

06 Sep


Originally posted by MontyAtWork

Will this move be coupled with a crackdown on Smurf accounts? Because I'd imagine without it, people will just account hop instead of playing out games.

One of the hopes we have here is actually to prevent a certain specific brand of account hopping.

Many of our punishments are time based. This means that people with multiple accounts can often swap accounts and play until the punishment on their main has expired.

With game based ranked restrictions, those people will eventually need to come back to their main and play those normal games. There's no way to use an alt account to circumvent the punishment entirely. Obviously it only works for players who play ranked, but if we see improvement here we can try new features in the space later.


Originally posted by Silverwing20

will it require winning normal games at all? whats to stop people who get queue banned to just grief the 5 normal games ruining it for everyone else on their teams till theyre allowed back?

Hopefully the same things that got them caught in the first place.

If we need to, we can add a win requirement later. But the hope is to place people in a lower stakes queue where it's okay to reconnect with league being a game we play for fun. Requiring players to win puts the same incentive "you must win" on the remedial games as ranked games have.


Originally posted by AmaznAzn23

Will this only work with chat-based restrictions? If you don't implement a way to catch people actively trolling, people will only find new creative ways to not try in ranked.

What happens if the person just trolls in the 5 normal games, considering they would care even less about the result?

This will work with a wide variety of transgressions. Feeding, leaving, and text can all get you a Rank Restriction


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

Please don't f**k up normal queues with these changes.

We're going to be watching normal queues closely. If it turns out all we're doing is shuffling toxicity around, we'll reevaluate the feature (maybe turn it off, maybe take another stab at it)

But if you've been following our dev blogs, you'll know that we currently believe that the toxicity you meet in game is normally not "toxic people being toxic," it's "people who are normally not toxic being toxic sometimes." The theory goes that putting people who are struggling with the stress of the ranked ladder in a lower stakes queue will allow them to take a breather. Or, if they hate norms that ...

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We haven't dropped this at all and we've actually still been working on implementing it. Currently it's planned for sometime in the next patch or two and the way it will work is pretty straightforward.

If you catch a suspension from the game or get to the point where you're getting more severe chat restrictions, you'll receive a ranked queue ban until you re-earn the ability to queue into ranked again. So hypothetically if you leave too many games to the point where you finally catch a 24 hour queue suspension, when that suspension is up you'll be required to play 5 normal games before you can step foot into ranked again. For right now we're keeping it at 5 games regardless of severity or history, but we could adjust that in the future after we've observed how it works on live. The important thing to mention is that if you're hitting this point you've possibly caught a few infractions, and have already encountered a few queue delays or honor impacts before you hit this poin...

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01 Sep



Come at me on main >:)

30 Aug


I sent you the Rp, pls buy him he's so lonely :'(

28 Aug


I meet tons of league players IRL. It helps because sometimes I'm wearing Riot merch and so people walk up to me to ask for RP/Gun Buddies/nerfs.

But there's one I'll never forget. I was at a party on the rooftop of a hotel and there was a guy sitting in a planter playing League on the hotel wifi. People would gather behind him and cheer every time he got a kill and bring him drinks when he died. Definitely a moment of pride for me.

08 Aug


Originally posted by Chimoya2

Out of curiosity, is a warning also considered "some kind of penalty" in this case?


But there's very few penalties where we only give players a warning. Most of the time they receive an honor drop and/or move up our penalty ladder in addition to the warning.

05 Aug


Yes, every instant feedback report represents some kind of penalty issued against a player.

We absolutely do not count how much players have paid for skins when determining our penalty ladders.

25 Jul


Originally posted by Maxenin

It kills me that this game mode is Battlerite and everyone loves it game should have lived.

I loved Battlerite :')

28 Jun


Cass singed was my go-to in playtests.

(pls dont ban :3 )

13 Jun


Originally posted by biocreek



12 Jun


Originally posted by Whatever4M

Since you are a dev: why does the surr vote have random delays before being mentioned in all chat sometimes?

It's because... Well, you see... *Hides in bushes*


Originally posted by Navikus_Twitchtv

Unrelated but since you mentioned you work in behavioural systems, would it be possible to add a check in matchmaking to flex queue for accounts deliberately planting a feeder account on the enemy team every other game?

As it currently stands, higher elo on flex pretty much always has this issue if you aren't a 5 man premade. They get one or two kills then run it till the games over to avoid any sort of punishment system right now, usually something like 2/17 by the end.

A different team actually does most of the 'competitive integrity' kinds of things. I don't know much about it except that they are aware of match fixing and working on it.


Originally posted by Freezman13

Great username!

Made me think of this one new game shown during one of the many recent showcases

Thanks! Its actually based on a childhood game I used to play with my brother.


Originally posted by ChromedCat

Hi! Although getting griefed every 5 ranked game isn't the most fun and I wish I wouldn't have to deal with it at all, I've been getting more and more instant report feedbacks in the past couple years (assuming those mean actually something), so I'm glad the behavioral system is getting better. Either that or the client is bugged everytime I click on "ok" once the message pop. I always assumed it was multiple messages stacked on top of each other. Either way, thank you for working on it, we appreciate the effort and hopefully league will one day no longer be seen as the most toxic online game.

Yes. If you get an instant feedback report it means we took action against a player you reported.

It might not have been for the game you reported them in, but those reports are sent out by the system that processes punishments.


Originally posted by Master-Wish-2059

but Riots engagement

Now it's Riots engagement, and no longer someone personally having fun.

I'm here I'll try and do my part to keep the tradition going.

And this is why. Once it's work, it's no longer fun. It used to be someones hobby, now it's corporate identity with lots of red tape. Everything get's double checked before posted. Yeah no one WANTS to do that :P

Just so we're abundantly clear on this: when you see a rioter comment here, it's just someone who works at Riot who happens to be browsing reddit.

To get the red badge you do a training and then that's it. Have fun, go wild, try not to embarrass yourself. There's a channel where you can ask questions if you want to, but it's not mandatory.


Originally posted by vide2

If an answer is the correct one, maybe add "this" as a comment, to verify the answer. So smaller communication only happens in small Twitter accounts. Are there really more people reading patchnotes than they would official riot posts on Reddit?

Patch notes get translated to multiple languages and are linked to from the client.


Originally posted by MuggyTheMugMan

Hey, hope you're having a nice day. I have a question too, riot made a dev blog recently talking about the improvements the new behavioural systems brought, with no mention of false positives. Is this being measured? If so, how would it even be measurable?

The primary way we measure false positives is via overturn rates from our friends at Player Support.

When players get bans they don't think they deserve they can make a ticket asking Player Support to take a look. If the rate of overturns starts spiking, we know we made a change that's causing more false positives.