

16 Aug


Originally posted by BoulderFalcon

Does the team plan to take concrete steps to investigate and punish rule breaking such as muling? In prior DMMs these have been "against the rules" but most players (especially those that made it to the finals) still openly engaged with no repercussions.

There will be report options in-game for Muling alongside Boxing. In the past we've had to rely almost entirely on players sending us information to a mailbox.

I'm hopeful we'll be able to act on any instances of muling better than we ever have before.


Originally posted by ScreteMonge

Thanks for the clarifications and changes. I'm really excited to see how this Deadman will pan out; it really sounds exciting and extremely different from previous iterations, so much so that I might even jump in as a casual player.

Which does raise a major issue for me: I have some familiarity with the rules of prior DMMs, but I feel like there's an extraordinary number of rules that are quite dependent on having the context of playing a lot of older Deadmans in order to understand. For example, the clarification you made about teleport and logout timers last time is something that all veterans of the game mode will be familiar with and expecting, but coming in as a relatively new Deadman player, that stuff's not immediately obvious.

To get to the point: would it be possible to have a final blog which brings casual players step by step through all the differences between Deadman Reborn and the main game? Walking through even the most basic changes ...

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The blog should be at a point now where it details everything you need to know about Deadman: Reborn vs the main game. Lots of detail is within the table at the top which didn't translate into the blog.

We'll be releasing some extra bits of content next week to help inform players, but it won't be as in-depth as the blog linked here is!

13 Aug


Hi All,

It's been quite a while since the last Gielinor Gazette was released. We've completely revamped its purpose now, and we believe we've created something that will be much more realistic to maintain, enabling us to deliver more consistent releases for you to enjoy reading everything Old School RuneScape!

Part of this change includes regular features of Postie Pete gallivanting around Gielinor, tracking down various NPC's and getting your questions answered!

Is there a question you've always wanted answering from a particular character in-game? Well now's your chance! Simply reply to this thread with your question and we'll see if it can be answered!

For those of you unfamiliar with Postie Pete and the Postbag from the Hedge, check out the most recent ...

Read more External link →

11 Aug


Originally posted by JevonP

this will be my first dmm and i couldn't be more hyped for the changes

how do you expect the experience to be for noobs with the life system and level brackets? seems a lot more new player friendly now

We're hopeful that it will be a good mix between being punishing but also viable to rebuild.

I'm mostly interested in seeing how people min-max the brackets to be honest. There's a LOT of strategy that can go into it given your combat experience resets.

Having certain builds in mind for each combat bracket might end up working out the best for quest completions and ultimately total level gains (which matters for qualifying in the finals!).

10 Aug


Originally posted by Revenege

You have a spelling error. The Keri's partisan can have "on jewel effect at a time"

I fixed that, thanks for raising!


Originally posted by Relevant-Book

Do you know, is the raid going to be soloable? Or we looking at always needing a group?

It'll scale for group sizes of 1-8 :)


Hi all, it's quite late in the evening now and getting close to the end of the working day for the team. We wanted to get this post out as soon as we could so you had plenty of time to digest the information, but please be patient with us as we might not be able to reply to all of your questions in this thread!

Rest assured that we will update the blog with feedback as we usually do!

Have a great evening and enjoy the read!

06 Aug


Originally posted by M_Onasi


Hey :>


Originally posted by TacoMedic

Hey :)

Hiya :3


Originally posted by RuFf-PWNagrophy



05 Aug


Originally posted by Liberty762


Hey :)


Originally posted by tengo_unchained

I wanted 210k ashes, it’s quite simple really

Thank you, it all makes sense now


Honestly this is a question that only you can truly answer. Give it a go, your membership is valid across both RuneScape and Old School so you have nothing to lose other than a bit of XP waste on whichever version you're not playing :)

01 Aug


Originally posted by JupiterChime

When will this start? :D

We're aiming for the 25th August


Originally posted by Timmytoogood

When does the season start? Did they say yet?

We're aiming for the 25th August