Thank you! Could you also clarify if you have been refreshing the structures during this time and if there are any further relevant messages in your Event Log?
Thank you! Could you also clarify if you have been refreshing the structures during this time and if there are any further relevant messages in your Event Log?
Apologies for confusing this with a PS4 case, due to platform related limitations it’s not possible to backup saves in a similar fashion on the XBOX.
In any case rosensorcerer please let us know if your friend is able to join your session.
Hi @Alhambra, we are aware that certain items may not display correctly on the racks, although for the moment this is not on the priority list, apologies for the inconvenience.
Hi @Turgron, avatars are disabled for Official servers, although private servers may still allow them to be summoned.
Unfortunately, we have no ETA or further information to share at this time regarding this.
Hello @gfxzz3000, the issue with the JP servers will be addressed with the upcoming parity patch, which will be released as soon as possible.
Hey @Dany18diaz, welcome to the forums!
Were you able to play the game before the issue started?
Do you have similar issues with other games?
Is it installed to the console’s internal drive?
Hi @xavier_pjg, as this is a private server, could you try to reach out to its admin to determine if it has been restarted daily, and if the issue persists after a server restart?
Hi @RafaelGaston, thank you for reaching out!
Could you share a screenshot with the exact location of your base, as well as the event log message?
Read moreWe’re unable to provide refunds ourselves, you’ll have to reach out to the store where you’ve purchased the title from directly.
As it has been mentioned, the issue you’ve reported has been registered and we’re unable to provide further assistance at this time.
Hello @Conanclassic, welcome to the forums!
As it has been mentioned, it’s likely that you’ve placed thralls that we captured before the follower leveling system was introduced, which only works for newly captured thralls.
For more information please refer to this thread:
Read moreHi @Overlordfox, are you still having issues with that specific server?
According to the server stats it seems to be running without issue even with 20+ players on.
Hi @Curite91, are you placing these items over foundations so that they share decay timers?
Did you also check their current decay time with a repair hammer?
Is there no mention at all in the Event Log regarding any of the missing placeables?
It’s definitively a possibility!
We appreciate the additional details, this performance issue has been registered for our team to look into.
Thank you, could you also share any non-default purge settings?
Welcome to the forums @Evanbaker705, we’re currently looking into this matter together with G-Portal.
We’ll register this occurrence for out team to look into, could you also let us know if your friend is able to join your session?
If possible, could your friend back up the save and experiment with creating a new game for you to try and join?
Hey @r4nd0mGamer, thank you for pointing these out!
Did the Jhebbal Sag issue persist upon server restart?
Hi @Qrizz, could you share more information or a few screenshots of the base’s setup?
Hi @rosensorcerer, welcome to the community!
Could you ensure that both consoles are on a wired connection?
Have you both tried to reset the console cache or to perform a soft factory reset while keeping games and apps?
Do either of you have any issues connecting to an online server?