

07 Jan


Originally posted by selganar

#KRKL sent my sides to orbit

They wear Costco merch everyday no meme. Committed to the bit


Originally posted by RiotSakaar

I don't know if we have any "current" challengers, but I know for sure we have some current GMs and some past challengers.

Unsure about who the highest rank is!

We have one current Challenger who works with Riot

(They approved me posting them here)

06 Jan


Originally posted by RiotMeddler

It kinda is.To the best of my knowledge those were only ever given to the League dev team and some associated other teams at Riot.

Yep I just checked my jacket in the closet and it matches. Internal swag from the 2021 Coven skinline release.

05 Jan


Can't speak to your specific example but the vast majority of players don't tailor their runes to the specific matchup or situation, and rune recommender ends up doing most of the work for most players. High elo players are much more likely to modify their rune page between each game as well as select more "optimal" choices. Often these optimal choices also require extra effort (weaving in attacks in lane for constant Aery procs for example) that most players either don't want to do or simply would not be able to execute on successfully to the point that the rune selection would become optimal.

There is also just a bit of a different meta at different ranks, often influenced by a small handful of one-tricks or dedicated mains in high elo. In GM+ you might literally just be looking at one or two player's builds on certain champions.

11 Dec


Originally posted by ForestGuardian777

Other thing...I always get D- after a game no matter what and Challenges aren't showing up.

Yep we have a fix for that one coming soon. Nice catch


Originally posted by ForestGuardian777

The gold numbers are weird in the scoreboard

Yeah should be fixed in the next few days. Appreciate it


Originally posted by sidewayshorizon

Not a single person in my friend group enjoys the lack of champion select.

The description they have "play with friends with (riot forgot a word) different skill levels without the fear of falling too far behind" describes exactly what we were looking for. No part of that requires choosing runes before knowing matchups.

We should be the perfect group that this mode is made for. We play casually for fun without caring too much about winning, and some players are much lower skilled than others. Even the lowest ranked player wants to know their matchup before picking runes and summoners.

Quickplay failed because all it really was was a change to lobby / champion select that didn't actually improve quality of games, just got you in faster. Swiftplay already has sped up gameplay. We don't need to be skipping champion select so that we can get into a worse game a few minutes faster.

Appreciate the report about the missing word, will look into it


Swiftplay is now available to play on PBE. Swiftplay is a faster-paced game mode that includes changes to the standard ruleset for a faster pace of play. Check it out!

Bug Reports and feedback is greatly appreciated for everyone trying out this mode, let us know here!

External link →

05 Dec


Originally posted by gatoviudo1

Now that I think about it. Can riot buff Sion without fearing Baus? Is Sion Baus-jailed similar to other champs being pro-jailed?

We do not fear Baus directly but his playstyle and builds do tend to spread pretty fast. If they are degenerate play patterns (i.e. old inting Sion which I think is what prompted the structure damage nerf) that can cause it to be on our radar.

01 Dec


Originally posted by mystireon

is yuumi intended to buy boots..?

its intended to be a player choice, if it wasn't we would lock her out of buying them. Which is I suppose an option but not something we are actively exploring

27 Nov


Originally posted by FrankTheBoxMonster

About the Elixir restrictions thing:

Elixirs still replaced each other if you activated them. You could still have one of each in your inventory, but you couldn't have more than one of any individual Elixir in your inventory. It also didn't prevent you from rebuying an elixir that was already active

I suspect it was a leftover from the tested Endless Elixirs rune ("elixirs can be stacked and do not expire") requiring you to be limited to one of each Elixir type. Item exclusion rules like this are handled by assigning items to a "group", and one of the many features of a group is the ability to limit you to a set number of items from that group at once (usually just one).

However, groups can also have their limits overridden by scripts (this is how Cassio passive locks her out of boots, by setting her Boots limit to zero, as well as when Arena had an augment allowing any number of Mythic items, by setting the Mythic item group limit to six). I imagine Rio...

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Your theories on Elixirs are largely correct


Originally posted by gleenes

How does the new Ward runes works with Fiddlesticks passive? Like Deep Ward/Grisly Mementos

Fiddle gets swapped off of Deep Ward if he tries to take it. Grisly Mementos will reduce the CD on his effigy


Originally posted by bluehatgamingNXE

Bug: Inconsistence proccing of Bloodletter's Curse

As far as I know, these can grant stacks while they are not supposed to, according to the gray clarifying text (haven't tested imperial mandate yet cause all my friends are asleep so I can't try):

Comet (weirdly enough, only proc when you are outside of like 800 range based of my eyeballing)
Luden's Companion (but only if there is a champion nearby the original target)
Press the attack's 3rd hit
Lethal tempo maxed stack
Shield bash
Dark Harvest

And aside from that, Teemo shroom DoT cannot proc it. Idk about other champions tho

We'll look into it, thank you


Originally posted by -NotQuiteLoaded-

Bug: Mac cannot launch games - play button is greyed out saying "vanguard session initializing"

Should be fixed whenever PBE next deploys, which should be tomorrow


Originally posted by Meitser

Bug: Cant Teleport, Spawn Dummies or do anything that need to be "placed" in practice tool

Did you load in like this or did you do something beforehand to get into this state?

26 Nov


Originally posted by GrumpyShisa

Is there anything planned to yuumi? She don't buy boots at all, will be cool if she gains some unique buff like heal/shield power to compensate.

I believe Cassiopeia is getting some compensation. Yuumi I do not believe we currently have plans though since Yuumi not buying boots is a player choice.


Originally posted by gaenakyrivi

BUG: new sorcery rune doesn’t work on Karma RQ or RE. But works on her RW healing so i assume it’s intended to work on her. would like a fix before live as karma would enjoy this rune.

Good to know, we'll make a ticket and look into it. Thank you for the report


Originally posted by _rascal3717

Bug: Stuck in practice tool. Pressing the "win the game" button does nothing. Steps to recreate: Start a practice tool match. Click "Reset Game". Turrets, Nexuses, Shops, and Minions are gone. Nothing loads except your champion and the map. 

Only way to leave is to hit Escape and press "Exit Game".

Yeah gonna be like probably until the next deploy, sorry about that. Either use that workaround or just avoid using the Reset Game button for now.


Originally posted by Infinite_Delusion

That should probably go into the Viktor feedback thread, not this one

^ We do not work on Viktor


The various new features of Season One are available to play now on PBE.

Any and all feedback and bug reports are appreciated, tell us here! Now get out there and try everything out!

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