

26 Jan


Originally posted by Trencha

I have a couple of questions if you don't mind, u/JagexAyiza

  1. When the blog says "We add 100% accuracy to the special attack" for the Blowpipe, does this mean +100% accuracy, or just straight-up never misses?

  2. Can we get some before vs after DPS numbers on the Blowpipe for those peasants among us who aren't maxed Range with Rigour and BIS Ranged gear? Like, say, 80 or 85 Ranged with Karils or Black Dhide and the 15% Prayer?

I know people with very high combat stats are the ones who will be taking the Blowpipe to the Inferno and Alchemical Hydra and suchlike, but the mid-levels among us have uses for the Blowpipe too, especially with it being so affordable, and I feel like we stand to lose more DPS from the nerfs than maxed players since a higher proportion of our Ranged accuracy and strength is coming from the Blowpipe itself.


  1. It will be +100% accuracy rather than making it never miss
  2. I'd love to be able to include more build variations, but there are so many different gear setups I don' think it'd be realistic to include them all (and the devs would hate me for asking for them too!). I do agree we could do better at having a "default" mid-tier setup to use though.

Hopefully you'll get a good feel for how much it'll impat you personally in the beta as you'll be able to grab all your typical gear and go test whatever you want!


Originally posted by runner5678

I’d like to focus on why buffing the Crystal Bow is really, really good for the future health of the game. If the Crystal Bow was good with the full set:

  • Future str upgrades would impact it less as it’s a 5-tick so balancing that would be easy
  • New non-glove/boot/cape range armor wouldn’t affect it so it’s easy to release that content around it to buff other gear such as the BP and Crossbows
  • It wouldn’t work with the slayer helm so other content is still used on task
  • It doesn’t use a shield so when defense or an off-hand is needed, other content is still used
  • The Crystal Bow is iconic existing content and expanding its value is great
  • Using the Crystal Armor requires you to play more of the game in questing and shard collection
  • It encourages people to do the gauntlet as an iron or a moneymaker which is, imho, really fun content just behind raids

The Crystal Bow is imho perfect to fill the gap left behi...

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I'd love to see the Crystal Bow have more of a spotlight. Some great points raised here, thank you!


Originally posted by BurntLegumes

It's very hard for me to decide how I feel about this change without knowing that. Because when I get a bp, I won't have best in slot gear or ammo, I'll just about be able to keep it afloat with fishing eels and killing aviansies.

When the beta goes live tomorrow you should be able to replicate the gear you'd typically use. I'd love to include different gear setups in the calculations but it's not easy to include given how many variations there are for each player.

I think others here answered your question around the 50% nerf (if that's not clear still, let me know).


Originally posted by ILovePlaterpuss

Yea, I noticed the DPS drop is like 25% for maxed rangers with rigour and full arma, i'm terrified of what it is for lvl 76 rangers with eagle eye and black dhide lol. I'm not trying to do inferno, I just don't want to tack another 3 months onto the slayer grind

Give the beta a try tomorrow, I don't think you'll notice that much of a difference with general Slayer training when using the blowpipe as the focus is much more on higher defence creatures. It's a shame you won't be able to try out the new spec, I can imagine that'd be quite useful for the odd Slayer task where you need the extra healing.


Originally posted by Suriranyar-

Is anyone at jagex considering looking at the elder maul? As another posted pointed out people use the abysal bludgeon 99% of the time over it, despite needing less stats.

We don't have any plans for changes to the Elder Maul at the moment. We've seen a lot of the suggestions that have been posted in the past, but nothing that has made its way into our backlog for now.


Originally posted by yesbyii

Now that higher dart tiers are nerfed less, will there be any plans to add a way to consistently get dragon darts for ironmen? It's impossible to maintain dragon darts for ironmen at the current rates.

We have no plans to make Dragon Darts more accessible at the moment sorry.

Happy to hear any suggestions though for future thought if you have any :)


Originally posted by coolbop32

If your answer is “it’s too powerful in pvp” then maybe the way your looking at pvp is wrong. Half of these changes are trying to make it easier for people to be killed in the wilderness. Maybe balance around pker vs pker and not pker vs tank because the tank should be able to escape if they there primary focus is tank and not kill.

We have some Wilderness changes planned later this year (not too long after CA and Tempoross), which we'll look to address some of the bigger issues plaguing it, but this would have been proposed regardless of any other PvP related changes we'd want to make.


Originally posted by 770-

Blessed D’hide is way more expensive and not currently used in PvP. If it became the meta in PvP, at least people would be risking something.

All the nerf to blessed D’hide does is hurt mid-game players (that are already being hurt by the more logical blowpipe nerf) for no reason.

We mentioned later on in the D'hide section about how we're exploring not including Blessed D'hide in the changes, but for the sake of clarity (and to generate discussion) we wanted to confirm it would be included in the current proposal.

We'll address this in the updated blog we put out.


Originally posted by OgMrClutch

I apologize responding to this guys post and don’t associate me with him for that please.

Aside from him being rude and stubborn I do believe he raises a valid point that must be considered. A mistake was made when releasing the dhins without having content that it could be used for, therefore making it op for 1 situation and 1 situation only. Now you’re forced to nerf it, and later down the road make it relevant again, resulting in another item that really will not have much use. And that is not mentioning it is a drop from raids 1, a “boss” that many new players look forward too due to its incredibly good/useful drops.

Secondly, I understand as players we can only see what is happening “today” on RuneScape while you guys see for sure the near future and make decisions off that. There is now a gap between black dhide and Karils, I think that’s well known, however the difficulty to make that upgrade for many players is fairly substantial, with no alternatives ...

