

26 Jan


Originally posted by Numb1101

u/JagexAyiza Please consider current account builds... The way in which the 2 melee stats affect combat level means changing an attack level requirement has different implications than changing a range/mage weapon requirement... When you consider there is no actual benefit to increasing requirements and only negatives for these accounts, I don't agree with increasing the attack level requirement on the rapier, mace, etc

This is still something we're discussing internally, though I'll be honest with you by saying it's hard to come up with a suitable solution that still achieves what we want whilst not impacting limited account builds.

If you have any suggestions outside of "don't do it" I'd genuinely really appreciate hearing them.


Originally posted by Bgy4Lyfe

Hey Ayiza, major props and thanks to you and the team for listening to the players regarding these changes. I know some people have been absolutely vile for no justified reason so I hope you guys know your work is truly appreciated. Looking forward to what the beta world testing brings and what future content and gear can now come from these much needed changes!

Change can be scary, I understand why players are frustrated at times! Hopefully this version of the blog with the less nerfed Blowpipe helps settle some of the major concerns :)


Originally posted by Bgy4Lyfe

I think saving off the current personal bests and resetting would be the best way to go just so everybody has a fair start once combat diaries come into the game

I personally prefer this approach too. It would be nice for players to have a record of their old times to look back on whilst having a nice little race to the new fastest completions :)

And yeah, level playing field for when Combat Achievements comes out.

25 Jan


I need some of your patience. Love the series idea, consider me subscribed!

22 Jan


Originally posted by Burdenedd

u/JagexAyiza Thanks for the quick feedback. I think testing in a beta world would be nice tho not sure how that works.

Two questions I like to ask you are
1) have you tested crystal armour's 15->20% buff? I think it makes it more usable, but its low def and my calculation shows its not a big dps increase as its 5 tick weapon. I think crystal armor needs more extensive review than just going to 15->20 change. If you can take a look into this that be great. Maybe corrupted version as a few suggested?

2) is 3rd age range top & bottom getting nerf too? It's a niche armor so hasn't been mentioned. It's built around black d'hide stats with more mage bonus so I think it needs nerf equivalent to black dhide thanks

We tested all of the changes but we didn't get the balance right on everything it seems, I know that doesn't really answer your 1st question but we the revised blog will explain more than I can here!

The only items we're looking to change are listed in the blog, 3rd Age would stay as it is now.


Originally posted by awenzel

Sorry, I meant this sarcastically, glad you're getting more feedback before pushing this update.

Ah, well thanks for clarifying! I appreciate it <3


Originally posted by Albus-PWB-Dumbledore

I just want to echo what others are saying and express appreciation for everything you and the team are doing u/JagexAyiza, I know it can be a thankless job but don't let the ass hats get you down

<3 thank you!


Originally posted by Matz7

Will the inferno be available on the test world?

Yes it will


Originally posted by OdBx

Will the beta-worlds be some kind of invite-only, or will everyone get a chance to log in and test the new stats?

It will be open to all members


Originally posted by superfire444

Would it be an idea to actually show the difference in dps?

I think people have a hard time to actually know what happens DPS wise.

Maybe showing the difference in damage and an example for bandos kill times would make things a lot more clear.

The revised blog will have more examples included to help better show the difference to pre/post nerf for the blowpipe specifically. I really liked seeing some of the player submitted posts that had this level of information in and I regret not pushing for it to be included this time round honestly!


Originally posted by Zesinua

u/JagexAyiza is there a reason the dragon spear/hasta aren’t getting the speed increase while the dragon mace is?

The Dragon hasta already has the reduced attacked speed but the spear is a fair point to raise. I'll pass it on, thank you!


Originally posted by mekyle711

Honestly I am super impressed how you all are engaging with the community in this way and actually taking our considerations to heart. It truly means a lot to those of us who love this game as much as you all do. It sucks that some people are getting so aggressive over the changes. Understandably they are upset, but threats and aggression to others is never the way.

I think its great that a beta testing world has been set aside. I am sure this will help garner appropriate data on how the nerfs would impact existing content, and honestly I think its something that should be done more in the future as well.

I actually want to throw my 2 cents in for long swords, torags hammers and the elder maul- I feel these items definitely need to be looked at as they could use some changes as well :) thank you for all your hard work!

Hopefully with the changes we're looking to make for the beta the impact of the nerfs will be more relatable. We know it's difficult at times to get a true feel for things until you've actually experienced it for yourself!

For the swords etc, at the moment we're only looking at what the blog offers, but updating older content is something we actively try to do (as seen in some of our recent updates and polls) so it could happen in the future!


Originally posted by ThisTechnocrat

I agree. I know the changes aren't easy. Are there plans to look at Barrows? Several sets can use love...

At the moment we're only looking at what the blog offers, but updating older content is something we actively try to do (as seen in some of our recent updates and polls) so it could happen in the future!


Originally posted by FlamingBunnyChamou

Will the next round of the rebalancing blog address items not mentioned on the first?

Yep, what we listed was just some of the main points gathered from feedback so far. There's a lot for us to process and we simply weren't ready today but still wanted to keep everyone updated :)


Originally posted by DukeBaird

Can we pick slayer tasks so we can go to specific slayer bosses? Or will they not be locked behind a task?

We can't give the functionality to choose your Slayer task in time for the worlds going live, but you'll be given the ability to skip tasks for free without penalty. Hopefully that is a good enough compromise!


Originally posted by MisClickPro

If the newspost next Tuesday doesn't include a reduced nerf for the BP I don't see how it helps anything.

If you are using the beta worlds Wednesday as a way for us to test the huge nerf proposed yesterday while releasing a statement tuesday saying youre not going to reduce the nerf yet you're just going to make people more mad because you're stringing people along.

Tuesday’s blog will go into more detail about some of the changes that will be live in the beta, so keep an eye out for that before jumping into it :)


Originally posted by awenzel

Ahh, a blog announcing a blog! How very Jagex of you

I think it's better than saying nothing at all, but I apologise if this wasn't the update you were hoping for.


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

Whatever happened with jagex wanting to reevaluate the way mage def is calced for pvp. Pretty sure you guys even set up beta test worlds with different % calcs to try out.


We tried it out in DMM and never felt like there was a good opportunity to bring it up again I suppose! Maybe we'll be able to revisit it as part of the Wilderness changes coming later this year, but that's just a guess at the moment as we haven't finalised our plans with it yet.


Originally posted by Honorable_Zuko

Thanks for all the work you and the team do Ayiza. We know that you guys want to make the game the best version of itself you can make it. That's a very concise and accurate list of what a lot of people's concerns are and it feels great that you guys have acknowledged what we've said and understand it well enough to articulate it well.

I trust that you guys will decide what's best for the game and will take into consideration what we're saying (knowing that inevitably some people will be unhappy).

Thank you for the kind words! I'm sure we'll get closer to something that the majority are happy with in an updated blog, that was always the intention with us doing this in the first place :)