

13 Jun


Originally posted by DanielDKXD


Magic Damage: 250/350/450 (+90% AP) ⇒ 250/400/550 (+95% AP)

Okay cya in 13.22 when they buff it too 250/425/600 (+100% AP)

I buy 100% of my AP why do I not get to use it


Originally posted by Proxnite

He still owes me smart targeting on Noct’s E he promised like 9 patches ago and I even had his manager yell at him from across the office about it…….so I think I’m gonna have to resort to the nuclear option, writing a strongly worded email to his parents Mr. and Mrs. Riot.

One day on that Noc thing... But Wit's being 3200 is intended. Was a bug when it shipped but we decided to keep it that way. Looking to comm it in a more clear way somewhere

12 Jun


Originally posted by PhreakRiot

OMG is that legendary Viper main Altombre in my subreddit?

Who are you


Originally posted by Tirriss

So if I write a fanficton with Singed and Heimerdinger you would read it?

I did say everything...


Aside from AMAs, I feel like we do comment here and there. Its purely voluntary to engage on social media so you'll probably only see a select few people (especially the ones that engage often), but they are definitely there. One thing I will say is that we read EVERYTHING here, even if we don't comment on it.

09 Jun


Patch Notes was a mistake, the intended gold amount is 3200. Some internal miscommunication, sorry about that.

08 Jun


Originally posted by beamzuk96

Blizzard setting New York on fire, Riot creating salt infused drinks. Marketing is getting crazy.

Just wait until you start getting the urge to play Zoe and Lillia after you wake up in the morning

07 Jun


Originally posted by WoonStruck

What about adjusting clockwork wind-up stacks up or down to either make it more consistent/usuable, or allowing her passive to be a more relevant part of her kit that lasts past laning phase?

Damage could be adjusted as well to make it more mid-late game focused than early, since obviously some of her match-ups are already pretty polarized.

Could shake things up in a way where tankier AP builds and nashors are usable. If those become more standard, the AoE wombo nukes are less emphasized and it might even become easier to tune her.

Orianna is skewed towards the higher elo brackets, buffing her Passive runs the risk of skewing her towards those higher elos further.


Originally posted by Fatcat-hatbat

I’d prefer some smaller buffs to her w above a big ult buff tho. Or maybe a touch more range on her q. She needs more reliable damage.

Orianna is a tough one. She's got surprisingly few spots to buff that aren't either sacred (Ball Speed/Range/etc) or that skew her super hard one way or another. We also want to keep her core weaknesses intact which further limits our potential areas to buff that are still "exciting".

17 May


Ah my favorite Phreak, Patch Rundown!

04 May


Originally posted by Wiindsong

will this also include attack champion on move putting the red line around her as well?

Thats a separate issue but it'll also be fixed in 13.10


Originally posted by MattSerj

on god?

no cap fr fr


Originally posted by Gankgasm

Knowing Riot, this will be addressed in 12-18 months.

Fixed next patch

03 May


Originally posted by OldConny


Please copy the code from the New Emote Wheel into Alerts pings - the worst QoL change with new Alert Ping was: now, when you're playing on locked camera and u are going to ping anything (omw, danger etc) the camera stops on alert ping til u release it and it shouldnt work that way cuz its clunky and your champ is not in the center anymore - the ping is locking the screen. Thus in the new EMOTE wheel it all works perfectly now, you can hold it and choose ur emote and ur champ even tho is moving - is still in the centre. Hope u understand what Im trying to say.100% its not intentional cuz I remember people commenting on this after they updated a couple of months ago Alert Ping system (visually) and its bugged since then. Please guys, it has to be easy now with the new Emote system

Interesting. I'll take a look


Originally posted by Proxnite

GalaxySmash promised me smart targeting on Noct’s E so I stop fearing minions randomly when someone’s standing in a wave like 8 patches ago, can you please walk across the office and mildly inconvenience him for me?

You made him yell at me :(

30 Apr


Fun Fact: One of Camille's earliest names in-development was literally just "Diver" but it had to be changed because devs got confused by the name and thought we were making an underwater diver champion (sorta like Nautilus).

19 Apr


Originally posted by Oleandervine

Oh, well the quote from the Riot commenter above said she assumes the MS of a unit if it's slower than her. I presumed that meant she would become stationary, but I guess not.

Theres essentially a movespeed floor (read: minimum) in league. All units respect that floor, even generally immobile units.


Originally posted by Kronoshifter246

I'm not intimately familiar with Riot's code, but isn't it possible that these units have a move speed but just don't move?

They do indeed have a movespeed and even units that are generally immobile (such as wards) will be able to move, albeit slowly.

18 Apr


Hello All! Looking for reports of any feedback and/or bugs that are found on PBE for Neeko's changes. The full changelist can be found below:

Inherent Glamour (P):

[NEW]: When Neeko is near a non-epic monster, minion, trap, ward, or plant for two seconds she stores their Sho'ma. Neeko can click on her bar to become that unit. Click on Neeko's face to return to Neeko. Click on the little x to clear out that Sho'ma. Only one unit can be stored at a time.

[NEW]: Disguise no longer breaks on taking damage, only when the disguised self would have died or when you are crowd controlled.

[Adjusted]: Neeko no longer inherits base AS/MS from disguise target if that stat is higher than hers

Cooldown: max(((floor((N-1)/3))*-3)+25, 6) >>> 6 seconds

Blooming Burst (Q):

Secondary/Tertiary Pop Damage: 40/65/90/115/140 + 20% AP >>> 35/60/85/110/135 + 25% AP

[NEW] Explosions deal: 30/40/50/60/70 bonus damage to monsters


Read more External link →

Originally posted by spazzxxcc12

i like to imagine this was giving an invisible third team (minions) drake stat buffs

Just fyi there IS an invisible 3rd team. Jungle monsters and a few different units are on that team.