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We have mentioned later on in the section for D'hide about how we're exploring not including Blessed D'hide in the changes, but for the sake of clarity (and to generate discussion) we wanted to make it clear that it would be included in the current proposal.

I do think they fit the gap left behind perfectly!


Originally posted by fitmedcook

It's a pretty substantial nerf to solo gwd. If you're using blessed dhides youll take more damage now and if you bring karils, you'll use up invy spaces for god items

That's completely understandable. We have mentioned later on in that section about how we're exploring not including Blessed D'hide in the changes, but for the sake of clarity (and to generate discussion) we wanted to clarify it would be included in the current proposal.


Originally posted by BRUHHUWOT

Ohh from quickly glancing over it looks like addy darts getting harder nerf so rune darts and dragon darts will still be very similiar which is good because it makes blowpipe more expensive to use.

Also didnt seem to notice any of those rapier and scythe requirements increase or did they just not mention it this post but its still coming?

Not mentioned in this blog but still coming. We'll cover everything in a new blog next week. I thought it would be too confusing doing the typical changelog and editing the original blog, hence why these changes are in their own blog.


Originally posted by Satan_Battles

You'll poll powerful buffs but not powerful nerfs?

If we were to introduce new items or rewards I'd expect that to be something that is polled.

I can't really say much on these changes not being polled that hasn't already been said in the blogs though, sorry.


Originally posted by DeepFriedBabeez

Im confused, you state that Dinh's "even with the shield's previous stats, it saw very little use in-game as a defensive item outside of PvP." and then still decide to go ahead and nerf the only area you just acknowledged its only useful in?

Well yes, that's kind of the point. The reason we're changing it is because it's too powerful in PvP.


Originally posted by Bongoooos

Personally don’t like the “we’ll be exploring ideas for the bulwark in the future.” To completely gut the only use for an item for future changes that’ll be announced at undisclosed time rubs me the wrong way. Why not keep it the same until you actually have an area where it can be used. Until you release an update that makes the item relevant it’s just going to be dead content. Love that you’re listening to the community with the blowpipe and other changes though and no hate at all just my two cents on a change I don’t necessarily agree with right now.

We could just keep it the same until a new use for it comes about, but then we'd be left with the current issue that we're trying to solve here - it's too powerful in PvP.


Originally posted by MisClickPro

Yeah because Bgloves are so crap and in no way BiS anywhere.. they are also not a free reward from a quest.

You might notice we do things a little differently these days, typically because many players have asked us to do so.


Originally posted by IrregularPudding

I was not talking about blowpipe and i do not personally care about blowpipe in the slightest. I was referring to dragonhide armor, its not just "BiS", its the only armor in the slot, there is no alternative.

Karil's is a perfect replacement for a higher defence (both Melee and Magic) alternative to the proposed D'hide.

I'm sorry you think we're idiots, but when you look at the difference in stats between Karil's and Black D'hide, you can clearly see one is stronger than it should be. Rather than nerf Karil's, which is already significantly more expensive, it makes sense to look at D'hide as the culprit.

Those wanting affordable Ranged offensive gear with what are really good Magic defence stats within PvM (even after the changes), Black D'hide will still have its place.


Originally posted by NJImperator

You mentioned potential suggestions- is there any chance we can get range Bgloves with range str as another grandmaster quest reward? A lot of players are worried about locking the new equipment behind Raids 3, which I think is a fair concern.

We actually offered something like this with the Theatre of Blood (and Song of the Elves I believe) but they failed both times. There is definite room for new Ranged based gloves, though I'm not sure about BiS being a free reward from a quest - players typically like to have some form of reward coming from content and this would fit nicely into a new boss or something similar.


Originally posted by Dicyano7

"We discussed increasing both the bonus damage and accuracy of the full Crystal Armour set even further, but we’d really need to go big on the numbers ... and that would in-turn lead us into the problem of a T70 Ranged weapon being stronger than its requirements..."

If the level requirement is a big problem, just increase the level requirements on the armour set then? Slap a 80 ranged and 75 defence requirement on it, and it'll be fine? I'm not asking for the bow to get a buff, the bow without armour would still be pretty bad, and certainly not too strong for a T70 weapon. I read the suggestion about a potential attachment to the crystal bow from gauntlet. I'd take it if the other alternative is the insignificant 5% buff, but I thought the whole point was to make the armour more viable, given how much it costs to acquire AND to maintain.

I was actually so happy for a second when I saw Crystal Armour mentioned in the newspost with a...

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It is still an option FWIW, just one that we're not likely to make until we've had enough feedback to suggest it's supported enough.

Increasing the requirements on the armour is an option, but where it sits stat wise (bonuses aside) wouldn't really justify it being at T80. Maybe the bonus would imply a higher power level that justifies it enough.

Regardless of what happens it's very clear Crystal Armour in general would benefit from a buff, but anything drastic we would likely poll in the future rather than tackle as an integrity change.


Originally posted by DangerZoneh

I have to say, I really appreciate the amount of detail and calculations you did for the Blowpipe rework. It's clear that a ton of effort has gone into rebalancing it, and it looks good! Especially with the bonus to spec, praise the Lord on that one.

What would the crystal bow upgrade look like? What if instead of upgrading the bow itself, you can get some form of rare crystal seed from the Gauntlet and bring it to Ava, creating a "Crystal Quiver". This could allow the crystal bow to save ammo and could also enhance the set effect even further. I think it could be a really fun option and make the fashionscape of the full crystal even better.

I'm still sad we never saw the quiver suggestion from years back make its way into a blog :(

Could be potential for it though!


Originally posted by Haz606

typo of AFK in the faceguard section

Fixed that one, thank you!