

20 May


Originally posted by crash8308

Corsair scimitar and Logitech G910. I play FPS and other games and don’t have the same issues. It’s a response problem with the game itself.

I hear that Windowed Fullscreen in native resolution will fix it.

19 May


Did you take turns being Snowwhite?

18 May


This community keeps raising the bar for creativity. LEGO mineheads, glyphids, and Mollys, 3D printed mugs, boolo cap hats, fantastic artwork. and now THIS?

You miners make it easy getting up and going to work in the morning to work from home every morning for this Community Manager. <3


You have called down a resupply before, right? Just wanted to make sure you got all the mechanics right - hopefully it’s just the angle and having to dig it out, that is confusing.


This post is now about Mark from QA.

15 May

14 May


I feel like I owe you some keys for the DLC.


Originally posted by EmotionalCrit

Can you spare any details at all about the new mission types you want to implement post-1.0? I know you said it was first priority after launch and I've been very excited for it.

You made it before I locked it. Please post in the thread on /r/games


Originally posted by SzotyMAG

It is to raise awareness that tomorrow there will be a large influx of new players. This post is mainly for people like me who would go out of their way to help new players but didn't realize tomorrow is the launch day and didn't prepare themselves yet. I only decided to join some lone players in haz 2-3 after someone told me "bro, tomorrow is launch day"



Originally posted by AxisKronos

u/GSG_Jacob you guys see this yet? seems to be flying under the radar as far as i'm aware.

Yes, it dodged the fix we applied.

12 May


Coffee House?


You got yourself up there, you can get yourself down.

11 May


Originally posted by GryphonKingBros

They used to do Community Updates where they'd show off awesome community content, but stopped at the beginning of May last year. I specifically bring this up because a shitpost I made a year ago that DID NOT deserve such an honorable regard, hell such A COMMENDATION, was approved and requested to be shared by u/GSG_Jacob (and that's why he's my favorite developer).

That was a pretty good sh*tpost. :D

Yeah, got sidetracked from doing the community updates - hoping there's room to start again after 1.0.