by oopsiedoopsie23

Patch size for ios?

Mobile patch sizes are:

> iOS 233.12 MB- 243.19 MB

> Android 142.22 MB- 152.40 MB