

16 Dec


Originally posted by TacticalHog

M16A4 may not make a return

damn thats a shame, I hope it can come back in the future though, its really nice

It'll probably return in a different fashion, something more modern. I wanna add the MCX soon but we've got a couple of smgs and shotguns to model.


Originally posted by AMSAGENT000

Can we assume that “DLC based” cosmetics are essentially micro-transactions?

I wouldn't rule it out but in this context it would be more of a full pack with a bunch of stuff. We coould sell one gun skin or whatever but it gets out of hand really fast. In any case they'll maintain the realism. Honestly to me that is the coolest stuff, not the colourful crap.


Were probably gonna look at the use of ladders and then of course the use of other devices that need to be reimplemented. Definitely would add a nice dynamic!


Fyi clear points are what our swat AI use to move through rooms. Whenever we eventually develop official mod tools that'll be a button you have to press (can be hand modified too)


We had way too many weapons to balance and add sounds for in one big go, it was a lot better to slowly introduce them like what ProximityM4 said. The 5.56 SCAR will be coming in a patch soon with a new model, anims, and sounds. M16A4 may not make a return. Rest are going to for sure.


Yeah we will work on this.


Originally posted by RangerRage21

I could’ve sworn I’ve seen a muzzle strike animation which seems fitting as it’s the standard after GWOT

B to muzzle thump. :)


Originally posted by Deckard112

Yea but in the game were multiple PiP scopes fully modeled and functional.

I’m just wondering why they scrap them entirely if they’re there.

They're coming back. :)


Originally posted by TECHNO504

When you actually play the level itself, you can really see it's probably based off that. From the objectives to the layout.

Last time we were in Vegas we actually shot guns with one of the guys who helped prep for entry into the building. Something quite interesting I found out was when he started engaging civilians from one of the windows the doors leading to his room sealed and led to him being stuck in that room he was found dead in.


Correct! FBI A and B have different heavy armor though. We will add em for the default SWAT as well.


Originally posted by ThrowMeAway41968

There will probably be micro transactions in the form of DLC and realistic cosmetics, which I’m fine with

Yeah pretty much this. I even considered getting rid of the Pink Bitch G3A3 skin, but our supporters didn't like that! Hah. Cosmetics will be FreeLC, DLC or Expansion based.

13 Dec


Originally posted by corporalgrif

this wouldn't effect SWAT though only suspects

Suspect guns jamming is kinda cool. I'll talk to the lads.


Originally posted by robb_yorke

Any idea whether this is in the pipeline?

NVG mounts, lights, ear pro mounts, flags etc?

Would be nice to do but right now we don't have anything planned.


Originally posted by Drizznit1221

Can you elaborate on what 'pushback' means in this case?

Weapons will move toward the screen before low readying against walls. Basically it just gives the player a bit of warning before their gun is out of action.

12 Dec


We may explore that level of personalisation again yeah. The code all exists so


Originally posted by Kronzky

Lowered the suspects' accuracy and their health, as well as the delay between raising a gun and actually shooting (which also, for some reason, seems to affect the frequency of their movements). I also increased the total number of suspects & roamers.

You found the level config didn't you! Well done.


Originally posted by ProximityM4

ah i assumed they’d somehow bought it and were waiting to get access. didn’t know you couldn’t buy it at all while keys are out of stock

You can't buy after steam keys run out so I assume this guy needs to check his email!


Originally posted by Crobbers

well, then give me back 60. I thought the FoV was perfect.

The changes just match your screen fov now. We can always look at adding in a slider. Btw the default was 90!

11 Dec


Hmm. When you press the keys does it actually do anything or the menu is just stuck?