

15 Feb


Originally posted by rarehugs

Her E is bugged to the point it randomly just goes on CD. (video credit: badmarch)

This is a game breaking bug that makes her ult combo wildly unreliable. Before you touch anything else on live can you please fix this and the passive aa bug?

hmm hard to gleam anything off the video. I'll look at the scripts to see if theres anything obvious


Originally posted by lolgriffin1

Youre the goat for fixing it that fast lol. Ill make a video right now explaining and reproducing and send it. I have sooo many clips of it happening in game but i still dont really know why it happens. So i will go into practice tool to reproduce it in a more controlled environment

If I had to guess it has to do with things getting weird when she has high attack speed but yeah no worries, thanks for the help and the video


Originally posted by NL_Sloth

I just found out about this and you're taking it from me?

You have like 1 month to enjoy, make it happen


Originally posted by lolgriffin1

Yeah i should have clips on my computer ill send them in about 30min

Think I fixed the E not dashing over walls one, but wasn't able to reproduce the attacks being weird.


Originally posted by lolgriffin1

Wait every high elo diana player i know utilizes this in their gameplay, i guarantee you if you change it her win rate will drop. We use it for clear speed (passive reset) and ganking/teamfight mobility. Is there a reason this shouldnt be allowed to be a mechanic? Well, if this is gonna be fixed could i request other diana bugs to be fixed or looked at: diana passive has had a bug for past couple years that her passive doesn't always proc on 3rd auto, often (very often) it will proc on 4th auto and then 2 autos after that, which makes smiting objectives very inconsistent. Diana e will sometimes not follow over walls if an enemy is close to a wall even if there is enough room for her to follow over. Also a QoL change if this is gonna be removed for her e would be nice to have an instant reset instead of .5 sec cd, makes engaging really hard and clunky. She has been 47% wr or lower (as low as 45%) for the past year and a half we diana mains struggling out here

Also any additional information or clips you can provide me for the other bugs you mentioned would help a lot


Originally posted by lolgriffin1

Wait every high elo diana player i know utilizes this in their gameplay, i guarantee you if you change it her win rate will drop. We use it for clear speed (passive reset) and ganking/teamfight mobility. Is there a reason this shouldnt be allowed to be a mechanic? Well, if this is gonna be fixed could i request other diana bugs to be fixed or looked at: diana passive has had a bug for past couple years that her passive doesn't always proc on 3rd auto, often (very often) it will proc on 4th auto and then 2 autos after that, which makes smiting objectives very inconsistent. Diana e will sometimes not follow over walls if an enemy is close to a wall even if there is enough room for her to follow over. Also a QoL change if this is gonna be removed for her e would be nice to have an instant reset instead of .5 sec cd, makes engaging really hard and clunky. She has been 47% wr or lower (as low as 45%) for the past year and a half we diana mains struggling out here

I can believe her winrate might drop, if thats the case we will buff her for sure. The Q forgiveness window where you still get an E reset even if you use it before Q lands is meant to be a helper if you make a mistake not a mechanic to be optimized (to be clear the Q forgiveness thing will still be there, but not the bug where it doesnt clear the mark on all enemies hit). I'm open to look at the other bugs


Originally posted by DanielDKXD

Yeah this should be removed, but i highly doubt riot is going to fix this bug any time soon lol

Ill try for a fix in 14.5

04 Feb


Skill issue. In reality we'll take a look, this one has been around for a bit. Pretty sure corki is overflowing his movespeed somehow so he isn't "teleporting", hes just running from one point to another with like, 1 million move speed or something.

31 Jan


Originally posted by programV

Phreak is whatever the people wants him to be, apparently.

A pretty pog guy

30 Jan


Originally posted by brownierisker

On the other hand, if they consider this a 'buff', how many characters are lowkey OP but with people just outright buying the wrong items constantly? Seems like this season item recommendations are a complete mess, personally noticed especially Kraken Slayer, Sundered Sky and Triforce not being recommended even on champs where they're easily the best items atm

if everyone itemized optimally the game literally completely flips on its head

26 Jan


Originally posted by Eightfortyfive845

Q: advice for azir vs orianna match up?

Faker: hit the skill shot accurately, and dodge well.

Got it.

Challenger here I come

25 Jan


Originally posted by zane314

Is there a way to set a hotkey for these new buttons? They don't seem to show up in the hotkey preferences.
My main want here is being able to set silence on an enemy bot because I want to test pure AA damage in certain builds, and currently it only assigns status to myself.

Not yet. We'll try to get around to it, but its tedious engineering work that isnt really the highest priority compared to other issues. I'll make sure we don't forget about it!

24 Jan


Originally posted by FeelsPepegaMan

Could you please look into the practice tool UI with left-sided minimap? Covers the lower buttons

hmmm seems wrong. I can take a look

23 Jan


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

Updating Practice Tool to work with some of the new features introduced in 14.1 alongside a few additional changes:

Button added to spawn Voidgrubs and Jungle Monsters

Button added to create a Spell Shield on your Target

Button added to copy your Inventory to your Target

Button added to cycle between various CC Effects on your champion

Reset Game now sets the game times to 0:00 in order to help with timing jungle clears

Fixed a bug that caused Reset Game to use the incorrect icon

Thank you riot!

I worked on this one (with help of course), glad its helpful. Open to more ideas for simple things that can be done with practice tool buttons

19 Jan


Sorry about this one. We updated the AD amount in a micropatch (which we cant change text in because it has to get manually localized into every locale), then we weren't able to get it into 14.2 because the deadline for text changes was around the same time. Should be fixed in 14.3

18 Jan

17 Jan


Originally posted by _Richter_Belmont_

Can we get an improved practice tool?

As someone who comes from competitive fighting games, it's frustrating to not be able to appropriately "lab" situations out.

I think being able to copy items onto a dummy is already a massive first step, but I would like at least a couple more things if possible:

- Can we be able to set specific hp, armor, and mr values on dummies? The issue I find when testing, especially on champs with hybrid damage like Shyvana, is that AR and MR values always must be the same, but in reality at base values MR is usually around a bit more than half that of armor. So I feel it throws the numbers off a bit.

- Can we make dummies "killable" and be able to view combat stats on them afterwards? So thing like time in combat, damage breakdown, CC breakdown, basically the stats you can see after dying in an actual game

- Can we be able to change runes and sums without exiting the game? Would also be nice if we could de-level

Read more

We've got four new buttons coming in 14.2, and I and the team are open to adding more. None of them are what you specifically requested here, but those are some good suggestions Ill take notes on. Generally this stuff is actually pretty difficult to add (while sticking to our strict bars on quality) but we are open to doing more in the future.

11 Jan


Originally posted by JuicyGooseOnTheLoose

Patch 14.10 mid-season update: Yasuo has passed away from a heart attack

too many mcDorans


Originally posted by endstep

Hey, that's me!

I'd be happy to make more videos if people are interested (probably shorter ones though), but I found myself in a weird spot on the Seasonal pod where we don't ship content very often so I don't have frequent content drops to talk to players about in the same way that the Live pod does (e.g. Phreak) or like I did when I was on Wild Rift, so I'm not sure what kind of topics/discussion/thoughts people would want to hear. Besides talking about new patches, are there topics people have in mind?

You have no idea how long this guy wanted amp tome to be 400 gold. Literally years. He talked about it before he was a designer. Thats dedication right there

10 Jan


Originally posted by SailorMint

Item stat filters are manually added AFAIK.

Yeah its tedious. Ill go through these ones