

22 Mar


Originally posted by MagicTalkBox

Ok thanks!

You should be able to log back in now :)


Originally posted by Ohnonoway

You're the best. Thanks for keeping us entertained in w302 during all this

It was fun and I appreciate everyone helping keep spirits high!


Originally posted by Zaypoon

So I was logged out by the server, anyone know how long until I can log back in? Been 20 minutes

There is a timer that counts down if you were on a world that was taken offline that will let you hop again once it expires, but you'll be able to log in again normally when the world you were on is back up.

Looks like we'll be getting them online soon, so you shouldn't have too long to wait.


Originally posted by therave39

appreciate you /u/JagexAyiza

no u <3


There is a timer that counts down if you were on a world that was taken offline that will let you hop again once it expires, but you'll be able to log in again normally when the world you were on is back up.

Looks like we'll be getting them online soon, so you shouldn't have too long to wait.


Originally posted by Jason_Brip

Just let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I installed Chrome on my moms laptop so I'm pretty good with computers

Thanks Jason, I'll let the team know


Originally posted by pancakeyo

Can finally login now thanks for burning the midnight oil Ayiza.

Enjoy your gains and may they not be interrupted any further


Originally posted by OVERQUEST



I think I've seen some suggestions like this thrown around within the team during my time here. Would be great to see it become a reality. It's prompted me to check again to see when it was last raised at least!


Originally posted by Fryman35

Thank you Mod Ayiza and everyone else working into the night on a Tuesday to keep us updated and get a handle on things. Y'all are great.

It would be better if they were under different circumstances but we appreciate the kind words immensely <3


Originally posted by MrBigsB

They could send me back to tutorial island and honestly at least I know from now on they mean business when they say asap.

I respect the dedication to having clean clicks


Originally posted by xtra-terrestrial-

I just got the agility pet.... Please don't do a roll back lmao

No rollbacks will occur as far as I'm aware. Your pet is safe :)


Update 01:44 GMT - The impacted worlds listed are now back online and should be okay to use as normal. Further updates will follow when normal working hours for us resume! Thanks so much for being patient with us as we worked to bring them back online and operational as expected.

Hi all,

With the on-going server issues, we've lost access to some of our tools crucial to helping inform players of server shutdowns. In an attempt to ensure information is shared as widely as possible, we are updating the game status page with information, alongside sending in-game broadcasts to inform players.

We are having t...

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20 Mar

19 Mar

14 Mar

12 Mar