

12 Jun


Originally posted by maxiimus1

Just wanted to say you guys are amazing. There has been a lot of frustration regarding this update in the community and the communication has been handled poorly imo, but still this is a huge update made by a relatively small group of developers. This has quickly become one of my favorite games and I can't wait to experience this update when it comes out to us regular people. Congratulations and thank you for your hard work!

I’m so glad you enjoy it! Thank you. Lots more to come, I can assure you. :)


Originally posted by Gruntr

It has begun!

Any issues you guys run into in gameplay please just be sure to make clear reports and we will dive into fixing them. Already got a few on our list (although minor!)


It has begun!


I've noticed this recently too, especially with the new pepperball gun. It won't be fixed in the initial update but I will make sure it does get resolved in a hotfix ASAP.


Originally posted by BlitzFromBehind

That sounds like a hostage mode with extra steps. The problem being that if you give the POI a gun he can just murk the whole entry team willynilly because you have to capture him. And if you're allowed to shoot the POI it's no different from a terrorist hunt style mode.

If someone modded this, they could technically turn up the knockdown chance on this suspect (not really feasible per-ai YET), and then you could shoot him to knock him down, and then arrest. Cool idea though.


Scared me for a second with the title. You staring out the window made me very sad


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

Deadpixel has always been present in the supporter server, but he only lurked until now. Don't know what his exact role is.

Edit: BTW, "clean weapon" means to clear attachments; deadpixel posted a link on why "clear weapon" wasn't used.

Deadpixel is our UI/UX artist. Though his roles extend beyond that, it's his key focus. He did the original Insurgency UI back in the day, as well as many other great UI pieces since.

11 Jun


Originally posted by VotiveChunk2609

Hey gruntr! Thanks again for all your replies on my posts. I can’t wait to play the update, it looks amazing. Keep up the good work bro 👍

Much appreciated! :))


Originally posted by MistaBruh51

OP turning into Judge if he takes another mf Benadryl

got that slack jaw


You're gonna need to go into more detail now with all the new stuff updated! I suggest heavy armor with steel SAPI inserts, full coverage, and favor extra grenades over mags in your inventory.


Originally posted by Loaf_Lord_Gaming

I use ultra dynamic sky that handle all that but for personal aesthetic I decided to keep it really dark. Also if used physics on every item then everyone’s cpus would explode lol thanks though man!

You should take a look at destructible meshes. We have a few BPs and I wonder if we could expose some so you guys could make things like we make them. The new gas level will have some samples.


I love the atmosphere. Fantastic work. Another modder made a "disable power" or "light switch" mod as well for one of his levels. You should reach out to him (I wish I could find his name)!


Interesting thing I just noticed is that the arrested civilian is alive at the beginning of the firefight, but by the end she's been hit by stray rounds. Love how emergent it's all becoming.

09 Jun


I want to explore some maritime operations in a DLC of some sort, with various interesting weather conditions and whatnot. But we'll see!


Originally posted by Mr-Habeeb

Port is mine and a lot of friends favorite, for the fact that so many layers are different. Was hoping the same would happen for most maps.

Initially this was a cool idea but it actually becomes a lot to manage in the way we did it for port. In the update we're pushing a few greybox maps actually, so one of those is designed with different sections in mind. That's likely how we'll handle it.


Originally posted by GolfFoxtrotYankee949

Depends. The map for Barricaded Suspects has a great flow. Maybe turn that into more of a hotel feature wise than just largely construction before going up a floor. The map for Raid is enormous, some nice flow but a lot of annoying extras. Then again if a group has taken control of a hotel that size you’d have to deal with that so…

I think the biggest issue is that with the smaller number of teammates in a match it does become a behemoth level to clear. And that's fine, if we consider it like a "boss" level. But for Hotel, it's been shifted and changed about 5 times. And it doesnt have our design direction in mind as much as some of the other maps.

But yeah don't worry there are gonna be big maps, and there are gonna be small maps. When all is said and done, we'll have a healthy balance of both.


Originally posted by TacticalHog

once the Steam Workshop is working it'd be cool to upload the Alpha block-outs and different early versions of your maps

seeing the progress you guys make is fascinating, and new players could see it too

maybe once ron is done and dusted, i could look at doing that.. but that's a long way off. :)


RandomMadness gore reviews but with doors


Originally posted by Turtle_King01

You are going to brazil



Originally posted by FoxtrotNineteen

october 2020 build

exported as png with umodel

