

01 Jul


Originally posted by meltingfrog

Why did you just ignore the huge negative response to singles + in the whole wild?

From what I've seen, the response has been overwhelmingly positive from almost everyone aside from the Single teams that benefit from the current mechanics.

The response to the negativity is offering a small number of worlds where clan activity can remain, whilst the majority of players are able to benefit from the changes they've been asking for.


Originally posted by sneedle_and_thread

Doesn't keeping normal singles in Target Worlds solve the UIM issue? They can just hop to a Target World to bag safely.

Yes, it kind of would!


Originally posted by AbductionVan

Is the new mechanics going to work exactly like the rev caves or will it be different somehow? Haven’t really got a clear answer on that and if there is one I didn’t understand it fully. (I really like the rev cave mechanics)

I tried to clear this up with the V2 update from 28th June. Basically they will work as they do on DMM, so you'll be provided a flat 10 seconds of immunity. The Rev caves are kind of the same, but there are some instances where you get less than 10 seconds.


Originally posted by CindChin

Some unaware players; casuals, new players, etc. these people will be targeted by a new lure, just tell 'em to hop to W318/319 and proceed with the scam. E: remember we are talking about Singles Teams

We can apply messaging when logging into this world to warn of the differences, but the only difference here really is no PJ timer.

In reality if you managed to get lured to the point you're already in the Wilderness, I don't think a PJ timer is really going to save you at that point.


Originally posted by Kirill429

nice, solid feedback. i love the target world idea. best of both worlds. (pun intended?)

Glad you like it! Pun was good, might steal that for a later tweet, cheers


Originally posted by GlenWayman

Hi Ayiza, i’m not a pker but I am quite happy with the changes regardless as I know this is no easy task.

I have literally just commented on a post my thoughts about some wildy content and was wondering if the team are open to the idea of discussing moving certain items (mainly the dragon pickaxe) for phase 2 when you discuss bosses reworks? This is mostly because very few Ironmen players would ever want to fight back anyway and it doesn’t fit from a lore perspective. We understand we chose to limit ourselves but I would imagine a significant portion of the playerbase are Ironmen players. It would be great to hear a response in the matter :) Good luck with the current feedback!

The Dragon Pickaxe is something we've been discussing internally. If any change is to happen there, it would be with the Wilderness Bosses rework later this year :)


Originally posted by bunsenburneracct21

Why are you listening to singles clans? Isn't one of the goals to make it so they can't do that? I highly doubt there are any singles teams that go out for clan wars. They're all looking to fall in on one dude

Even if they aren't going out for clan wars (which I do believe some do), a limited number of worlds where falling in on an individual is possible means you can just avoid those particular ones with ease and not worry about it happening :)

And for the singles clans who DO arrange these fights, it still provides them a way of doing it as they are currently able to.


Originally posted by foogers

Just had to make sure they didn't nerf the new rev boss's assets

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by Z00perD00per

actually all the aus worlds are f**ked.

I've let the tech team know and they're currently looking into this. If there is an update we can provide I'll try reply here otherwise check out for the OSRS account on Twitter!

29 Jun


Originally posted by ArtsicleOfficial

This only gives way to raggers.

That certainly could become a bigger issue than it currently is for sure. I've made the team aware of this alongside other points that have been raised!


Originally posted by WastingEXP

Would be nice to be able to loot your traps but not lay them. I know the post reads "lay" but if it's soemthing that can be kept it would be nice. Sometimes when you get attacked at chins you still have time/hp to loot the last few traps before making a run/fight for it.

The intention would be to stop laying new traps - I think it'd be fair to give you the chance of looting what you've already captured!


Originally posted by Bacon_Falcon

Can we get more reasoning behind the change to not being able to use bones on an altar while in combat? Seems to be a pretty big change to those training prayer and will result in people losing a lot more bones

The area was always intended to be high-risk vs high-reward, and currently there is very little to no risk there.

Whilst the PJ mechanics don't apply to Multi-way combat areas, it felt like a sensible place to mention such a change.


Originally posted by Antabis

Any info on when players will be able to use the Blighted VLS again?

I understand the contention around bringing the VLS back, as many players feel like we're forcing it in to the game. Ultimately though our last PvP specific poll saw it miss the required yes % by a mere 15 votes. This could well have been down to the criteria we used to filter who could/couldn't vote.

It's a bit soon to consider repolling it just yet, but I am hopeful we can look at it once more as part of Poll 76.


Originally posted by Nerd123432334

Would you ever consider restricting the number of worlds the wilderness is in to funnel more players into one wilderness? To make it more active as there are fewer wilderness worlds per player

I am going to assume you didn't read the updated blog. Please go check it out (you'll be interested in the 3rd point from the bottom within the feedback table).

24 Jun


Originally posted by Thermald

/u/JagexAyiza the d'hide chaps image is incorrect, it uses the d'hide body image.

Thanks for raising, I've changed that now though also noticed the stats for 3rd Age are wrong so I'll get that fixed tomorrow!


Originally posted by Carsian

Why does 3a dhide have the same stats as post nerf black dhide on the table?

Good question.... I'll get that changed tomorrow! Thanks for raising.


Originally posted by xxssimmons

/u/jagexayiza What the f**k are these dogwater changes? Literally nothing changed for multi pkers or clans, which this game has pretty much been built upon being geared towards clans. I think that’s me out (and probably a lot of multi pkers too).

As mentioned in the blog, the bigger content changes will be coming later this year with the Wilderness Bosses rework.


Originally posted by CameHereToRoast

I was abit confused on the part about the Rev Boss. How would it work for iron players then? Since anyone can hit it , Irons won’t be able to get the loot if they do the most damage? Or did I understand it wrong can somebody please clarify

Iron accounts would have to solo the boss in order to obtain loot from it.