I apologize responding to this guys post and don’t associate me with him for that please.
Aside from him being rude and stubborn I do believe he raises a valid point that must be considered. A mistake was made when releasing the dhins without having content that it could be used for, therefore making it op for 1 situation and 1 situation only. Now you’re forced to nerf it, and later down the road make it relevant again, resulting in another item that really will not have much use. And that is not mentioning it is a drop from raids 1, a “boss” that many new players look forward too due to its incredibly good/useful drops.
Secondly, I understand as players we can only see what is happening “today” on RuneScape while you guys see for sure the near future and make decisions off that. There is now a gap between black dhide and Karils, I think that’s well known, however the difficulty to make that upgrade for many players is fairly substantial, with no alternatives ...