You lose 10% of any Skilling experience you had at the time of dying. You'd still gain experience at the same rate going forward.
Hope that clears it up for you :)
You lose 10% of any Skilling experience you had at the time of dying. You'd still gain experience at the same rate going forward.
Hope that clears it up for you :)
cant other players PJ off you when youre in a 1v1?
No, the PJ timer is separate from Single-plus combat, so that will still exist. You'll be locked into combat with another player for 9.6 seconds, which refreshes each time either player is hit.
u/JagexAyiza will there be 30 mins of bonus xp and protection like last season upon entering this one?
There's no additional bonus XP or protection other than what's listed in the blog.
New accounts get 15 minutes protection at the start, then 1 hour each time you advance to the next combat bracket.
Bonus XP is only in the form of the XP modifiers, which increases for combat based on which bracket you're in at the time.
Hope that helps!
Hi All,
We have a statement to share on this post:
"Jagex expects the highest standards from its staff and we act decisively if those values that we hold dear are not reflected in the behaviour of employees. The person in question no longer works at Jagex, and was dismissed when the circumstances of the allegations came to light in March 2021.
We have conducted an internal review of the employee's interactions with staff and any players he may have come into contact with during his time at Jagex. We have found no evidence that might prompt further investigation at this time."
Great, clan man mode it is then. Thanks for giving us the heads up that ur reverting it back, as a solo player there wont be any reason for me to play lol
This change favours a solo player MUCH more than Single-plus did.
Previously you'd have been able to be attacked anywhere by anyone at any time. Now you at least have the safety net of the NPC you're fighting to figure out your next move.
Unless you felt it was better for a solo player to get kills with Single-plus?
Can you use the chaos wildy altar in the new season?
You can
So... Singles+ is the future for pvp zones with pvm elements to it.
Except when it's DMM and then Singles+ just get locked to a single cave instead.
Do we take Singles+ is not as good as Jagex claims it to be or does Jagex not care for the PvP in DMM if it's really the best pvp system?
We're going to see how things go in Deadman: Reborn in regards to NPC's respecting the PJ timer. It's possible we'll change our approach with the maingame having Single-plus replacing Single-way combat by adopting the same changes we've made for this.
Looking at the RFD subquests they require more quests to complete. Since it is stated that all pre requisite quests will be completed what is going to happen? Some of these quests are unlocked in a later bracket. How will this work? For example nature spirit requires priest in peril which is a level 36 unlock.
The only quests that get unlocked as part of the increased access to the Culinaromancer's Chest are those listed in the blog - essentially just the subquests only.
That one guy has been asking about kourend favor on every blog post and still hasn't gotten an official answer lol
I updated the blog so Kourend favour was only listed once - I also replied to them on Twitter!
This new blog indicates Mithril gloves being available at level 3, with The Lumbridge Guide subquest unlocked.
That subquest requires Priest in Peril and Restless Ghost, both of which are currently listed as being unlocked upon hitting 36 Combat.
Can we get some clarification here? Do the RFD Subquests also unlock their required quests?
The only quests that get unlocked as part of the increased access to the Culinaromancer's Chest are those listed in the blog - essentially just the subquests only.
Will the armor rebalance be out in time for dmm? For example, black dhide’s armor stats.
No, it'll likely come after DMM ends now
I am curious if there will be an extra time immunity for people starting late in the DMM. Ill technically be starting a week late.
I know past DMMs people starting late (like weeks late) would be given 6hr immunity.
There is no additional immunity outside of the initial 15 mins and then 1 hour when reaching a new combat bracket.
You'll be able to get combat XP so fast it shouldn't take that long to get maxed anyway :)
Is it only me who doesn't fully understand the dmm pj rules?
Let's say player A is attacking player B and player B is running away without fighting back. Will player C be able to attack player A? What about an aggressive NPC? I assume the answer to those is no (similar to singles+ or pvp worlds), but I couldn't see anything that definitively says so.
In this instance Player A and Player B are essentially bound to each other. They're both considered in combat and unable to be attack by other players or NPCs until 9.6 of neither player attacking has passed.
I've asked this on a few different occasions and still haven't heard anything. Will the whole house get wiped? Can you stash any equipment in the house? Jewelry/armour/coffer
PoH doesn't get wiped and you can store stuff there other than gold
Is swapping allowed?
Also, is there more to the definition of muling other than - an account that sits in safespots all the time and hoards items/gold? Any niche to it where players may unknowingly break the rule?
Thanks, very excited to participate even though I doubt I'll get very far lol
Swapping is allowed yes.
Muling is not something I'm able to expand on other than what you pretty much said, otherwise people will use my words in an attempt to bend the rules and avoid bans.
Just don't have another account you're hoarding all your items on and you'll be fine.
Would it be against the rules if I played for fun, instead of to win
Absolutely not. You have that fun, you deserve it!
Don't even know where to begin deciphering that news post. Any TL;DR?
If you've not been keeping up to date with the newsposts and this is the first you're seeing about Deadman: Reborn then there is a lot to process. I'd advise collapsing the table at the top, reading through the entire blog, then going back to the table at the top!
Ah, perhaps it's just the intimidation factor of so much going on, and then having to scroll up and refer to the changelog to see where the below information might need clarification. Thanks for the quick response.
Sorry about that :( There definitely is a lot of info to digest but once you've played for a day or so I'm sure it'll all slot into place!
Is teleblock completely useless in DMM?
Why bother reducing the teleblock timer? I'm just confused. It's 12 game ticks for teleport or logout, so if they can ever teleport they can just logout instead.
Could teleport and logout have different timers? So if you are teleblocked, you have to wait longer to escape
Without Teleblock it will be possible for players to get a freeze, stand under their opponent, and teleport away to safety.