

17 Apr


Originally posted by LoicDoesNotCare

I’m sorry but is this an infinite extension or does it have a deadline ? If this is not the reason, why not let us know what the reason is ? All I see is a prepared statement you copy pasted from a previous answer to my question the past week.

The extension is ongoing while we work with Apple to meet their requirements. Apple has its own policy and guidelines when it comes to certification, that includes an up to 48-hour review process.

We’ve resolved the issues preventing players on iOS from being able to download the v8.40 update.

External link →

Originally posted by moreno03

This is not the reason for the certification delay. Apple has allowed developers to file for an extension to continue to use our previous SDK. The information can be found here: under the Understand changes in memory accounting section.


This is not the reason for the certification delay. Apple has allowed developers to file for an extension to continue to use our previous SDK. The information can be found here: under the Understand changes in memory accounting section.

16 Apr

Hit your mark! 🎯

Downtime for the v8.40 update starts tomorrow, April 17 at 5AM ET(0900 UTC).

External link →

15 Apr

We’re aware of visual issue that is currently affecting the events tab on the Mobile platform. This is only a visual issue and selecting Event Details will display the correct information for the event. We’re currently investigating this issue and will keep you updated.

External link →

14 Apr

We’re aware of an issue that is causing some players in Save The World to receive an error when trying to complete the Hidden Stash quest. We’re currently investigating this issue and will update you when we have more information. If you are currently experiencing this issue please report it under the feedback system in game and feel DM me your player name or post below.


We've resolved an issue for players in Save The World who were receiving an error when trying to complete the Hidden Stash quest. If you’re still unable to complete this quest please let us know below.

External link →

Originally posted by kfox180

I have the same thing how do I contact them

Can you DM me your IGN KFox180?


Originally posted by [deleted]


Check DM's please.


Hey u/Dublador has this issue been resolved for you yet?

We've released an update to the store to resolve an issue with the Birdie Outfit being incorrectly priced at 1200 V-Bucks. The correct price is 800 V-Bucks. If you previously purchased the Birdie Outfit we'll be awarding players compensation for the difference soon.

External link →

13 Apr


Originally posted by kindredcashew98

That’s good! Thanks epic, also do you have any idea when the closing date for custom LTMs is?

If you are speaking about the LTM Creator Contest it is currently over.

We’re aware of an issue in Creative when loading into Sand bar island that doesn’t allow players to use the phone tool or any item. The workaround for this issue is to open the menu and respawn, once respawned players will be able to use the phone tool and items once again.

External link →

Today's store refresh had the incorrect Sun Sprout Back Bling paired with the Hypernova Outfit. We'll be granting anyone who purchased the Hypernova Outfit today the correct Oscilloscope Back Bling. Anyone who purchased the Hypernova Outfit today with the incorrect Sun Sprout Back Bling will still get to keep that item.

EDIT: We've updated the store to now display the correct Oscilloscope Back Bling with the Hypernova Outfit. Players who received the Sun Sprout Back Bling will be granted the Oscilloscope Back Bling in the next few days.

External link →

12 Apr


Originally posted by GaiaOmega

Please please PLEASE, look into the audio. Emotes are cutting out, even music themes on the lobby cut out aswell, and the entire audio is possibly broken.

Random directions of footsteps stop playing suddenly, enemy gliders aren't being heard half of the time now and it's just a bit of a mess. Please focus on the audio on the Switch if you can. I experience these audio issues daily.

We're aware of the audio issues on emotes, music, etc.. We're looking to have these audio issues resolved as soon as we can.


Originally posted by FieryPotato42

No love for mobile :(

We've done several mobile post from the State of Development, to issue post just like this for the Switch. I also look at the mobile subreddit where you can post and ask questions on mobile.


Originally posted by Jeff03blue_Instinct

So your looking into controller drift, are you going to add the dead zone adjustment option for gamepad sticks to the Nintendo Switch?

Is there a reason it was excluded, can you say?

  • Don’t want to have to bug you about it if there is a reason you could not add it.

It is something I can ask the team about, but I do not have an answer at this time.


Originally posted by ecco240p

It’s great to know you guys still care about this platform. It’s all I can play on at the moment. Are there any plans for performance updates besides the POI rendering, though? I get some pretty massive FPS dips in combat, especially with a lot of building.

Optimization is an aspect of the game that is always looked at on all platforms, including the Switch. I can say that we are aware of the current performance concerns stated by players like yourself in the community and looking into it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


This was just related to the Switch platform and some of its current issues. If you have any feedback about the Switch feel free to leave a comment and we can look into it.