Personally I have two main problems
1) I find the more expensive perks are too demanding of points, taking away from the rest of the merc.
2) Often the weapons, perks, armour etc that I want to use doesn't add up to 48 perfectly, and I find myself just adding on a bandage, a shortsword or the supplied or mule perk even though I'll probably not use it and it doesn't fit the rest of the loadout.
I had an idea of instead using an incremental perk mechanic, at least for the more expensive ones where instead of spending 15 points on bloodlust to heal to full health when you get a kill, you could:
Spend 5 points to heal 33% of your health on a kill, or spend 10 points to heal 66% of your health on a kill.
More static perks like peasant, tank, dwarf etc could just remain a binary option
If this could also be applied to the cheaper perks then I think it would help solve the second issue, of leftover points by massively increasing the number o...