Make sure to credit OP for the idea, ROCK AND STONE!
Then it wouldn’t be stealing, would it?!?
Make sure to credit OP for the idea, ROCK AND STONE!
Then it wouldn’t be stealing, would it?!?
Nice! Let us know how you like it!
I’m stealing this idea for a video.
god bless any community manager dealing with them
GL team
Do I detect sarcasm and disappointment?
No? What made you go to a post that’s almost a year old to write that?
Now, this is why I get up in the morning!
It’s a wonderful mechanic and I wish more games had something like it. Anything planned in the future for end game people like myself who have all OCs and current cosmetics etc by any chance? If not it’s all good I still love the game.
No plans, no. We’ve specifically designed the season pass to not induce FOMO. If you want to feel the thrill of it, the best I can do is say that the content in a seasons will be slightly modified once it’s over to be able to coexist with new content, so if you want to have the full experience, play it while it’s fresh. And of course, holiday event cosmetics needs to be claimed during the event or you’ll have to wait a year.
What is FOMO?
It's a mechanic that preys on you not wanting to miss a certain thing because it's limited in availability. You might not want it or need it, but what if you want it tomorrow? Then it's gone. You're missing out!
The post was locked with a message because there needed to be clarification on it. There are pros and cons to doing so, but I feel it's the current best way to put light on the issues that have been poking their head out, and a chance for us to learn and hopefully do better.
I've also realized that we've reached a size where these things happen more and more, and I'll take it up with the team to see what measures we can take to make them happen less. Whether it's a stricter ruleset on the type of posts and content allowed, and/or heavier moderation with more moderators, or something completely different, I don't know... but the goal is to have a subreddit where people can coexist without throwing slurs at each other or seeing inappropriate content. Not everyone will like this, but it's a better alternative to having this amount of toxicity in the subreddit.
I will also lock this thread and leave it up (after taking a flamethrower to the comment section). Please note...
Read moreI’ve been notified that there’s some bad themes here that I missed at first glance, and looking at it again, I see them. That’s on me. The discussion has also derailed completely, so locking the thread.
So, you're okay with endorsing a rape joke, but you're not okay with racism.
No, and you’re right, there’s layers of that comic, I didn’t realize was there originally, and that’s also not okay.
get rid of brighter objects you cheater
Go love some leaves, Leon. Basically the jannies of this subreddit (specifically u/GSG_Jacob) have no sense of humour and get salty over a classic meme
Enjoy the meme all you want, but there’s plenty of historical use and context as to why it is inappropriate.
Joe, expertly straddling the line between funny and inappropriate as usual.
He’s not so much straddling it, but more zigzagging across it at high speed.
Wait, so why do you get to cuss? Oh right, UNLIMITED POWER!!!!
What are you even on about?
You should probably look into the history of the meme. It’s loaded with racist implications and have been used as such a lot. Thread locked.
People are free to think that they will. Not having female dwarves in DRG is our own fault. It's something we wanted to do, but we also managed to dev ourselves into a corner where it's going to be a huge task to get all the game systems working with a new character model + recording years, and several updates worth of voice lines.
It sucks, but that's where we are now. We have chosen not to take the easy way out and fall back on explanations such as female and male dwarves being indistinguishable from each other...
However, feel free to use whatever headcanon you like. It's your game too.
Also, locking the comments since people are getting out of line. Will be back later with a hammer.
"I know this post is going to get deleted"
It's not. Your response and post is fair. Like someone else mentioned, the Discord is 400k members, and it's hard to communicate everything that's happening all of the time. You should have been warned first - not sure if you were, but it's sometimes also easy to miss. I've removed your ban, and you're welcome back on the server.
Note to others: This is how you do a ban appeal. Calm and level headed.