

03 Aug


Originally posted by ToaRogerWaters

Pulled the gun out of thin air too. That animation shouldn’t be available if they don’t have a waist band.

So y’all downvoting this are just fine with people pulling guns out of literally nowhere? Because you can do that in grand theft auto. Not exactly the pinnacle of realism. But you wouldn’t like that game, headshots kill in one hit.

More or less something that's planned, as well as improved upon since now suspects can pick up guns (if you were around in december, remember they actually couldn't do this!). Eventually we'll place them somewhere for a much more readable experience, though to be honest it's one of those gamey things that may not be resolved for a while. The biggest problem is obviously the direction she's pointed. Very strange.


Originally posted by Bruno0_u

Holy shit what a find maybe email this to the FBI next time. It breaks code 34 of Title 42 of their Interactive Media Code Guidelines. Just look up "FBI rule 34" to find out more.

Also if they were larping they wouldn't be mowing down civilians would they

One of those things you read as a dev and get that electric shock down your spine before realizing what the poster meant.


Originally posted by rayven99

No, it makes sense, I just wish the game registered that they fire shots at you better.

Yeah we're definitely gonna make some improvements to this because it does happen a lot. Honestly it'll probably come with a lot of our larger changes (to AI stuff) vs. just being patched for now. Sit tight!

01 Aug


Originally posted by Mrdoko

Are we able to ask for a second option to bind a non toggle, but a hold for flashlight and laser aswell? Would love to have sone light discipline without having to double click each time! Great work on the recent updates btw, been loving it!

Yeah I’ll make sure this happens!


Originally posted by Flogger23m

59.6GB, looks like file size is fixed.

I'll play around in the Park Homes map. That seemed to give me the oddest AI behavior from suspects, some of which is covered in the OP. Do the suspects on different maps have different behavior and damage values outside of body armor?

Behavior not really, this is something planned for our next update. Damage values are based on the weapon they use. :) We affect their accuracy, time to fire after raising weapon, time to fire after changing target, time spent on target last known LOS, suspect moving accuracy, fake chance, flee chance, etc., Suspect health, time to fire door after kick to name a few.


Originally posted by BastillianFig

Will you be adjusting reaction times.. currently the AI can kill you in 250ms which is superhuman

Yes although we are improving other aspects of them to help (weapon raise, then aim, then shoot for example).

Currently the global (read: default) AI time to shoot after raising their gun is 300ms. The time spent on target before shooting is actually 100ms, which might be the issue for retargeting players being so lethal! Will require some investigation because there are other elements at play that can act a little strange.


Originally posted by dizzle229

It was recorded last night, I had just installed a 130mb update, whichever that was. In this instance I believe that each suspect had raised their gun (far too quickly imo). Although the first one is ambiguous due to particles, and since he exited the doorway while I wasn't looking, I believe that one was more an animation issue than reaction time. They just weren't pointing directly at me when they fired. In the third one, he appears to fire as he begins his gun raising animation.

I definitely think that first one is an animation issue, the others probably just means more tweaking ahead. Great video to reference though, especially since it's fresh. Thanks a bunch!


Originally posted by iena_

homeboi coming in for the save



Originally posted by dizzle229

Fun bonus: In none of the three clips were their guns ever pointed at me. #2 is the closest but not quite there on frame-by-frame inspection. And he still moonwalked out to get me. #1 could have raised his gun (he's obscured by splinters), but he'd have to have raised, aimed, and one-tapped about 1/10 of a second. In #3 he seems to be WAY off, and I even appear to hit him at least once.

Is this on the latest update where we actually lowered the penthouse suspect values to be more forgiving? The weapon pointed down one is more of an animation issue that we are looking to resolve in a few ways to make it feel better.


Originally posted by Jebbyzz

Yeah I know, love the customization in that game to death.

Good, you're gonna love our update to this then (whenever it's done!)


Originally posted by cum_bandit

Blaming their own incompetence on Steam as usual.

Where did we blame steam?


Originally posted by VOID_Ali

The world is now at peace

But I just bought a new hard drive for this wtf


Originally posted by Flogger23m

I'll go and view my other gameplay and see if I can find it. I haven't played much since the most recent patch that doubled file size.

Speaking of, this should be fixed now. The file size I mean.


