

23 Apr


Originally posted by go4ino

What makes kled HP so finicky? Surprised it would be harder to deal with than viego / sylas

The whole mount/remount this is very fragile and prone to issues especially when interacting with other systems that touch hp


Originally posted by arter01

I remember reading a dev blog when sylas first came out that one of the core parts of scripting his ult was that the team didn’t want to add any extra work to have it interact properly with new ults that came out. The team mentioned that they had to change a lot of stuff in the engine to make sure this was the case. Has that changed? Or is this just another case of tech debt as the software gets bigger and bigger?

tldr: tech debt.

But Sylas and Viego aren't too bad tbh. Its definitely not hitting that lofty goal of "never have to think about it again" but Sylas almost always works if you just set up the spell properly. Viego often requires a bit more work to make sure all the nuances of a kit are functional but its not too bad all things considered.

Worse examples of tech debt are probably Kled's HP, Morde R, or Ornn P.

11 Apr


Thanks for your service Packman. Waka Waka

08 Apr


Originally posted by Consolo2001

delete this before an employee sees


07 Apr


Originally posted by TheBluestMan

Orianna is the answer.

Based and Clockwork pilled

03 Apr



20 Mar


Originally posted by JTHousek1

Riot kinda uses bug to be all-encompassing even though this likely falls under oversight

I mean yeah bug is just a make believe word essentially. We decide what and what isn't a bug and that might change over time or from person to person. Generally bug means "unintentional" in some way shape or form.

14 Mar


Originally posted by QUINN_VALOR_VGU_WHEN

I once accidentally Q’d Valor into Yasuo’s wind wall. Haven’t seen him since nor have I been able to ult after the incident. You monster...

Valor scouted them for the last time...

12 Mar

07 Mar


Originally posted by medabots1996

Apparently Azir's passive tower creation was bugged, causing SFX and VFX to play repeatedly and sometimes crash the game. It was fixed in 14.5

It is definitely not this lol.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Happysappyclappy

Bug from the 14.5 changes

Testing out the changes and every now and then when doing the standard combo, set up two dummies, and every now and then, the second dummy would not take damage from the q, so i q, quickly e the first damage as you normally do when trying to do triple e, but the second dummy did not take damage at all.  No damage from the q on second target if u e to the first one prior to the qhitting the second target.

Read more

Do you have clips? I'll take a look

05 Mar


"Fixed a bug that caused Azir's passive tower creation SFX and VFX to play repeatedly upon spawning the tower."

End of an era


Phreak has gapped me by an entire tier I cant show my face at work anymore

16 Feb


Originally posted by mynameiscass1us

Can we fix the short magical journeys that sometimes happen with Bard? I mean, I know it's not a bug, but 2mm portals shouldn't happen. Either the spell or the wall hitbox should be fixed.

The best solution is probably to just have his E have a minimum distance so those kinda things cant happen


Originally posted by Drop_the_gun

This mechanic has been in the game since the rework I believe, so much so that I thought it wasn't a bug at all. So it's a bit surprising to see a Riot dev in these comments saying it was unintended.
So I'm sorry if it's an impertinent question, but if this was indeed a bug and unintended, how come it's a Reddit video that prompts the fix? Were you not aware? Or was it just something low prio, in which case it means that Reddit posts have an effect on fix priority? Again sorry if the question is uncomfortable, just trying to respectfully understand how the pipeline works there.

No one was aware from what I understand. Unfortunately theres a lot of things in our game that can break so its hard to know everything thats out there.


Originally posted by Boudynasr

ah alright thanks for reply, thought it was coming soon after I saw Phreak mentioning her in his video

Possibly/probably coming at some point but no timeline that I am aware of.


Originally posted by ptwilks

youre just fixing bugs you see on reddit?

when do we get talon E to stop bugging?



Originally posted by Boudynasr

unrelated question regarding Diana but are you also working on the "Battle mage" adjustment to her that Phreak announced coming to champions like Diana, Galio where they get rewarded for being more tanky?

Only thing I am aware of right now is a galio adjustment


Originally posted by lolgriffin1

its processing but here is a video showing what i think is buggy with diana, was really hard to reproduce in practice tool but i included some clips. looks like it primarily happens when moving between autos, could be another reason but thats what it looks like. also the dash one is really inconsistent, sometimes you will go over walls sometimes you wont

Neat thanks. Think I have a fix for the weird autos thing. I also asked the original designer and he's fine with us making the reset .25s instead of .5s. if it was instant it'd probably cause you to accidentally spam cast it twice so we still want some delay, but .25s should help it feel much more snappy compared to .5s.