

17 Jan

We have released a hotfix to resolve FPS drops when entering building mode. Players will not be required to update, you will pick it up next time you return to the lobby.

External link →

16 Jan


Originally posted by SuckMeVeerski

Explanation: Holding an edit from pre-game lobby to the island makes it unable to shoot for the entire duration of the game.

Evidence: Try it yourself

If replicable, how: Hold an edit from pre-game lobby and don't confirm it.

Platform: PC

Thank you for the feedback! If this happens again to you would you mind reporting it in game with the title "Unable to shoot" and send me your user name we can get your player logs and investigate further, thanks for the help!

10 Jan


Originally posted by AeroTheManiac

For the sake of context, I am an avid Fortnite Switch player and have played since its release on June 12, 2018. I have spent $450 USD so far and plan to continue. I have just hit 900 hours played on the game, so I have spent a lot of time enjoying this game. Coming from an ex-CoD Wii player, I know what it feels like to be truly abandoned by a gaming company. So I want to start off by saying this is not the case here, and Epic Games is the most responsive and openly accessible gaming company I've ever seen. I love how easy it is to interact with them and give them feedback that actually results in changes. You guys are awesome.

That being said, The Switch version is obviously isn't their top priority and it shows. Below is a list of things that are Switch specific and need to be fixed. It's definitely more important to get the major ones. Please feel free to add to this list for any ones that I missed out on.

-Default City-
I'd es...

Read more

Just wanted to let all the Fortnite Switch players know a couple of things. All of the above issues and more have been reported and are known to the team. While I do not have a time frame to say when these issues will be fixed, they are actively being worked on. Also for Switch players, posting in r/FortNiteMobile is allowed so feel free to post your feedback in that sub as well!

09 Jan


Originally posted by supRAS99

It happens really often. Especially in the lobby you can realize it by activating streamer mode and throwing tomatos at defaults. In the feed it will often say a skin which is just not loaded and thats why its always a ramirez default.

If you see this happen while in game please report it under the Feedback button in the game menu. Then please see if you are able to save/share the replay file with myself so I can send it over to the team. The report helps us gather your player logs for information about the issue.


Hey u/scotty_26 would you mind sending me a direct message about this? There are similar reports on other platforms and would like to see about getting your replay file sent over to our team to look further into it.

04 Jan


Originally posted by Huntcaller

Humor isn't really what I think of when I see this. It's tragic really. I've been tolerating the Switch port mostly because I can play it on the train and when someone else wants to use the TV, but I'm getting really fed up with the music cutting out on the emotes and the new glider, along with the situation posted here. u/FreighttrainUSA u/DustyDevo u/MrPopoTFS

All of the above and other Switch issues have been reported. I have also added some of the top issues to our Trello board for tracking purposes.

19 Dec

We've just released a server fix that addresses issues with long loading times and degraded server performance. These problems should be resolved over the next couple of hours.

External link →

13 Dec


Success! The issue preventing mobile players from logging in has been resolved.

12 Dec

We've fixed an issue that was causing the Infinity Blade to grant +100 HP on elimination in Explorer Pop-Up Cup, rather than +50 HP. Eliminations with the Infinity Blade in the Explorer Pop-Up Cup will now only grant +50 HP.

External link →

11 Dec

We’re aware of a couple of issues currently affecting the Infinity Blade.

  • Loss of HUD after using the Infinity Blade

    • Workaround: Go into any game mode then > Settings > gear > HUD > turn Quickbar: On
  • Repeatedly perform the swinging animation for a short period of time, without ever fully completing the animation.

If you experience either of these issues, please submit a bug report by using the Feedback button located in the Options. Additionally, please leave your in-game name and platform below in the comments.

Track other known issues on our ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by sinkiez

Picked it up the first match i dropped in, got 9 kills. Great.

Now I can't see my inventory unless I press Alt. This is every match now. Cant see my ammo, my loadout, how many rounds I have left. Fix this BUNNY before you put out another outfit on the store ya COOL FELLOWS.

Edit: I just uninstalled the game and reinstalled it but its still not showing my damn loadtout. Wtf do I do now? Where are my settings saved (on a server or local?) If I uninstall Fortnite, are there any leftover files still on there?

Edit2: In a state of panic and dread, I found a fix. I'm going to just leave now and not explain how to fix it...

Just kidding. They added a Hud tab in the Game Options page (the one with the gear). I just frantically switched them all off and on. Now I can see my loadout as normal.

Edit3: The HUD tab is only accessible in game and not in the lobby.

Hey Folks,

Just wanted to inform you all that we are aware of the issue and we have a current workaround available for players to view on our Trello board

07 Dec


Originally posted by MrPopoTFS

We’re aware of an increase in crashes for PC and Nintendo Switch players.

We’re investigating this and are working towards a fix.


Switch crashes have been resolved. Jump back into the Season 7 action.

06 Dec


Originally posted by MrPopoTFS

Players may notice a higher ping or that they're being placed in an incorrect region for matchmaking. We're actively investigating this issue.

A potential workaround is to manually set your Matchmaking Region in Options to your preferred area.

Update 1PM ET - At this time we believe this issue to primarily be affecting PS4 players. If you are on a different platform and believe you are affected by this issue, then please leave your Ingame name, platform, and preferred region below in the comments.

Hey All,

I have one more thing to add. If you are able to list the normal ping and what you are currently seeing it would be helpful as we work to fix this issue.


Originally posted by xScorb

i have packet loss... 30% only in fortnite... and ping 30-300 and i play on pc. Region: Eu

What is your username?


Originally posted by xFlyghts

Who on earth thought this addition was a good idea? It keeps f**king up my aim and getting me killed, and I can’t find an option to turn it off!

What device are you on? I have checked the location on one of our devices and I see it is under the in-game settings tab at the very bottom.

02 Dec


Originally posted by RockyX69

Thanks for the vote and continued support for Fortnite!

26 Nov


Originally posted by Huntcaller

It’s absolutely infuriating seeing absolutely NOTHING from Epic on this. I’ve been harassing u/FreightTrainUSA since he/she randomly responded to ONE Switch post, but other then “please provide videos”, which they took out of the Switch version, there hasn’t been a word on the problems we repeatedly brought to their attention. Nothing on their Trello, no replies, nothing.

All the feedback and videos are in my report, this has been submitted from the thread you are speaking about. We are having discussions about the Switch and how our Trello board will reflect the Switch. I understand the frustration, but fixes take time.

Thank you for being a passionate player and sending me the feedback that I was able to gather.


Originally posted by progressivemotion this a glitch i use ro run into all the time were i couldnt swing my ax or shoot untill ibpicked up and drop something. The extreme lag i experience afterwards was the first time i have experience that. This is what the game plays like always at the start of the match and if there is intense building going on. this is the worse lag in the game at tilted at the start of the match.
My game use to never do this befoee the fortnitemares update. Sqauds always ran kind of bad but solos feet like it was almost perfect. And if it matters i use motion controls. Which btw i noticed the building multipler does not increase the motin controls build speed. Thanks for your time and have a good night/day

I have reviewed all of this and included it into my report. Thank you for the feedback.

21 Nov


Originally posted by SweetPlane

So me and friend play mobile from time to time and we will always keep getting killed by pc or console players.

Mobile players join mobile only lobbies. The only time cross-platform happens is if one of the players in the party is on another platform.