

27 Jun


Originally posted by Caenen_

This revealing actually only got fixed for Lux E a little while (year or so) ago.

"Targeting" enemy units with single-target, area, pointblankAOE, or cone targeting type while the enemy team has no vision of you creates a reveal bubble on you at the start of the cast (when the engine-level targeting happens), unless the spell has this turned off with a parameter.

The actual "targeting area" for area and cone spells is typically NOT what's actually used by the spell script afterwards; It's just a leftover of a type of targeting that they never fixed to even work with cast times (so before they were each changed to just do this at script level, cone spells like Darius E would "find" their targets on cast start, and then affect them at the end of the cast time - wherever they went).

Anyway, since this whole emerging reveals stuff is super obscure and controlled by spell data that isn't directly maintained or ...

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maybe/definitely it's intended

22 Jun


Originally posted by kiwigamer0039

Hadn't considered other languages, that is an interesting thought

All of these types of references ("Yuumi" brings up Moonstone Renewer etc) are directly translated, but often probably won't make much sense in other languages unfortunately.

12 Jun


Originally posted by Gerap4

  • **Server:*ALL SERVERS EUNE/EUW/NA/OCE ect.*

  • **Type of Bug:*INGAME*

  • **Description:*Lulu ult doesn't cc if an enemy dash has been canceled*

  • **Video / Screenshot:*\*

  • **Steps to reproduce:*Cancel a incoming dash with Lulus ultimate*

  • **Expected result:*Dash is canceled enemy CANT move or cast abilities*

  • **Observed result:*Dash is canceled but enemy CAN move and cast abilities*

  • **Reproduction rate:*10/10 works with every dash in the game*

  • **System specs:*N/A*

Noted on your other post that this is fixed in 14.13


Originally posted by Gerap4

  • **Server:*ANY SERVER/EUW*

  • **Type of Bug:*INGAME*

  • **Description:*Lulu knockup is affected by tenacity*

  • **Video / Screenshot:*\*

  • **Steps to reproduce:*Buy tenacity> lulu ults > u dont get knocked up by the full duration*

  • **Expected result:*Be knocked up for 1 sec because its a knock up*

  • **Observed result:*Not knocked up for 1 sec because its affected by tenacity*

  • **Reproduction rate:*10/10*

  • **System specs:*N/A*

Both this and the other issue you posted are fixed in 14.13. Appreciate the report

06 Jun


Originally posted by WoonStruck

Any chance you guys will tune the mechanics in his kit that are barely noticeable in the vast majority of circumstances? Asking since you guys are finally looking at W's scaling and healing.

  • Empowered Q MS amount
  • Empowered Q MS duration
  • W MS
  • W slow
  • E self-slow which nobody experienced on Vlad ever actually utilizes, since it just turns the "grace period" of overcharging into a pure detriment that's more likely to just make you miss.

Also, considering how overly reliant he is on summoner spells, have you guys considered going the Annie approach and making R give him a burst of decaying MS or something? Especially since the only reason he's doing so poorly right now are the Ghost nerfs.

Even if the amounts are small they are still valuable as a part of the kit. If we changed those values its likely something would have to be removed or significantly reduced (such as damage) which I don't think Vlad players would be happy with


For 14.12 the Vlad bug will still be in. Ill fix in 14.13 and adjust his healing accordingly

29 May


Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

I see. So if the designers decide to re-add Ability Haste to Zhonya's Hourglass, Ornn's passive would automatically give less AP and Armor to make room for 333g worth of Ability Haste? Does that mean Ornn upgrades are going to end up with ugly numbers that aren't multiples of 5?

Yeah to your first point thats right. Pretty sure the numbers arent pretty yeah but they aren't like decimals. Im pretty sure you'll get numbers like 13 or 28 but not like 4.56.

If I remember right the system rounds down so you'll get like 988 gold worth of stats instead of 1014 gold if the math isnt perfect which it probably isnt for most items, but its the best we can do without doing super gross decimals and whatnot.


Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

I understand that it will handle things like Infinity Edge 65AD / Edge of Finality 95AD -> Infinity Edge 80AD / Edge of Finality left behind at 95AD. But how can it possibly handle changes where an item gains a stat it has never had before?

A bit unsure what you mean but basically the way this automation works is that we have set a gold amount for I think 7 stats that are mainstream, think AD, AP, HP, etc. So lets say that 1 gold = 10 HP or something. We make it so that for each mainstream stat you have, we split 1k gold worth of stats equally. If you only have 1 of the stats then you have 1k gold worth of that stat, if you have 2 they both have 500 gold worth etc. If you have none of those main stats (not currently possible but in case it were to become possible) then Ornn upgrading the item would add 1k gold worth of HP to the item.

If we change an items stats (whether thats balancing which shouldnt impact it or adding/removing stats) the upgrade system should just automatically detect and adjust to accommodate.


Originally posted by TheScyphozoa

This will 100% happen again the next time an item is reworked and has a stat removed or added.

The person you are responding to is right. We are moving to a new system that is designed to make these kinds of mistakes impossible. Right now its all manual, the new system will be automatic.

30 Apr


Not where I thought that was going lol

23 Apr


Originally posted by go4ino

What makes kled HP so finicky? Surprised it would be harder to deal with than viego / sylas

The whole mount/remount this is very fragile and prone to issues especially when interacting with other systems that touch hp


Originally posted by arter01

I remember reading a dev blog when sylas first came out that one of the core parts of scripting his ult was that the team didn’t want to add any extra work to have it interact properly with new ults that came out. The team mentioned that they had to change a lot of stuff in the engine to make sure this was the case. Has that changed? Or is this just another case of tech debt as the software gets bigger and bigger?

tldr: tech debt.

But Sylas and Viego aren't too bad tbh. Its definitely not hitting that lofty goal of "never have to think about it again" but Sylas almost always works if you just set up the spell properly. Viego often requires a bit more work to make sure all the nuances of a kit are functional but its not too bad all things considered.

Worse examples of tech debt are probably Kled's HP, Morde R, or Ornn P.

11 Apr


Thanks for your service Packman. Waka Waka

08 Apr


Originally posted by Consolo2001

delete this before an employee sees


07 Apr


Originally posted by TheBluestMan

Orianna is the answer.

Based and Clockwork pilled

03 Apr



20 Mar


Originally posted by JTHousek1

Riot kinda uses bug to be all-encompassing even though this likely falls under oversight

I mean yeah bug is just a make believe word essentially. We decide what and what isn't a bug and that might change over time or from person to person. Generally bug means "unintentional" in some way shape or form.

14 Mar


Originally posted by QUINN_VALOR_VGU_WHEN

I once accidentally Q’d Valor into Yasuo’s wind wall. Haven’t seen him since nor have I been able to ult after the incident. You monster...

Valor scouted them for the last time...

12 Mar