Originally posted by AVPMARINE

I've gotta ask this to you directly Gruntr, but there is word of a build which has some miracle AI... which was apparently removed from the game before Steam launch? Is this true? I've heard this from several different community members across discord and so on. If this has any truth to it could you explain to us why the change was made? thanks.

I’m happy to talk about this! Just got some errands. I’ll edit this comment with a bit of info on this supposed build.

I will say in short, it’s baloney. There was a better looking AI movement system with motion matching but man, we couldn’t do half the stuff we do with them now if we used that system. Navigation was such a pain in the ass, which is most of what makes ai even remotely workable imo.


Some links for you! Link 1, and Link 2!

Our older motion matching and AI system, which wasn't using behavior trees like it is now (it was using a finite state machine written from the ground-up), didn't scale at all. Motion matching was incredibly expensive to run, and the code...

Read more

31 Jul


Originally posted by WeedNvidia

I appreciate this honest and thoughtful reply, and I actually completely agree with your point that maybe the video took a perhaps, inappropriate turn at the end. I have no opinion on any perceived "shadiness", my issues are strictly with the gameplay.

I also get that fixing these problems is no small feat and that the AI goes hand-in-hand with other complex mechanics like animation. Like the video says though, this game IS the AI, and if that part of the game is lacking then no amount of polish in other areas will make up for that.

I really enjoyed this game when I first started playing it 8 months ago. I still do sometimes. But it does seem like the issues presented in the video have been a bit of an afterthought to the developers. I think fixing these issues should be the number one priority right now, even at the expense of other additions to the game (new levels, environmental storytelling, etc).

When I first started playing this game it was with a few ...

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Much appreciated response. I definitely want to make it clear that fixing these issues and creating a much more realistic experience is priority number one for us. But that’s just for programming, as you could expect we have level artists and other on the team, and they need to keep working too!

So these things can happen in tandem as even if we had no staff BUT ai programmers and relevant faculty, these things would still take around the same amount of time. Either way, we’re on the case. Not just for suspects but for SWAT and civilians, too.


Originally posted by Flogger23m

I believe this has happened to me as well. But it is often hard to tell if I am actually impacting their head but I do believe I have hit them in the head and they would continue on fighting. Considering the other poster's upvotes I am assuming this seems to happen a bit.

I will see if I have recorded footage myself.

I have gameplay videos uploaded but don't think they would have any surviving headshot parts.

I have other videos not uploaded so I will check those ones when I get the time.

What you can see in my video...

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Thanks. I’ll have a look thru your vids. It really should never happen, especially since it’s so easy to test. If it exists it could be legacy headgear on some old ai roster or even lag possibly, so gotta see.


Originally posted by TheRealDueRag

Oh my god. I do but I didn't even think to send it to you guys I usually just delete the ones and move on but I'll see if I can dig up the recordings and send them.

Definitely do(rag)!


Originally posted by WeedNvidia

Excellent video that perfectly summarizes just how game breaking the AI is. I do hope these issues are addressed by VOID in a meaningful way. “Tweaks” here and there aren’t going to cut it, the AI needs a serious overhaul. I think this game has a ton of potential, but if these fundamental problems aren’t addressed, I don’t see myself playing much longer. Unfortunately I can’t recommend the game to others in its current state.

We are definitely working to address issues like the ones listed in the video as well as other ones. The content posted is very comprehensive and works well to highlight issues with our ai, but I’m not sure why it points towards our hiring a programmer (and speculation about firing one??) at the end, and a steam estimate figure (which anyone could do online, it’s not accurate) posted by one of our moderators, who doesn’t have access to steam sales figures. I feel as if the video goes from a very thoughtful critique to something else at that stage, but I understand. You guys work with what you’re given, and if you’re not given information then you will draw your own conclusions.

We’re not trying to be shady by any stretch of the imagination, and we love our game. We spend every day working on it and planning out ways of making it better, or things that just flat out need to be reworked. There’s stuff in there i wouldn’t have ever dreamed of having (the dynamic cover system ...

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Originally posted by revose

Awesome vid!
I hope AI gets smarter and less super human in the future and behave like the character they are e.g. meth addict vs. street thug vs. security ex military as a classification of different skill levels for suspects.

Definitely planned!


Originally posted by TheRealDueRag

It wouldn't be so bad if they actually went down when i shot them in the head. THEY AREN'T EVEN WEARING HEAD GEAR! THIS IS SOME BS!!

You record a lot so do you have footage of this happening? Should be impossible.