Do you genuinely believe that people are going to buy that it's a coincidence that this statement comes out right before the plugin was due to be released?
Do you genuinely believe that people are going to buy that it's a coincidence that this statement comes out right before the plugin was due to be released?
No, I can fully understand why people would think otherwise. But I don't have any other option than to reply with the information I have available to me.
This feels like a lie honestly
I really have nothing to gain by lying about this - it'd be more beneficial if I did actualy lie and make up a different reason as to why we're sharing this message today, but that wouldn't be right or accurate.
I can fully understand why people would think otherwise though.
Why did you guys wait to tell them to cease literally a few days before their launch? It's been a well documented and well communicated project up until now. Yes you do reserve the right to slap things down when you can to protect IP, but the sheer timing of it is what makes it tone deaf and rude beyond a regular company just doing their thing.
The guys making it were doing it for free. There are a million better things to concentrate on than a team who is just now about to finish just for it to get removed when you've had two years to tell them to stop.
There was no malicious intent with the timing of this announcement, just that getting allignment internally on our approach and a public statement has taken until now.
We're aware of this and it should be fixed with this week's game update!
Would you be able to make it so that you're locked out of inviting people not in your group for raids unless your team does like a vote at the ironman tutor?
I'm concerned that my group will be going for group prestige, but then we'll have that one person who stops caring and causes us all to lose it. Or someone forgets, drinks a little too much, etc
It would be nice if you could lock all members out of it unless they all agree to do a group prestige loss action.
There won't be a way to lock people from grouping with others like you suggest, but you'll be given warnings should you attempt to do an activity that could cause you to lose Group Prestige.
Ok, yes it seems, like the blog stated that the only thing tied to group prestige is highscores, I just wanted to make sure that this included the 1kc/skill level requirement as it was specifically mentioned.
Thanks for your patience and quick response as well as all of the hard work that all of you put in to keep our game fun and community informed!
No worries at all! Glad to have been able to help :)
I was seeking clarification because that statement felt like it pointed more towards the time locked wealth transfer cap and less towards the 1 kc requirement.
I didn’t know if the group could technically trade your skiller a whip but he couldnt equip it till 1kc.
I was also seeking clarification because after the stream in offline chat I asked Mod Elena if inviting a new member to the group would impose the 1 kc requirement and she said yes, it seemed this was saying the opposite so I wanted to make sure
So there are no restrictions between original members - only those who join the group after its initial creation.
You can trade anything that is tradeable freely between group members, so long as they're the same members that were there from the start - also known as the "Prestige" group members. This includes items that would otherwise be restricted for new members, such as the Abyssal Whip.
Hope that clears it up for you!
I was hoping to get some clarification on Individual vs. Group prestige and how that effects item sharing.
I would imagine that individual prestige would be the driving factor in the equipment lock behind 1 kc as opposed to group prestige. Since this is intended to stop groups from boosting a new member this should allow for group who lose group prestige (due to raiding with outside members) to still swap gear amongst themselves without the kc restriction. Is this the case or is the gear restriction done based on group prestige?
The blog covers this exact point - was it not clear enough there?
Group Prestige is simply an indicator that you're the same group of people since creation and that none of the group has done CoX/ToB/Nightmare of Ashihama with players not in their group.
Individual Prestige determines whether or not wealth and item transfer restrictions are applied to an individual group member.
* If you join a group other than the one you started with, you will lose Individual Prestige.
* You will always have Individual Prestige unless you join another group.
* Every player in the group will have Individual Prestige when the initial group is formed.
* New players added to the group after formation will not have Individual Prestige.
* Losing Group Prestige does not have an impact upon Individual Prestige.
Grouping with outsiders will not lead to any restrictions to trading the original group members - these will only be applied to individuals who s...
Read moreTo me it feels like releasing GIM without a shared poh and even shared storage is releasing it too soon in a gimped state. Better to wait a bit and release it later, we've been waiting for years anyway.
If it doesn't release with shared storage then actually adding it will be added to the backlog of issues and will probably take a long time. Shared poh will probably never be released if it isn't part of the original update, as everyone will already have their own poh.
Shared PoH isn't something that is currently possible.
Delaying the launch of Group Ironman to include it is not an option - we have no indication of how long it might be until this is technically possible, yet alone the dev work and testing that would then have to follow. It really is a substantial piece of work.
Whilst it's unfortunate we can't offer it, especialy given the supportive feedback we've had for the feature, it's the reality we have to accept right now in order to see Group Ironman actually release.
Hoping this is just wording confusing me on question number 1. Is it "do you want group ironman to come out as it is described in this blog?" And if it doesn't pass, it goes back to the drawing board? Or is it "do you want group ironman to be added to the game period." I completely understand that this high an absurdly high chance of passing, but do we really have to actually worry about it getting spite voted or barely failing and missing out on it? I'm anxious by nature so this is definitely ramping up the panic since I've been wanting to do this with my friends since 2019.
If the poll fails then I don't think it'd be outrageous for us to consider going back to the drawing board to refine the proposal, but the question on offer is essentially "do you want group ironman to be added to the game period."
Big nerfs to the offensive relics. It was funny seeing 127 DH, etc, but it really did have to go.
I am both happy and sad at the same time. At least we got some great clips out of it!
Sigil of remote storage still doesn't work with fishing with or without forager attuned. 6 days in sigil still doesn't work correctly.
I've made the team aware of this. I'm hopeful it'll be resolved with this week's game update!
Awesomeeeee! I was about to quit dmm but this will be a lot less punisching. Thanks
Good luck on the grind. Hope to see you in the finals :)
With these Changes you should allow people to reset all their progress and start over
Die three times and select "Both" is about as close as you're going to get to a full reset!
You can only get a free Tier 1 Sigil/5k once per day. So yes, you could do that every day if you wanted but it'd take a while to get them all
That sounds like a challenge and there's a 3-day weekend coming up...
is it already live? im on my last life rn
Everything listed in the post is live right now!
I'm sitting here, wondering who's going to choose
Lose both
"Selecting this option will replicate the current three life system as if you had lost your final life. All items in all storage options around Gielinor will be lost and all your combat skills will be set to 0 XP."
I'm not one to kink shame