

12 Jul


Originally posted by Swiftclaw8

Yeah, I find that the training room simply doesn’t have enough doors to represent more of the messy situations.

We will be working on a new version of the kill house floor (really excited to share it) that might help with this any anything else.

As for an explore mode maybe in the future that’d be cool.


Thanks for flagging this.


Love me a pairs video.


Originally posted by SavagePilot2033

Skill issue.

Nah but really. Nothing you can do. Sometimes the game just tells you to eat shit.

100% skill issue if you’re not noclipping through walls in ron are you truly a real gamer?

Seriously though it looks like a spawn in the wall, we will get this fixed for the next hotfix

11 Jul


Originally posted by Goon_McNasty

Can the NVG IR blinding light with DLSS on be addressed at some point..?

Might not be here but pretty sure we lowered the intensity.

10 Jul


Not enough vram possibly? Likely optimisations that need to be done to meth on our part.


The slap was the icing on the cake.


What in tarnation

This should be fixed next hotfix but god thats a good edit


Originally posted by BlitzFromBehind

iirc they wan't to add customizationand what I understood from that old devblog it will become an option to wear one on every character.

Yep coming in the future.

08 Jul


Originally posted by Loaf_Lord_Gaming

Is it with SWAT AI more than suspect and civilian AI? It would be cool for multiplayer if you can have doors swing one way. I imagine having doors swing towards officers can cause SWAT AI to get stuck on the door itself. I’d love some insight on how you guys handle this

Ahh it’s a f*cker for everything. But not impossible. PvP it’d be easier.


Originally posted by ozoneseba

Yup its a problem we need solution for, but it would be still better if we could change these settings in game live. So for example if I want to play a map were suspects have knifes only I dont need to download mod and restart game every time I want to check different scenario. Site rocks but I dont want it to be the solution

That’s cool but an absolute nightmare for standardising the ai on a developer end. If we provided such a deep level of control like that tomorrow we have no baseline for AI. All the feedback that weve already received would be impossible to determine without a bunch of extra data being supplied. While I don’t like using “early access” as an excuse, keep in mind you are modding an early access game that is still trying to find the perfect balance! So this could be something we provide more direct access to upon full release.


Originally posted by Farsa1911

That's great to hear! I would love to see more love put in to doors in a game that revolves so much around doors. Making them open only one way with visible hinges to tell their direction would be a very nice feature!

God I would love that. Doors are just such a pain in games especially when you have team ai. But yeah we will be giving them some more love, especially on the UI/UX front (eg bashing a door to kick instead of having to press use on an icon)


I’ll follow up with this.


Originally posted by NorthKoreaSpitFire

I think it would be cool to have speed of moving just like in ArmA Reforger where you can increase or decrease moving speed with middle mouse button

We had this for a while but unfortunately most of not all players really just moved at the fastest or the slowest without using much in between. However it’s a very cool feature in Reforger and in other games, too. I just don’t see it finding a place in RoN again right now. :(


Originally posted by dravensnanpll2

I want maps honestly But anything would be ok

There are a lot of great maps, Breaking News comes to mind.


This sounds like a strange bug partially. Particularly with the shotgun. Have you got any mods installed? Have you performed a clean reinstall as well?


Originally posted by Farsa1911

No worries! From what you've already delivered to us, I'm pretty confident in your skills and VOID's commitment to polish and making an awesome game! Much love from Brazil!

Thanks a lot! Brazilians are so great (I tried Brazilian bbq a few years ago with some friends from São Paolo and still haven’t found a good place to get it in Australia)

07 Jul