

01 Jul


Originally posted by PreparationBorn2195

Jagex should definitely be streaming this in a more public manner, hopefully someone records it.

Out of curiosity, what makes streaming it considered more public than using Discord?

For context, we advertised a stage call would be happening in the blog. Twitch and Discord are both official platforms we use, and Discord is the biggest contributor to our overall player engagement stats.

Is it because we've just always streamed and Stages are new? Or that you find discoverability on Twitch easier? I can definitely see VODs being a big difference too, but the Stage should be on YouTube in the coming days :)

30 Jun


The moderation settings were meant to be changed after this happened last time, sorry about this 😞

The full stage call should be uploaded to YouTube afterwards if you haven't been able to drop in!


It's actually getting removed in the next few weeks and being replaced with a link to the roadmap for upcoming releases :)


Originally posted by Krtxoe

Goblin, the following needs clarification:

This means that next time a seasonal rolls around, you could start fresh on your current character, or preserve that progress and play the seasonal on another character (to be merged down at the season's end) if you wish.

Does this mean we can use 345 accounts on future seasonals? I'm guessing its one-way only, from seasonal to 345, but asking to make sure.

Either way looks amazing. I like the idea of merging and the blighted equipment to avoid messing up 345 economy.

Yes it'd be one-way only, I imagine if you wanted to use an existing account that has progress on 345 saved we'd need to reset it to allow you to participate in the Seasonal.

There's a lot we'd like to confirm in the coming weeks, so make sure to let us know how you feel about the approach!

28 Jun