

19 Jan


Originally posted by pip-johnson

The way lighting works in-game vs the editor tools is a little different I believe (these kind of comments come up fairly often as a result).

So, seeing as it's happened (at least) twice, and you guys know exactly why it's happening... why is it still a problem? It's as easy as a checklist.

I might be wrong about this so don't hold me to it! None of the artists were available to comment at the time so I went with what I thought might be the case (hence "I believe")...

I will ask one of them to confirm :D

18 Jan


Damn, I bet that felt good to do! Congrats :)


Originally posted by Dumby_Thick

Will PvP ever get a ranked system in the near or far future? I strongly believe this game needs it now more than ever.

I hope so, but there aren't any immediate plans for one as it's locked behind a lot of tech updates we'd need. The introduction of the Clan system and Group Ironman may well actually assist with such a system though.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't want to sound rude, but I think you're being very naive if you think we're going into this blind.

It's been something we've considered for years. In the comment you quoted I literally said "Doesn't mean it will stay that way, or even work out long term, but we're not afraid of trying." - I thought it was clear that this isn't something we're doing without consideration.


Originally posted by DivineInsanityReveng

First of all Ayiza, thank you for contributing in these discussions. It means a lot to see you actively discussing and not just dropping in one comment here and there.

But I think this mindset is just extremely polarising. A lot of the popularity in this game is a "do your own way" sort of playstyle. PvP world locked accounts are pretty damn popular, and to just say "well use another world" is incredibly naive to that fact and pretty much tells those players their opinion means nothing. It's why so many of us feel like these requirements (which requires quite active participation in a single PvP style of the many available even though you've just recently ran an LMS comp, and a separate game mode that may have had people far more interested in other areas of the game) are created just to pass this content.

I feel like you need to understand where this reaction is coming from. The VLS has failed polls. It then gets pushed through as an update for BH with the...

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I completely understand why some players disagree with the decision. It was to be expected and yet we went ahead with offering it because we feel like it's the right thing to do, even with the potential backlash that could occur.

We're not trying to create anything other than allowing the people this change will impact the most having their say. If you feel that's not fair, I really am sorry.

I can't speak for the VLS coming into the game unpolled, it was before my time, but I don't recall any real complaints when it was specific to Bounty Hunter worlds at the time and the PvP community were generally really happy it was added. Should we deny them being able to use an item they wanted and asked for (quite literally for years) because of the way it was introduced to the game? What good does that do in the end?

We could have just made this change and said it was an "integrity" change for the sake of PvP metas without offering any poll at all. I personally thin...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't think the game or my job is at risk for giving more support to the communities that need it most, but I appreciate your concern.


Was there really any need for the milk to pour like that


Originally posted by PM_ME_HAMSANDWICHES

Or how about kills in the wildy as well?

If we ever see another poll regarding the VLS being used outside of PvP worlds then the requirements to vote on it would change accordingly. Won't be happening for this one though!


Originally posted by Jaliubliuarbuz

Appreciate the answer. Thanks

No worries! Happy scapin!


Originally posted by Jaliubliuarbuz

What was the reason for removing Ectoplasmator? I really loved the update.

Whilst it might be fitting based on RuneScape's version of the Ectoplasmator, there were some in the team that had other more fitting ideas based on Old School. As a result, we're going to wait until closer to the release of A Kingdom Divided to revisit it again.


Originally posted by iMikeHimself

Should use a knife to skin the mole pet

I think using the Mole claw will receive a similar result...


Originally posted by Trixntips

Is there a soul wars preview happening today?

Unfortunately not, we couldn't get one ready in time. I'm hopeful we'll be able to share something before the update goes live though so keep an eye out on socials.


Originally posted by CaptainAlphaWalrus

So will the ectoplasmator change be polled closer to A Kingdom Divided release? I hope the proposal isn't gone forever :(

Yeah we'll come up with a new proposal in time for the A Kingdom Divided release, though it might not be part of the Ectoplasmator by then


Originally posted by Treblosity

Could the requirement to vote on vls include lms? Im almost at 100 win cape but i avoid normal pvp and i want to express that a vls wont fix that. People who play lms are one of few who know what its like to use the weapon already as well.

