

08 Feb


I've raised it with the team and they'll be taking a look. It seems to be only select worlds (I've noticed W314 specifically).

Fingers crossed everything will be back to normal soon!

Edit: All should be back to normal now. Thanks for your patience! Enjoy the rest of you evening/day <3

If there were issues regarding items lost I will make sure to get them looked into tomorrow when we're back in the office.

07 Feb

02 Feb

25 Jan


Originally posted by Pius_Thicknesse

Will the new bosses look identical to their counterparts or are they receiving a graphical update ?

The new bosses have been upgraded visually :)

As for pets, you can still get the old versions as they're included as a transmog option after the update!

23 Jan


Originally posted by UnluckyNate

I appreciate the follow up, Ayiza! It was just a really surprising statistic. Doesn’t impact anything besides maybe data collection on the back end if something was incorrectly gathered. Who knows, maybe the huge amount of votes in the poll diluted out iron players who are normally active in the smaller polls and that is where they make up much higher percentages. Look forward to hearing the final verdict, regardless!

Turns out the data was looking for the wrong flag. With everything that's been going on I guess we just let this slip, so I'm really grateful for it being called out :)


Originally posted by dadosrs15

/u/JagexLight, in the in-depth poll, about 50% of the way through, the answer box for the question "(OPTIONAL) Describe in one word what makes you most excited about the prospect of training a new skill." is showing up as a password box and is dotted out, using Firefox on Windows. Just odd that you can't see what you're typing.

It's been changed now to normal text, was just an oversight having it as a password field. Sorry about that!


Originally posted by UnluckyNate

So less than 8,000 irons of all types (reg, HCIM, UIM, GIM) voted? I just still find that hard to believe unless the community purposely didn’t vote but why wouldn’t they for such a big poll.

r/ironscape has 117K subs

I've asked the team to double check the data is correct, but in terms of where we've pulled it from in CM, it's the right percentage at least. That being said, it is much lower than previous poll stats we've shared, and now I'm second guessing it (hence asking the team to double check)


Originally posted by UnluckyNate

I’m shocked that iron players were such a small percentage of the vote. Any chance this was a typo? I thought about ~30% of the community played iron accounts, not 3%

Can confirm its not a typo

Can confirm while it wasn't a typo (we copied what was being displayed correctly), the actual data copied was in fact wrong...

I've removed the stat from the blog for now and we'll put the accurate number in once it's been solved. Sorry for the confusion, pretend you saw nothing!


Originally posted by xJ3lackx

Small heads up: The detailed survey button in game doesnt work, it brings you back to the osrs home page.

Thanks for raising! Can you please try again now? It should be working properly :)

18 Jan


Originally posted by Serious_Historian578

Why in the world would you send actual communications through email and not the message inbox on runescape.com that exists for this exact purpose?

I believe it is to do with the information that was provided to us via the annual survey for those who were interested in asked further questions.

Typically we'll always send an inbox message as it's definitely the preferred option to prevent this exact situation from occurring! From what I understand, we didn't have the RSN from everyone who filled the survey out, in which instances email was our only choice.


It's always good to double check but this is legitimate.

It seems like there was an issue with the system used to send out mail so it hasn't come through from our research team and the usual formatting, and instead directly from Tom (who just so happens to work in the research team)!

For anyone else seeing this, make sure you don't just click any links that are sent to you in email before validating them! It's easy to spoof a URL to show one thing in the email but take you elsewhere when you click on it.

In this case, jagex.eu.qualtrics is the service we use for our surveys and can be trusted. If you see this in any emails you are sent, make sure you double check its taking you to the actual link and not somewhere else!

15 Jan

12 Jan


Originally posted by Thosepassionfruits

Were you not the one pushing for the duel arena rewards to be restricted on multiple iterations because you didn’t think the rewards would pass otherwise? Genuinely asking because my memory on it is hazy and don’t want to continue to harp on your if you weren’t.

I certainly was the person communicating the restricted poll and working through the feedback to begin with, but again, that doesn't mean I was the sole decision maker.

I did help provide input on how we'd approach a restricted poll, and what restrictions might seem fitting if we were to put one in place. But the sole decision wasn't mine, it rarely is for any individual due to the nature of us working in teams.

For as long as I can remember, I've been somewhat against PvP restricted polls as I think they're too difficult to draw the line between who should be able to vote. I'm sure there are old Q&A's of me saying that out there. That being said, our role within CM is to support content regardless of our own opinion and look at things more objectively.

Personally, I give just as much attention to a PvP project as I would a PvM or Skilling one. You just probably see more of me around here when it comes to PvP as the others within the CM team handle other upd...

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