

12 Jun


Originally posted by AggressiveTitle9

Can you talk at all about how toxicity detection works (technically), while (I assume) maintaining an extremely low false positive rate? I work in a very slightly related space and keeping the FP rate as low as possible while still being useful has definitely been tricky in the past.

Anything particularly cool that you're enjoying working on right now?

Huge fan of the notification you guys send when someone in a recent game was punished for toxicity

Can you talk at all about how toxicity detection works (technically), while (I assume) maintaining an extremely low false positive rate?

Specifics of how our systems work is one of those touchy issues where I can never divulge too much. But one thing we do to build confidence is 'dark launching' new features, where we run it against past and current league data to check and make sure it's working as intended.

Anything particularly cool that you're enjoying working on right now?

Seeing everyones positive reactions to the upcoming ranked restrictions has me hyped to be working on it.


Originally posted by Freezman13

Hi ^_^



Originally posted by PureImbalance

Hi :)

Hi :)


Originally posted by ReganDryke

Wait there is people from the Behavioral System on the sub?


I've been hoping you guys would do an AMA one day because of all the weird belief that float around the different systems.

We haven't got a public speaking figure for Behavioral since Lyte left years ago.

We haven't got a public speaking figure for Behavioral since Lyte left years ago.

Maybe not on reddit, but I was a fan of TimTamMonster even before I joined the team.

I've been hoping you guys would do an AMA one day because of all the weird belief that float around the different systems.

Most of the team doesn't use reddit very much, I'll be watching this thread for the rest of the day though.


Originally posted by ADistantFallenStar

I can't tell you the number of times I've been typing up a comment and seen someone post exactly what I'm trying to say.

I mean endorsing a comment goes a long way. Any random reddit comment has to be taken with a large grain of salt. Riot might entirely agree with any one comment, but until they acknowledge that agreement it's the just take of some rando on the internet.

You know what, great point. I'll start doing this.


Originally posted by aglimmerof

Oh hey you’re on the Behavior team! Can I ask a question?

Do streamers get special treatment? Recently SoloRenektonOnly has been a real swell human being in his games :)

Streamers don't get special treatment. Most of our bans are automated and the rest come from ticket reports. Neither system cares how many followers someone has.

The only exception are the creators in the League Partner Program. But that special treatment is more like extra scrutiny and isn't a hall pass or anything like that.


Originally posted by Boudynasr

thanks for reply and intro, might as well throw in 2 questions while we are at it, Im assuming Behavioral Systems Engineer work with systems like Surrenders, Toxicity Detection, Pings etc.

correct me if I am wrong ofc if that doesn't lie in your field of work

now that pre season changes has been up for some months now

-do you believe the objective vote succeeded in its aim? or it just became a redundant system feature?

-Was the new ping wheel successful? Do you guys somehow measure/evaluate its usage? from my personal experience, only bait ping seems to have become mainstream and definitely not for its intended purpose lol

Pretty close!

We do all those things....except pings. I don't know anything about those two features except in my capacity as a player. The guy who designed them used to sit next to me, if I see him tomorrow I'll ask.


We're still around :)

I'm kinda new to posting around here, but Riots engagement with the community was one of the reasons I wanted to join up; so now that I'm here I'll try and do my part to keep the tradition going.

Here are some of the reasons I don't comment more often:

  • Like Brightmoon said, you guys often beat me to it. I can't tell you the number of times I've been typing up a comment and seen someone post exactly what I'm trying to say.
  • Reddit's really only good for reaching a small but highly engaged portion of the English speaking world. If something's important to say, then it's better to put it in patch notes or a dev blog so everyone can read it.
  • It's intimidating! I'm happy most of my comments have been positively received so far, but it's definitely scary every time I hit the 'comment' button.

And since this is as good a place as any to make my official introduction:

Hi everyone!
I'm Riot Hu...

Read more

08 Jun


Originally posted by TheSpanishUnknownOne

And what about implementing that system on ARAM?

We're really cautious about adding anything that encourages tryharding to the game mode most loved for being casual.

06 Jun

29 May


Originally posted by GryffinnLoL

i started getting into league because of my brother. nowadays, league of legends isnt popular especially at the highschool level, think the entry to play league is too high.

In your opinion, what can Riot do to bring down the barrier or make it more appealing to highschoolers?

24 May


Originally posted by Pogab

I mean, these report feedbacks could also just be fake tbh. It's as easy as "if player has sent some reports the last few games, give him a report feedback no matter if any player got punished or not".

You don't have to trust me, but we don't do this.

Every report feedback happens only when we process a ban.


Originally posted by DrMobius0

I would caution against treating a several year old public statement as gospel. Companies often change their minds, especially as the context of problems changes.

This one is still pretty accurate to how we feel today.


Originally posted by Lorik_Bot

What about creating a punishment qeue only like dota has and one guy mentioned above, where you have to learn to play with your team you get assigned a random 1-3 champ and have to win 4 out of 7 games and if you are toxic it resets.

A lot of punishments players receive in League of Legends aren't for instigating a fight with someone, but for striking back at someone and getting drug into a flame war.

Taking a player who is normally fine, but reacts negatively to flame into a queue dedicated to matching them with volatile people isn't a recipe for anyones success.

That's one of several reasons that we don't think LPQ is a good solution for league of legends at the moment. All of the reasons boil down to "we don't think it would actually solve anything". It might feel good to imagine all the "bad people" off in their own queue, but it's important to remember that the vast majority of offenders are players who only get tilted every once in a while.


Originally posted by Renuzit42

I don't know if it's resilience, but it surprises me when Devs respond to people that it seems as if just want to be angry.

It's a weird dichotomy, but I'm mostly responding to clear up misinformation and answer peoples questions. As a result, you end up responding to people who are mad more than you respond to people who are just being nice.

It's really nice when I read comments from people excited about a system I'm working on though.


Originally posted by Hobmot

Axis starting points don't matter when you don't show units. You can make the graph shape look like whatever you want when you hide units.

In particular, hiding the Y-axis units is especially worrisome. That's almost always the crucial measurement you're trying to track in a normal line plot graph. Forgetting the Y-axis units is always a sign of dishonesty or ignorance.

Okay okay, the graph starts from 0 and is linearly scaled.

We're just trying not to disclose some business data (like total player games), not trying to reshape the graph. If we didn't have something that we were excited about to share we just wouldn't have written an article.


Originally posted by truthordairs

I appreciate the transparency and hope it works out as a net positive for every queue, the work you guys have been doing on reducing toxicity is definitely noticeable and I hope in the next few years the game will be dramatically less toxic for all players

Thanks! Means a lot to hear stuff like this :)


Originally posted by Hatchie_47

About time! The amount of people intentionaly ruining ranked games while loudly announcing they are doing so and laughing in everyone faces is unbearable. Hope there will be swift further punishments for people who will just throw their anger in other queues in order for those not to become an absolute swamp. Perhaps acompany the ranked restriction with like 24 hours complete ban to let the child calm down and not immediately ruin a normal game?

Ranked restrictions will only be an additional penalty, stacked on top of the penalties we give out today. It's not replacing the time bans we give out.


Originally posted by Regulargrr

Isn't that when people were complaining about bans being really sensitive all of a sudden? Or am I remembering wrong?

Yeah this happened for a brief time. We fixed it before the end of december if I recall correctly.


Originally posted by Hobmot

Yeah sure, the graph doesn't have its Y-axis labeled, but WOW! That line is going up very much!

Cant share the y-axis here, but I will say that it at least starts from 0 :P