

18 Jul


Originally posted by WheelchairTakedown

Let's hope it also fixes the bulletsponge AI.

Fix certain explosion having waaaay too much reverb.
Fix certain reverb activating a second reverb.

Hopefully this also includes the C2.

The bullet sponge AI was largely contributed to by this issue and the neck not being part of the head (was counted as “torso”), it should feel a lot better.


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

Resolved in the hotfix :)


Originally posted by dizzle229

Still no fix on suspects being able to shoot you without actually aiming at you, I guess.

Edit: Or spot and track you through walls...

Have you encountered this? They shouldn’t be able to shoot you like that as there were bugs related to it, it wasn’t some sort of “aiming component” bug, it was an animation issue.


Team rocket blasting off again

17 Jul


Originally posted by lorenzomuratori

I hope to see more of people hiding under the bad with the new patch! It is such a cool feature but Now it only happens in one room of the meth house or least that was my experience so far

Only a few rooms have it set but as we go we will add more :)


Bug that’s fixed with upcoming patch


Back when we had some more intense DOF they’d basically disappear which was cool. I hope to bring that back but since we have split the first and third person FP in a material it has brought up issues.


Originally posted by manboysteve

I said tell Miss Laura good-bye

Weirdest scene in a movie


Originally posted by WaifuFinder420

That's the weapon the melee criminals are going to bash your head in with next update.

More than that !

16 Jul


Originally posted by oxidezblood

Thank you!! This helps a lot. I am excited to watch the community and development grow :p

Me too! Hah

15 Jul


Originally posted by BrothersMorgue

I know a while back they said a lot of the voicelines were placeholders, like the infamous female voice lines hitting on the officers or asking if the officers knew who their father was etc. SOOOO, long story short they may redo them at some point, I think they are functional as they are, and I'm assuming its rather low on the totem pole for void if I had to guess to re-record the lines. So maybe in the future they will replace them but I wouldn't hold my breath for now.

Will be replaced in the future

12 Jul


Originally posted by Swiftclaw8

Yeah, I find that the training room simply doesn’t have enough doors to represent more of the messy situations.

We will be working on a new version of the kill house floor (really excited to share it) that might help with this any anything else.

As for an explore mode maybe in the future that’d be cool.


Thanks for flagging this.


Love me a pairs video.


Originally posted by SavagePilot2033

Skill issue.

Nah but really. Nothing you can do. Sometimes the game just tells you to eat shit.

100% skill issue if you’re not noclipping through walls in ron are you truly a real gamer?

Seriously though it looks like a spawn in the wall, we will get this fixed for the next hotfix

11 Jul


Originally posted by Goon_McNasty

Can the NVG IR blinding light with DLSS on be addressed at some point..?

Might not be here but pretty sure we lowered the intensity.

10 Jul


Not enough vram possibly? Likely optimisations that need to be done to meth on our part.


The slap was the icing on the cake.