

28 Oct


Makarovs will be replaced anyways. Not to mention I’ve never fired one that hasnt jammed every third shot lol


Originally posted by randir14

I think having every enemy slow down to aim is going too far in the opposite direction. They should mix it up by also giving them a chance to hip fire with an accuracy penalty.

Oh they still can fire from the hip. Don’t worry we still want the game to be difficult. This mitigates a lot of the snapping and stuff you see in the existing build.

27 Oct


Originally posted by Goo_Cat

There's a mag sitting next to him, so I assume they just dumped it into his face or something

Correct. That's a magdump


Originally posted by manboysteve

lol what. This one does not look good.

yeah it really doesn't, but that's just because it's a test asset. general dismemberment wont usually happen unless you get blown up (and it'll look a lot better than this)

01 Sep


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

Also, is that the new M4 model?

Yup. Also you can hear our new automatic gunfire loops.

18 Aug


Originally posted by shtehkdinner

The SWAT-4-style spin-and-cuff feature would be a welcome addition. I had the bomber on nightclub surrender while facing me at the end of a hallway - it was a very tense walk to get behind him.

Maybe they could even look at a spin-and-cuff for stunned/staggering suspects (a la SWAT 4 PVP) as a stand-in for a tackling mechanic?

Something we can look at, we did have something like that, I'm not sure what happened with it. Might have been lost when we cut motion matching.

14 Aug


Originally posted by SorpitheBorpy

you better keep the carry handle

It'll exist.. dunno about by default but I'll make sure we have it as an option :)


Did he get the cat though

13 Aug


Originally posted by DevastatorCenturion

Why don't you address McDewgle's post on the state of the AI being deleted then? Seeing it get deleted when it's all perfectly valid and politely delivered criticism absolutely destroys confidence in the moderation team here, which contains not one but two developers.

Well, I wrote multiple comments at length addressing points in the video. Also just to be clear: devs don't moderate, not sure where we'd get the time. I like to jump in here and address things because I like engaging with the community.. honestly that is the easy part! I don't have to go through hundreds of messages etc. daily.

However, we constantly get posts about the AI and I like to think I do a good job of commenting on (most of) them!

The content in that video in particular was great (again, at least the AI parts), but it is absolutely stuff we've seen before on this subreddit and those weren't shut down. If the mods have a good reason, I trust them to make good decisions based on that information.

If we had a situation where every critical piece of content about our game was being taken down? Yeah, that'd be a problem. But have a look through my history if you'd like and you'll see plenty of comments on posts critiquing the game.


Better model my dude! I wrote that from bed ha! But same gun. It's a model from like 4 or 5 years ago so it's time for a change to bring it up to scratch with other guns (also for future.. customization goodness ;) )


I feel like this sub gets its fair share of criticism that we definitely see. Steam is a different beast entirely ha! But if you have feedback, post here. I read everything.


Originally posted by GeniusBandit




Originally posted by headshotsean

Aw man, that’s my favorite rifle in the game :(

Oh I just mean the model is being replaced with a better one. We're still gonna keep the M4. :)

12 Aug


Originally posted by vergil7331

And make the M4A1’s charging handle the right size while they’re at it too.

Weapon is being replaced entirely

09 Aug


Needs more pine cones 😂

08 Aug


Another detail I haven't seen anyone mention on Penthouse is how the room the Left Behind set up in is actually a vacation rental: the host has left pamphlets on what to do in the city left around the house, a wi-fi password on the fridge along with numbers to call, house rules, etc.

07 Aug


Someone get this methhead a katana

06 Aug


There goes our YouTube relevance when searched..


Originally posted by _KONKOLA_

I'm new to the game and confused. So do we all already have access to this update or only 'supporters'. :/

This isn’t an update just a newsletter previewing future work (minus the stress mechanic which is already in all builds)


Originally posted by PyrusZodiac

Yes pls, I have literally not touched the game ever since the weapon attachment resetting bug has been in

Get ready to touch the game again! Coming in a hotfix. :)