

13 Apr


Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

At the end of the day the question remains: why did the puzzles have to make up such a large part of the content when you knew from feedback going on years that it was a lot of player's least favorite thing to do in the game? That's where I get confused. Did it just become "too big to fail" , you guys were at a point of no return with it and it had to be the volume/quantity it is?

You want to appeal to players who enjoy looter shooters and games like Diablo,etc, but in hardly any of those games do you get met with the absolute emergency brake on the gameplay loop because youre busy looking for one last key or part of a puzzle in order to finish something up.

Some clarity: You're speaking on the topic still as though years of feedback were provided while we ignored it, so let's be very clear on this front: Early access was about 2 years total. We had multiple large updates that added or wildly changed core aspects of the game, because of further implementation of our core vision as well as the feedback to aid its development. We aimed to make a lot of handcrafted environments - landing at a little over 100 - and utilized a lot of healthy level design to help guide players from one point of interest to another. The expectation from the get-go isn't that players will do everything, but rather be pleasantly surprised when they stumble upon a secret that rewards them across an expansive game.

An observation: It sounds like you expect the game to be Diablo-only, but in space. This was never our aim, nor ever preached from us. Yes, there are aspects of Diablo, and Destiny - which we have stated - but there are also more aspects of F...

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Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

The problem is this feedback is nothing new. This has been brought up CONTINUALLY to Eric and Rockfish over the last 2-3 years probably just about every week on their streams and posted CONTINUALLY in forums throughout the same time span. And it just continually got shrugged off. It's not the time commitment that is the issue. Its that its NOT FUN and a huge momentum derailment of the game looking in every nook and cranny for the last part of the puzzle.

"If you don't like 'em, you don't have to do most of 'em! Goodness gravy!"

But they are such a big part of the game that if you dont do them, a huge chunk of the reward content goes away. Most importantly mainframe expansions. Something that important shouldn't be tied to something that mundane to do.

You're not wrong that the type of feedback isn't anything new, but the game has changed quite considerably over the years. Location secrets and challenges saw a world of adjustments across development because of this feedback. In fact, we doubled back on all secrets in our homestretch before launch, and made some tweaks and adjustments even then.

We received two types of feedback on this front, and we have had some rude, vocal users about this topic. We're not going to pretend that we can please everyone, nor that we can make every single secret super fun, engaging, and unique. But we're going to do our best, utilizing the feedback from our playerbase to get things to a better place.

Regarding the reward content: I can see your reasoning, and this was also something we adjusted over time because of feedback as well. We iterated on the attributes and how the Mainframe Expansions adjusted them accordingly. Our goal was to make little boosts to the player ...

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Originally posted by polloloco81

The frustration is also compounded with the crappy UI. If you fly the ship that has the special ability of summoning drones to fight with you, your HUD now shows icons for your drones with is totally unnecessary, then also showing 30 icons for salvage you can pick up to repair your drones. Why????

To be fair, the drone salvage is almost completely hidden from view so long as all your drones are active and at full health. Regardless, your point is taken.


Originally posted by Lucy_der_Antichrist

u/Giraffasaur_ regarding the geampass situation.
Is there an Update to the state of it?
On gamepass, there is version 0.11.33163.0 what would the full release Version be?
More importantly what are the Differences between theses Versions...less than 1% apart, but in what regards?
Patchstates? Quests? Loot? Dialouges? Cinematics? Story? Balancing?

tldr: is the difference between full releae and the gamepass release just technical or in content as well?

I know the wait is painful but I don't have more info to report yet, sorry! I do think we're close however, as the good news is no snags in certification have come up. I will make a new Reddit post when the update goes live.

The upcoming adjustments are almost entirely technical, with at least one placeholder (which is mostly complete even in the current version) that gets updated too. Nothing affects gameplay or save conditions.


Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. Your opinions are very much validated in here, and we're keeping an eye on how players are enjoying (or in this case, not enjoying) the varying aspects of EVERSPACE 2.

Some quick clarity: EVERSPACE 2 very much puts emphasis on space combat, but we also utilize open world exploration as well. It seems there's a disconnect here, like the game is supposed to be either one or the other, and can't be both...

Exploration in the game is definitely meant to have the player intentionally look around the handcrafted environments, instead of just a follow-the-dots mission design. Still, there are points of interests around varying environments to aid in this, some more obvious than others.

100% completing core areas should require the player to take time into this endeavor; it should not be a one-and-done routine that takes mere seconds. However, it also shouldn't slam a player's head against the wall for hours on end either. I ...

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10 Apr


Originally posted by KenDen86

Sadly, I cannot play the GamePass version due to DX12 crashing after 15ish minutes. The Steam demo, which the option is greyed out but set to DX11 is working fine.
I have uninstalled, re-installed and verified many times, but the render option is greyed out and stuck on DX12.
So unfortunately, I am having to miss out fully.

Dang, I'm sorry to hear this. This may be related to all the plugins breaking for the WinGDK. We've been trying to find some workarounds but to no avail at this time. Our friends at EngineSoft may need to rework them directly, and if/when they do, we will be pushing a hotfix asap.


