

29 Oct


Yessir, this was also replicated on Public Test 0.9.10.

The fix should be ready by 0.9.11 so bear with us!



Wow, I would definitely do a "check and repair" of the client as it looks like some game files might have gone south for the winter.

Also, if you're still running into going to warp speed, do a WGcheck report and shoot these screenshots over the Support team in a ticket.

Gives new meaning the term "Full Speed Ahead!".



I would start off by performing a "check and repair" of the client.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, run a WGcheck report and shoot it over to the Support team so they can have a look at what's happening.

The report will let the see where the issue lies whether it is client, hardware, or network related.




I can see that the most recent played filter isn't listing ships by that order from the screenshot.

I'll test it myself and send it up the chain if I can replicate it.

Thanks for the heads up!



Ahoy Fleet,

I've also tested this in various destroyers and haven't noticed anything wrong with the torpedo spread angles.

Try doing a check and repair of the client to see if any game files were incomplete or damaged during installation of the update.

If you're still experiencing the same behavior, create a WGcheck report and send it over to the Support team for review.

You might also want to attach a clip of the replay so the Support team can have context of the behavior.



Can you provide a screenshot of what you're referring to?

28 Oct


I've experienced this issue on occasion but it is usually followed by a disconnect of the client so my issue was network instability.

You may want to do a check and repair of the client to see if all game files are intact.


Ahoy Fleet!

Sometimes the installation files for the update aren't completely downloaded.

Do a check/repair of the client to make sure all of your game files are intact.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, create a WGcheck report and shoot it over to the Support team so they can take a look at it.

Server is currently up and running so we'll keep the seat warm for you when you're good to go.



Ahoy Fleet,

Server has been up and running for the past 5 hours.

Try doing a check/repair of the client to see if any installation files were incomplete or damaged.

If you're still having problems connecting, attach your WGCheck report to a ticket so our Support team can take a look.



Thanks for providing this info!


Update the client to 0.9.10 by doing a "check and repair" of your game.

If you still have problems, run a WGcheck report and attach it to a Support ticket for us to review.


27 Oct


Ahoy Fleet!

Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

We are currently working on restoring the reaction functions on the Forums.

Thanks for your patience and we'll update you as soon as we get more information!



Ahoy @RedoButton!

Try following these steps to do an integrity check:



The US standard BBs will be in the tech-tree in 0.9.11. This event just allows players early access before they are integrated into the tech-tree so this is like a "shakedown" or "sea trials" period to get used to them.

I haven't even unlocked the Kansas but there will be plenty of time to grind up the new line in the coming patches!



If the check/repair didn't fix the issue, create a WGcheck report and send it over to the Support team via a ticket.

Also, don't forget Update 0.9.10 arrives early tomorrow morning.



You're right, integrity checks on Steam are different from WGC:

Check out the link to see if that helps your de-sync.


Could be a sync issue with the cloud.

Try shutting down the client (quit the client in your Windows task manager)

Reconnect and check and see if your data has refreshed.

If this persists, perform a check/repair to see if any game files are in need of repair/reinstallation.


23 Oct


Submarine Testing prime time, coming in about 2.5 hours!


Make sure you're connecting during the Prime Times as indicated in the article:

Next prime time starts in 4 hours...


Did you make sure you are connecting during our "prime times" when the server is up and running?

Prime times = 9am to 3pm ET (6am to 12pm PT) and 9pm to 12am ET (6pm to 9pm PT)