

18 Jan


Originally posted by Overseer_Wadsworth

Do the devs ever have livestreams or communicate on reddit?

We don't really do livestreams, as we lack the time and resources to do so on a regular basis. We've done a couple in the past, though, and we do accept invitations to streams and podcasts.
As for Reddit, I'm here replying to posts and posting updates. The rest of the team lurks.


Originally posted by JOKRxARMAGEDDON

Ultimately I think that's what we'll see, either no changes during a season or very minor bug fixes and balance changes. Then the season update brings a new content drop.

That's a perfect example for my communication point. The devs constantly point to the forums for ideas, feedback, wants, etc. Someone made a crazy lengthy, detailed, and well thought out post with about a half dozen or so ideas for improving guilds, the dojo park clubhouses, and player housing. Well recieved by the community on the forums... Radio silent from the devs.

It's incredibly frustrating, demoralizing, and frankly off-putting that the devs say "send these ideas here!", then you do, and it seems to fall on deaf ears. The least they could do is slap a "Crema acknowledged" flair on the post, or comment saying they're moving this to internal teams, or saying it can't be done.

Radio silence from the devs ultimately leads to your active community and idea / improvements ideas to stop flo...

We haven't been able to reply to feedback/suggestions posts since the early days of the Early Access because that would require an amount of time that no human team has, let alone the design team which are the busiest people on the company. Even having just adding an acknowledged flair for each topic, without any comment whatsoever, would lead to confusion because was it rejected, was it adapted, was it implemented?
We usually always mention not to expect a reply, because it's literally impossible to do so for each topic. But that doesn't mean they go unheard, and every community-suggested change or feature is recorded as such in the patch notes, and there's a good chunk of those.

10 Jan


Originally posted by charlieebe

Thanks. That might explain it

It's just like PinkG said! It wasn't showing the demotion at the right time.

09 Jan


Important notice

  • We've had to delete all the Showdown codes, except the eSports ones, due to a data conflict. Your team hasn't been affected, you'll just need to generate a new code, and, if you were using or posting it somewhere, replace that with the new one.
  • Aqua Bullet Hell has accidentally been removed from your Umishi and Ukama, but you'll have an empty technique slot and ABH will be in your learned techniques, so you can re-learn it immediately. We apologize for the inconveniences!

New stuff

  • We have added chat to battles.
    •  You'll see a new menu during battles from now on, with new icons for the Details, Battle Log, and the Chat with their assigned hotkey.
    • Chat will be hidden by default, and you can make it pop out by pressing the associated hotkey, just how the Battle Log works. Chat in battle is disabled for Ranked matches, in-game tournaments, and Dojo Wars, and available for friend...
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Originally posted by Alt2221

this would be good in the FAQ if true. i did mine in order like a pleb

it was a later change. But we'll add it to our FAQ nonetheless :)


Originally posted by kev494

It's a known bug. They technically want you to demote after at least two losses. But right know if you made negative tmr (hidden points) with two games you can demote after a win. They'll fix this, so you only demote with a loss. Maybe with the patch on Monday.

Fixing it today, yes!


Originally posted by GromiMomi

Everything is spanish even after i change the language Tsukki Q.Q

Gotcha! We're on the case and hope to have it all fixed soon.


Originally posted by Merdrago

Everything is crashing even if I've paid the game Tsukki.

we're fixing it right now!


It's a visual bug. It'll be fixed today!

05 Jan


Player from Europe, the Middle East and Africa! Remember that you only have have until January 6th to register for the first regional open of the TemCS.

Here's all the info:

Keep in mind that the deadline for signing up is always one day before the start of the tournament.

To participate in the tournament you will need to sign up at and make sure that you set your IGN and Support ID...

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28 Dec


Originally posted by KarinViole

¡Gracias por responder! Entiendo que el equipo tiene derecho a tener vacaciones y descansar. Implentar un comando dentro del juego para desbloquearse en cualquier situación (una combinación de botones o algo similar, que te transporte a la ciudad más cercana, por poner un ejemplo) permitiría que los jugadores puedan desatascarse ellos mismos sin necesidad de esperar durante días a que algún desarrollador lea su petición y les ayude. En el hilo del foro oficial llevan acumulándose mensajes de personas atascadas desde el viernes sin nadie que pueda ayudarles.

Thanks for your answer! I understand that the team has the right to have vacations and rest. Implementing an in-game command to unlock would allow players to unlock themselves without having to wait for days for some developer to read their request and help them. Messages from people stuck since Friday with no one to help them have been accumulating in the official forum thread.

We’ve taken care of them today! A couple of staff members have scheduled their holidays so we could still provide help. If we implemente the auto-unstuck command we’d never know where these are happening, so they’d remain in the game forever. And it would also cause some unforeseen technical issues. We’d rather fix all cases until nothing of the sort happens, and it’s very rare that all of us are on holiday at the same time like right now!


Hi! We’re usually much quicker to react to these, but most of the team rests during the holidays.

Each of these sticky situations is a different case, we’ve fixed many and will continue fixing them until there’s none. I’ll look for someone who can fix you up in the meantime!


Originally posted by Budget_Inevitable721

Got the game for Christmas and have had repeated crashes, several in under an hour. Is this going to be fixed soon or that's the inconvenience you're talking about?

It’ll be fixed as soon as platform holders approve the patch we sent! We have them fixed internally so as soon as the patch is given a green light it’ll be published to all of you. Most companies come back after New Year’s.