We're not looking to make any changes to the requirements for voting on this question as it feels like the fairest way of doing it given it impacts those that PvP in PvP worlds the most.

I can understand why people might think this is an attempt to "revive PvP" but that's just not the case. It's been requested heavily since Bounty Hunter was removed because players that PvP on these worlds every day have little variety and the VLS will add that for them. It has less KO potential than both the AGS and Dragon Claws, and KO potential matters a lot more on these worlds compared to other styles of PvP.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's very different indeed, but I think the premise is still the same.

This change will only affect players on PvP worlds. If you're actively participating in PvP on those worlds, you'll be able to vote on the proposed change that's specific to them.

Yes there are players that go on PvP worlds and don't do PvP. No you won't be able to vote if this is you. But let's be real for a moment - there are hundreds of other worlds to chose from to do these activities. If your concern is being killed easier, consider using a different world.

PvP world players who PvP don't get that choice. They're forced to play on these worlds and have received very minimal support when compared to other areas of the game. We're trying to change that, and this really does seem like a fair way of doing it. I've always been against limited polls unless they can be done right and I am genuinely sorry if this will have a negative impact on how you feel about the game, but this does seem ...

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Originally posted by Mr-Malum

The bigger issue for me though is that, like you said, this isn't the first time we've limited the "We let you guys vote!" attitude down to "We let *some* of you guys vote" and I worry that it won't be the last, either. I see the UIM poll as actually being another instance of what is becoming a budding trend.

The VLS also leaves a bad taste in a lot of players' mouths, and there's this meme that Jagex really wants to add it and just keeps bringing it up.
Disallowing almost everyone from voting on it is going to anger a lot of people who feel like you guys are just "trying to force it in". I'm not saying that view is accurate, but it's not a rare thing to hear people say, either, and a limited poll is probably gonna stoke that fire.

Players should absolutely expect there may be more polls to come that are specific to the communities they will impact the most. It's something we've spoke of a lot in the past, and we're now finally able to start experimenting with it. Smaller sub-communities have been massively underrepresented in recent years, and this the start of us trying to fix that.

Doesn't mean it will stay that way, or even work out long term, but we're not afraid of trying. I'm very biased as a Community Manager though and think it's really positive.

I can't really say much for the VLS because there isn't a single person I can name from the Jagex team that is actively trying to force change or has tried to force the VLS into the game. It has always been driven by the PvP community and we've tried our best to support that when we could.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Could the same argument not be used to say the UIM specific changes affects everyone who may want to create and play a UIM in the future?


Originally posted by Mr-Malum

I love you guys and I'm not being a dick here, but cutting 99% of the players out of a vote is a terrible, terrible idea and an awful precedent to set and I'd urge you to rethink it.

We've thought about it a lot and that's why it's taken a very long time to get to this point.

Considering the UIM specific polls went down really well for that community, which arguably cut out WAY more players from voting than this PvP only poll will, why is this one such a problem for you in comparison?


Originally posted by LordGozer2


As such, only accounts that have racked up some PKs on PvP worlds in the last few months are eligible to vote; others will be forced to skip.

Can this bit of info be added to the poll question itself? Something like ~99% will be forced to skip this one, and I bet many players will wonder why they can't vote for/against it when the question itself mentions nothing about it.

For what it's worth, we didn't have the same issue when it came to the UIM specific poll (which also didn't list it in the poll question). Not to say I'm against adding it in, just not sure if it's entirely needed. Would be good for clarity sake though, and that's probably enough of a reason! :)


Originally posted by ducklover72

/u/jagexayiza Could you take a look at the Trailblazer graceful? It doesn’t look as good as in the devblog and a lot of people are disappointed

I believe this has already been raised and logged as something to investigate but I'll mention it again. The way lighting works in-game vs the editor tools is a little different I believe (these kind of comments come up fairly often as a result).