Originally posted by Specific_Farm_6456

whats the built of the 99% version? is it: 0.11.33...?

will the 1.0 version have a working HDR implementation and working Dlss 2 or maybe even dlss 3?

The HDR experimental technology isn't something we can wholly develop further from our end; it is dependent on the user's system and settings. We have implemented it fully for UE4's capabilities, though we have seen it come up short for certain users.

Otherwise, all plugins are broken on WinGDK based on our development for XBox Seris S|X, which includes DLSS. Our friends from EngineSoft needed to rework them, but as soon as we are able to we will push a hotfix.

That said, we have no plans to include DLSS 3 at this time.

07 Apr


Originally posted by CptBadger


Could you please elaborate on what the status of DLSS on Gamepass is?
Is it already in or will it be available on the actual full 1.0 release?


Hey there, I just received word that all plugins seem broken on WinGDK, which includes DLSS. This is likely due to our work regarding XBox Series X|S. We will figure out if a solution is something we can push through as a hotfix, but unfortunately it would get pushed through after the actual 1.0. I'll follow-up when I have more info, sorry!

06 Apr


Originally posted by TendieFactory

Can't wait to play the full version on gamepass, really nice to see the devs answering questions. This is probably the funnest HOTAS supported game that I have played. It's the perfect balance between arcade and space sim (for me at least) good luck on the launch!

Thank you for the support, glad you're having a good time with it!


Originally posted by skyline385

Just to confirm, the 99% build will take a day for certification and the full 1.0 will be a week after on Gamepass then?

Yes, this is correct. And just recently, we got confirmation that Microsoft can expedite the troubles so I can absolutely confirm tomorrow it'll get through.

There won't be any save wiping or nonsense like that so I can assure our playerbase starting tomorrow will have a sound continuation into the full 100% release when it passes, too.


Originally posted by traden

Thanks for the reply. I'm glad you guys took the initiative to send an early build to game pass early knowing it would take time to be approved by Microsoft so that we wouldn't have to wait weeks for it. It's unfortunate that you guys are getting so much flak for this delay. I'm sure the wait will be worth it!

Hey, it's no worries! Hiccups happen, like it or not. Frustrations surrounding this Game Pass hiccup is valid, because it absolutely sucks (even if it's only a day delay), and is also why we're addressing the issues as quickly as possible.


Originally posted by RustyGB

I'm so sorry for the people that are giving you a hard time. I've played this game for months now. Restarted everytime there was a big change. Loved it all. I'm happy to wait for the full game whenever it happens. I have my priorities straight :)

Good luck guys. Hope it's a massive success x

Your support is appreciated, but no worries. There are always hiccups, and there are valid reasons for individuals to be disgruntled or upset. We are working quickly to address issues that rear their ugly heads as quickly as we can.


Originally posted by eurojjj19

So if I start playing right now on gamepass, will that progress carry over through tomorrow's update or will it get wiped with the update?

The current version right now can carry over, though I would personally recommend a fresh start tomorrow. We are not wiping anything.


Originally posted by TheStarCore

Why are we blaming Microsoft when it's the team who should have been more prepared in having the update ready?

We're not trying to blame anyone here, let's all take a step back.

We know certification takes a while, so we started this process before 1.0 was complete, instead of starting certification at the time of 1.0's full completion and have Game Pass users wait that week or two. This is why the version that was meant to get through the process at this time was a slightly pre-1.0 build, and why the true 1.0 release is coming in a week or two.

The unfortunate setback was discovered quite literally moments after launch, and we can't do anything about it other than wait. So, yeah, sucks...but at least it's only a day and not a couple weeks!


Originally posted by tekert

If this is going to take longer, can we get steam keys for the people who bought the game on microsoft store?

These are separate storefronts so we cannot take from one to give to the other. Sorry!


Originally posted by AlucardSX

Just to make this clear: when you say it will take a day for re-certification, you mean re-certification of the less-than-1%-away-from-full-release build, right? So we'll probably get this "0.99" build tomorrow, then the true 1.0 build in about a week? Not a big deal either way, just wanted to make sure I understand correctly.

Yes, you got this correct!


Originally posted by villamafia

Any idea when MacOS build will be complete?

Great question! Our full undivided attention is currently on MacOC right now. We're hoping not too long, but it's hard to say given all possible outliers. It's hard to give a specific time, though I would be surprised if it took longer than a few months.

I'm certain we'll make announcements as we make progress and have a more definitive timeframe.


Originally posted by traden

Sorry can you clarify, are you expecting the slightly older build to update tomorrow? I.e will I be able to play this weekend?

It appears the Game Pass build will be updated tomorrow, it's hard to say a specific time but we're hopeful it will be before it gets later in the day. Sorry about the delay, but thank you for your patience.


Originally posted by felikstayson

People got off work earlier to play today. You guys could have at least said sooner that there will be trouble :/

Truly, I am sorry you missed out on an opportunity here. Though please know, I sent that message regarding Game Pass within about 2 minutes of finding out about it.


Originally posted by bored-man

Any particular reason you guys removing comments? I think its fair statement to say im disappointed about Game Pass situation?

Goodness gravy, not fixed...trying to figure out what's going on here. I don't see any deleted messages. Was it in another post?