

10 Dec


Originally posted by PvPworlds

Is my HCIM in danger when I log back in or is it possibly dead? Was doing Basilisk knight slayer task around that time, finished it and heard about servers problems and left

But definitely were still there at 04:50gmt

You may want to prepare for a swift teleport out, but if you were alive at the time you'll be alive when you log back in!


Originally posted by PvPworlds

How does rollback work?

Does it go back in time when u logged in last time with your account?

All player saves will go back to the most recent save point we have before the server issues occurred, which we believe to be around 04:50 GMT


Originally posted by Daoc00183

They literally told us in a post not to log out or world hop, so I didn’t, and now I lose 3 hours of progress at hydra? Nice.

Sorry for the lost progress. We didn't know that a rollback would be required at the time, as its usually our last resort.

Hopefully when you're back in you get blessed with the best RNG to make up for it.


Originally posted by MattZeeX

Why is there being a rollback? I was under the impression that rollbacks were only necessary if duping happened, or malicious things along thouse lines.

I logged on about 20-30 mins before the issues started, and was afking some NMZ while I was eating and only heard about the issues ~30 mins ago. I only gained like 100k xp in there, but it does feel really shitty to lose time I could have spent doing literally anything else. I resubbed a couple days ago after not playing the main game for like 1.5 years and I'll be going away for Christmas so I do feel pretty scammed. Trying to do my first COX before I go away.

If a rollback was being predicted, why could there not be a broadcast in the game if you're not experiencing site-wide issues? I literally only found out cause someone in a clan chat mentioned how we were the "survivors" and I thought it was really odd.

We do apologise for the progress you and the many others that were able to be logged in at the time will be losing, but its the only option we have to get everyone back in-game.

Hopefully you can get those gains back again. We didn't know a rollback would be required until just a few moments ago, and you'll notice a notification coming through in-game soon.


Originally posted by AbyssalLuck

@jagexAyiza it means a lot that you would wake up early and tell us what’s up, I’m sure any negative comments are just from ragers, but we know you’re doing your best

We appreciate you! <3


Originally posted by pkermanbad

I was on my HCIM killing one of the bosses for recipe for disaster and it appears as though I may die and lose everything. Will you be potentially restoring items?

Here’s a picture of what I may have lost: https://i.redd.it/tunzui4dg05a1.png

Might just make sure your account stays permanently corrupted for this one chief


Originally posted by IronDefects

Could we please get a ROUGH estimate on the expected time it will take to resolve the issue?

Can we expect to play tonight / this morning? Or are we looking at a sad weekend…?

Thanks in advance,

As soon as we're able to give an estimate I'll make sure to update the thread! At the moment we're just getting prepared for the rollback and will know more once that work is done and started.

Really sorry, as soon as we can I'll give an update!