Hey there @monkeybarrel
We’re aware of this issue but it has proven to be difficult for QA to reproduce reliably. Sending your feedback to them again and see if we can determine the cause for it.
Hey there @monkeybarrel
We’re aware of this issue but it has proven to be difficult for QA to reproduce reliably. Sending your feedback to them again and see if we can determine the cause for it.
Hey @Thal
We’re aware of this as it was introduced to stop some exploits from happening.
Apologies for the frustration.
Hey @Azzend
Thanks for the heads-up, sending it to our team so they can look into it.
Hey there,
Our team is investigating.
Hey there,
Quick update: our team is still investigating new measures to improve performance on Pro systems as well as monitoring the most frequent crashes.
If possible, for those reporting PS4Pro issues, could you attach a video showcasing the performance issues you’re reporting?
Also, as always, if you experience a crash please send the report through the PS dashboard once prompted so our team can access it.
Thanks in advance for your feedback and patience.
Hey there,
Our team is still investigating the performance issues on Pro systems. Please send us your feedback to this thread:
It’s a elusive issue that seems to happen sporadically. Just in case and to confirm: is that server running any mods? Also, has your character acquired a lot of recipes/feats, have a lot of items and so on?
We announced our Chosen of Asura in the Announcements section. You can see the post here:
Hey @arthurfre
Where do the invisible enemies issue happen? Is it in New Asagarth or is it in general?
Servers should be back up now
Yep, 1 hour sorry. Was taking into consideration other modifiers but they shouldn’t affect the duration in this case. It’s one hour duration (or until the server restarts).
In that case perhaps there’s some corrupted settings. Could you try pressing the Options/Pause button on Conan Exiles’ tile and select Manage Game & Addons, then go to Saved Data and delete the file with the profile you’re struggling with?
Not yet, but it shouldn’t take too long.
Food should last for a longer period of time or until a server restart.
We’re sending a suggestion to our team to see if they can find a way to let thralls and pets carry food again.
Hey there,
This seems to be something on the forum’s software side and nothing we have done on our end. We’re sending this thread to who’s in charge of keeping the backend tidy to see if they can provide clearer info on this situation.
Hey @Samusakira99
Welcome to our community and apologies for the frustrating issue.
Could you try to reinstall the game and see if there was any file corrupted?
Hey @alexamp21
Welcome to our community.
Could you check the event log (in the pause menu) and see if there’s something in there that could explain what happened to the missing items?
Hey @BangoGuy
Our team is aware of this issue and they’re looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback.
24 posts were merged into an existing topic: Disappearing Food with Thralls and Pets