Hi @Zeb, we’ll relay this issue to our team so they can attempt to reproduce it.
Hi @Zeb, we’ll relay this issue to our team so they can attempt to reproduce it.
Is your PS4 on a wired connection?
If not could you try doing connecting it to your router through cable rather than wireless and try connecting to those and a few additional servers?
Also, please let us know your current region, ISP and the servers you had issues connecting to, as well as those that you didn’t.
Hello @Menezes, welcome to the forums!
Are you still having issues with server 4518?
Do you experience this when joining other servers or starting a singleplayer session?
Could you try to perform a clean reinstall of the game or to rebuild the PS4 database to determine if this could have been caused due to issues with the patching process?
Hey @Scumdog1980, thank you for your feedback, we’ll register it for the developers to consider.
Hello @Jambo_86, welcome to the community!
Are you using a male or female character?
Which voice type did you choose for it?
Does the issue happen in other servers or in singleplayer?
Hi @vScorchedEarthv, welcome to the forums!
Is it still not available? What region are you in?
Could you please provide a screenshot of the area you logged out (both inside and outside of the building) and experienced the issue, while also detailing exactly where your character was positioned and what it had equipped? (e.g. was it a full set of champion armor?)
It’s possible since the land claims fully occupy their vertical space.
Hello @TinTin3Gamer, welcome to the community!
Could you provide a few screenshots of the Event Log and the area where the buildings disappeared, as well as further details on the scope of the construction?
If the cloud save file was overwritten due to automatic uploads being enabled, we’d suggest disabling these so that you manually upload saves to the cloud storage periodically and/or backing them up to a portable usb drive as well.
Hello @slivuzzo, welcome to the forums!
We’d suggest checking for any temperature effects before exiting the game, as well as depositing all your inventory in a chest in order to prevent any possible loss of items should something happen to their characters while you’re offline.
It’s also recommended not to sleep close to heat sources such as furnaces, and be aware that they provide heat even when above or below the area they’ve been placed in.
Hi @ZevLexx, the issue is known and will be addressed in a future patch, apologies for the frustration it has caused.
Hi @MasterBlaster, welcome to the forums!
Are you still having issues connecting to this server?
If so, could you try resetting the console cache and running a multiplayer connection test?
Hi @everybodyvsME, thank you for your submission, we’ll register this issue for our team to look into.
Hello @Elpistolero, welcome to the community!
It’s possible that its spawn point is being blocked by a player/clan’s land claim, are there any player built structures in the vicinity of its spawn?
Welcome to the forums @prometheus96!
Unfortunately, this is not an issue but part of the current clan mechanics, as when you join a clan everything you own will belong to the clan instead, even after you leave it.
If you’re looking into joining a clan, we’d advise getting to know its members first and ask around the server if they’re a reputable bunch before considering joining up with them.
Hey @LandongamerLostboy, we’ll be sure to relay your feedback to the team.
Thank you for reporting back with further findings, we’ll be sure to register these together with the original report.
Hello @Dejo707, are you aware if any of these structures have buildings from other players nearby?
Could you share a short clip of a structure that has its decay timer stuck, including its surroundings?
Hello @Kuran0, are there any claims currently intersecting with your own?
If so, could you share a screenshot of the closest structures to your own?
If not, did the issue persist after the server restart or rejoining the server?
Could you first try to rebuild the PS4 database and, if that doesn’t help, perform a full reinstall?