24 Dec


Happy Holidays, dear Tamers! Hope you get some well-earned rest and some cozy fun during this season! We want to thank you for all your love and support this past year, and so we're sending you a little gift! 'Tis the season! 💝

You can redeem the code from the Redeem option in the home lobby. For anyone using a screen reader, the code reads 2022-XMAS-G1FT-YAYY

Code can only be redeemed once per account, and it will be redeemable from today until January 7th. Hope you enjoy it! 💕

We're also taking this chance to remind you that the team is on break for the holidays, and the turnaround time for some processes might be longer than usual. We apologize for any inconvenience t...

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23 Dec


Originally posted by Cjero

I acknowledge that. I'm willing to be patient. However every time I've asked on the Discord for an opt-out feature the answer was never a yes or we need time. It was just flat out, no.

So, will an opt-out function be coming when the patch hits?

I'm afraid I don't have the answer you're looking for. We're not considering an opt-out option for the time being. We'd rather work on them and make them a feature people can enjoy and like before we get to the point of considering disabling them or opt-out option which is similar to disabling them.

Let's see how that goes first. If after the changes to them you still don't like them please make a feedback post on the forums and I'll make sure it reaches the team (if it's not destructive).


Originally posted by Arya_3

I mean even if they're insistent on keeping it in the game and forcing it on us, give us an option to disable it UNTIL it's fixed. Let us disable it for now while it's atrocious, then work on it, ask us to test it again and give feedback once it's improved, and when most of the complaints are addressed yoink the ability to disable it again.

Like you don't even have to just "Yes/No" this, we could compromise on it, but Crema just... are uncompromising. They refuse to compromise with us on it, and it's wild

It needs a patch. Really, I cannot stress this enough, anything to do with the battle cameras would require a patch and all patches have to go through certification which takes 3+ weeks, more during the holiday period.

We can only make server changes on the go. This is a client change, so it needs a patch and since we're on more platforms than PC we need to go through certification.


Originally posted by Cjero

Tsuki, please listen to me.

I'm not asking you to remove it in its entirety. I and as you can see plenty other people are asking for it to be a function you can toggle. Just like egg animations.

If your entire point is, 'we just need time to tweak it', that doesn't matter. It should just be something to toggle on and off to what people fancy. Just like the OST. Musicians put effort into that, to then say we shouldn't be able to turn it off is ludicrous.

The second point is, the game isn't in EA anymore. If you're saying we just need time to tweak it so deal with it... people aren't your beta testers.

I never said that. I said we need time because a new patch needs to be launched and the platform holders need to review it and that takes time, even more so in the holiday period. we've already made changes to them internally. This feature, like all others, was tested internally beforehand and wasn't launched to get the players to act as beta testers.


Originally posted by Arya_3

Tsukki, I mean this respectfully.

I do not suffer from motion sickness. At all. Not cars, trains, busses, or boats. It makes me feel a little off.
On top of that, the moment I saw it, one of my first criticisms was "This is going to make people motion sick!"

Surprise surprise, an hour or two after I first saw it, I saw 2 separate users in the discord complain of motion sickness so severe the game was now literally unplayable.

I don't care that no one at Crema felt sick with it, how did none of you see that it had the potential to cause it, and *ask* people. You have an entire discord full of dedicated players. Reach out, find a handful of people with motion sickness, and *ask* them if it makes them feel sick. The fact you didn't even CONSIDER the health effects of the feature is... insane to me. It was obvious to me, and I'm, respectfully, f**king dumb as shit. So how did it escape everyone at Crema?

Different things are obvious to different people. We cannot show WIP features to players without having to go through a lot of legal loops. If you're implying that we're also dumb as sh*t, then I don't know how to continue this conversation respectfully. It already happened, and the important thing now is that we're working on it.


Originally posted by Arya_3

We understand that much, it’s just the obstinace that comes with how, imo, particularly YaW responded to criticism. Everyone’s reaction, when you unveiled the feature a month ago, was “ew no I hate that” and you guys got criticism then on it beinf too jarring, too quick, affecting battle.

You seem to have made no changes to the feature in response to THAT feedback. Why should we have faith you will now it’s released? You were told it would make people motionsick a month ago, made no changes, and then were shocked in the discord when people told you they LITERALLY have to QUIT the game because it makes them too sick now to play it.

When you were told how bad it was a month ago, you should have either: - Delayed the feature until it was improves - Added an option to disable it until it was improved, or just give us that option anyway.

Instead you shipped it as is, having already ignored the feedback. Surely you can understand why people are, matter of factly,...

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We can't make any changes to features until we publish a patch. Patch 1.2.1 was sent to platform holder for review two weeks ago, but they're still on it, and with the holiday period in-between, they'll take more time than usual.

We can't delay a feature that's already been shipped and in the patch, and the feedback came after it had been shipped and was in the patch. Any change, even adding an option to disable them, requires a new patch, and a patch requires certification.

Like I said, we've already made a lot of changes to them internally following your feedback, now it's only a matter of us being able to launch the patch and have it reach you folks.


Originally posted by Arya_3

I mean people told them of these exact issues a month ago when they first showcased it, coming from people who voiced these criticisms then. They changed nothing about it so I just... why did they ignore feedback?
Why did no one test it and ask "Hm... this feels like it might give someone motion sickness..." and just... find someone who HAS motion sickness and ask them. They just shipped it as is. It feels like no one did any looking at the feature in action, only looking at the code.

We tested it, most of the people at the company saw them (even beyond our QA team and the people who made them) and they gave none of us motion sickness, even though some devs suffer from it. To clarify, all features are tested in action.

Nevertheless, we've already acknowledged the feedback and made many changes to them internally, but they won't be applied to the game until we get to launch a patch, and the build we sent two weeks ago is still being reviewed by the platform holders. We haven't ignored any feedback, we just can't get it to you yet.