Is the Bulwark going to be removed from CoX drop table then?
No, it will remain on the CoX drop table as it does currently.
Is the Bulwark going to be removed from CoX drop table then?
No, it will remain on the CoX drop table as it does currently.
What exactly was changed since the last iteration? Doesn't seem like any of the feedback regarding Dinh's, black dhide, or BP was implemented at all?
We included a section about Blessed Dragonhide, increased the Ranged defence of Dinh's Bulwark and opted to proceed with the Toxic Blowpipe proposal we implemented in the beta.
why do you do blogs in this way? i cant tell whats being updated unless i re-read the entire blog post, which is filled with 90% of the information ive read weeks ago, its the most frustrating thing ive ever seen from a game dev
Normally I would opt to keep any changes in one post, and include a changelog at the start to highlight the main differences. Because we wanted to address some of the key points in a dedicated post, it felt weird going back and updating the original, so I decided to create a new all-encompassing blog that merged everything (and added some info) which we'll refer to going forward.
I know it's not ideal and I don't really like doing it this way either, but I think it's best to avoid any confusion over which post is the most relevant/up-to-date.
Has anything been changed since the last update? I don't see any changes due to player feedback.
Most of what we included within the Equipment Rebalancing Changes blog was carried over into this one, so if you saw that, not much changed other than clarifications.
Main changes in this one were:
* Blessed Dragonhide stats
* Dinh's Bulwark Ranged defence increase
* Inclusion of the Dragon Spear to the attack speed changes
* Confirmation on how we'll handle the Basilisk Knights
* Confirmation on how we'll handle the resetting of Personal Bests
This post essentially combines the original, the changes, and some new information since the ...
When do y’all anticipate these changes going live?
With Combat Achievements quite literally around the corner now, these changes would likely go live in the next few weeks pending any major changes based on feedback where appropriate.
Anyone know when we'll get an update regarding the rebalancing and a response to the beta feedback?
Hopefully later today!
So jmods dont get fired for doing nothing
Mod Ry developed the island in his free time, no jobs were harmed in the making of this update.
appreciate the response but jagex as a whole have said this same thing for 2+ years so it means very little to anybody who actually cares about the pk scene
Yeah I know, and it's a fair comment. Can only hope that opinion changes in time as we keep our word!
can we get some actual damn attention to pking to bring back the players who have moved on due to the lack of f**king care from jagex? Why are item nerfs and old shitty mini games being prioritized over promises that have been left empty for actual years mate.
- dwh at 1 att is the only change incoming that doesnt really affect anything besides the pride obby maulers had who grinded the slay staff
We have some Wilderness changes planned for later this year (shown in a gazette as part of our content plan) where I'm hoping we'll be able to look at more general PvP things. Until then we're trying to do little bits alongside other updates.
I'd remove climbing boots from your calculation because the quest required gives 16 attack. Some obby's go that route, but with manacles now most don't.
Yeah I honestly just whacked them in there without much thought to get a quick idea of numbers vs OP suggested max hit.
So calc'd out dwh w/ no risk vs max obby gear risk (potted and ultimate str pray) and got these numbers. This is assuming 13 atk which is why I have the black defender, but it appears to be the same if using unholy/war book as well. Also I pick ammo crab as target b/c it's 1 def.
7 tick speed maul w/ neck max hit is 46 and 6 tick speed dwh w/ max/barely any obby gear is 42/38 so I'm not actually sure if it is that much more powerful as OP claims.
Thanks for the reply and calcs, very useful!
Yeah I didnt do any of the math, just read the max hits based OPs post. But my point was that most of the times people will now actually risk less, yeah theres always chanse of smite but id say its relatively low on that cb fights since peiple dont often tend to have 52 prayer
And dont get me wrong, im not against the dwh change, was just pointing on how i see its going to change that bracket pvp
Yeah that's fair enough and a valid point (about the increased max hit). Thanks for replying!
There will be actually less risk, because lets be honest, no one is going to be risking the dwh. So instead of having berserker neck and obby maul (and you risk the maul) you get to go dwh + str amulet and only risk the str amulet anymore while gaining +17 max hit.
Let's assume some budget gear of DWH, Amulet of Strength, Climbing Boots, Fire Cape and Combat Bracelet - the max hit of the special attack with 99 Strength would be 55 compared to the current 44 normal swing of the Obby maul (with Berserker necklace, it's 37 without)
I can see where you’d get the idea to replace the attack requirement with a strength one, given the horrid accuracy of DWH. Seems like an unnecessary albeit lazy change. Rather than lumping dwh into a new bracket, why not design new items?
I don't think it being a lazy change was anything we considered honestly, though I totally get why it seems that way - it's just really easy for us to implement and has a lot of potential benefits (shifting metas, new options for F2P PvP etc).
The focus was for Bronze - Rune Warhammers, we just bundled in the DWH for consistency and again, a potential welcome addition to the pure PvP meta.
Just wanted to let you know that even though it's much less of a focus in the feedback we've been getting sent, we've still seen the concerns around this and are discussing it.
Will have more to share in the next blog!
Until then, I am curious to hear more from you and others that have 1 Attack builds. What don't you like about the change? Is the prospect of a new meta not enticing, or is it more simply the fact it's too strong? It's a pretty expensive weapon and I doubt most people with 1 Attack are going to be wearing max strength. If they are using high str gear, it'll likely be risked seeing how they'd want to protect their DWH. Does the potential for more reward not outweigh how powerful these builds would be?
Litterally admitting having no thought process or plans, then passive agressively asking for suggestions? I recend my comment saying I have no place in balance discussions, this is ridiculous rhetoric
It wasn't intended to be passive aggressive, sorry if it came across that way :(
I would genuinely value suggestions around it, otherwise I have nothing to go back to the team with other than you think it's a problem. Having community backed suggestions is never a bad thing when presenting a problem.
No changes to D'hide boots that I've been made aware of no, only the armour sets (body, chaps and vambraces)
Make it an addition to thieving/crafting. release nail clippers, then as you sneak around the dragon layer clipping their claws you get dragon dart tips.
Unless dart tips are from somewhere else on the dragon :eyes:
edit: rough WIP
Lmao I dig it, nail clippers it is!
It will be +100% accuracy rather than making it never miss
What exactly will be doubled? The ranged attack stat of the blowpipe?
I believe it will be based on the accuracy the blowpipe but I'd need to ask the devs to confirm if its base stats only or including the dart being used. Heck it might even be your full ranged accuracy. I'll get someone to confirm back when it's office hours.