

23 Nov


It's been very much appreciated on our end too and helped the day go by so much faster!

Big W for the OSRS community <3


Originally posted by Stray_Bird

Thank you jagex team! All you behind the scenes techs are the real mvp today!

You're welcome!! They sure are, we're very glad to be where we are now. Enjoy the gains :)


Originally posted by Steezeballl

So some people got rolled back and lost some xp, others had a savegame post crash and lose hc status? Should definitely be an official rollback which is kinda too late now lmao.

Thanks for the hard work though, I was unaffected :)

It shouldn't have been possible for anyone to have their savegame process once the servers went down, because they wouldn't have been able to communicate with the server that processes them.


Originally posted by osrsvahn

seems there was a rollback? my 15 minutes of mahongany home progress is gone and im back where i was before i started training it

This is just part of how the gamesaves work rather than an official rollback. They're processed in 15 minute intervals for times like this, so you'll have been put back to the last time the save was able to be confirmed by the servers.


Originally posted by CheisuBBX

Seriously so glad to have come back to this game, I've just started playing again for the first time in sooo many years but DAMN is this game good.

OSRS dev team is one of the, if not the best dev teams I've ever seen.

Thanks for your work guys. Appreciate you :)

Thanks for the kind words, I'll be sure to let the team know <3

Oh and welcome back, we're glad to have you here :)


Originally posted by Rusted_Coconut

And after I just logged in I was reminded: I'm getting 99 Farming today! Good times all around.

Oh awesome! Well congratulations ahead of your 99!


Originally posted by Jademalo

Oh wow, absolutely wild that you guys got it running at 2am. Awesome work, can't imagine that was a fun day lol.

It's been a day, but glad we're where we are now at least :)


Originally posted by Nexus_Rein

I know it's definitely not a priority, but odds the poll gets extended a day? since its been offline with the game and then not on yet

I'll ask the team when they're back in the morning, definitely worth raising, thank you!


Originally posted by JesusGAwasOnCD

Feels weird not to see any UK world in the world selection menu

Instantly tried to log into my homeworld even though I knew they'd be off lol


Originally posted by Rusted_Coconut

Confirmed just got in on mobile


Good luck with whatever it is you're working towards today :)


Originally posted by SilverArrow94

Amazing work team. Humble to have staff working around the clock as well as players to keep the entertainment flowing while we waited for severs to come back. Much love.

<3 hope you make some fantastic gains this evening!


Originally posted by osrsvahn

what positivity this place has been a disaster lmao

hahaha I guess we're just used to the worst then cause it's not felt that bad today honestly!


Originally posted by firewithinthedragon

How far back was the game rolled back?

There wasn't an official rollback, but some players might notice a few minutes of lost progress depending when they got disconnected.


Originally posted by Tall_Bullfrog2049

was there a rollback? am demanding 2 tbows

There wasn't an official rollback no, but with the way our savegames work there may have been a few minutes lost at most. I think its taken every 15 minutes.


Originally posted by That_Goblin_Guy

Thank you Ayiza, but please get the UK worlds online asap, as a us world enjoyer I don't want to see British "people" in the game with me.

They're unlikely to be back until some time during normal office hours :(

Please offer a fellow Brit a cuppa if you see them walk by!


Originally posted by TheRealDurza

LFFFFGGGGGG!!!!! just got off work too!

But fr, thanks for all the updates and for staying up super late to get us back on track. Much appreciated!! :) We love our Jmods! <3

Perfect timing! Enjoy your evening :)