

08 Feb


Originally posted by Luke_Orlando

Thanks for the update!

I am very intrigued by the buff to medium armor options.

It looks like med helms and square shields could offer an interesting way to hybrid ranged with higher defence in situations where safe spotting isn't available.

Could even open up new low-level PvP gear set ups as well...


The D-Med deserves a place in the meta honestly. It's so iconic.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how creative players can be with the changes! And I agree, make the Dragon Med great again!


Originally posted by TacoManifesto

Is this why god d hide body’s just shot up another 100-200k again lmao

I think people knew it was coming since the Q&A, but yeah likely another reason why. It makes talking about change pretty difficult because of merch opportunities but the alternative is not talking about change until it happens, which I think is probably worse than the temporary shift in item costs.


Originally posted by SudsyGiraffe

If Jagex is going to ram through changes catering to PKers, I'd love to see some sort of countermeasures to skulltricking. I for one would like the opportunity to defend myself knowing that I'm guarenteed to keep my three items. Obviously the +1 would still be a tossup due to smite. If PKers can gear specifically for PKing and organize clans while we are performing wildy activities (e.g. training prayer at chaos altar), it seems reasonable to be able to bring some sort of gear to protect yourself as was intented when runescape was created. I highly doubt skulltricking was part of the original game design, and does nothing but hurt pvp activity.

I don't know if it's capable within the bounds of the current engine, but I'd like to see a Player 'Attack' Option along the lines of "left click if it won't skull" so that I don't have to leave my attack on hidden any time I cross the ditch. If this isn't a viable option, maybe an opt in doomsayer warning whenever attacking someone ...

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With the upcoming Wilderness changes starting around April, I'm hoping we'll be able to tackle a lot of issues regarding PvP within the Wilderness in general. This goes for both the PK'ers and those being PK'd.


Originally posted by TEAM8HYPE

Would it be possible to retain tob/nm pbs but tie them to the highest player threshold? Ie current tob pb would be set to 5 man tob pb, and current nm pb would be set to the largest size pb category (80? 20+?).

The att requirement changes on weapons have not been addressed on stream or any further blog despite 75 att builds being upset with the changes. I believe this frustration stems not from the att level changing but having to choose between being a pvm build or pk build. Has the team considered readjusting the att levels so that there are pk weapons at the same tier as scythe? For example t78 rapier/mace/blade as pvm weapons and vls as a pk weapon, t80 scythe as a pvm weapon and elder maul (with some buff) as a pk weapon. If not has there been any talk/consideration of adding a t85 pk weapon in the near future?

We're not resetting any of the PB's anymore, even ToB and Nightmare - we're basically going to do what you mentioned in your comment :)

As for the pure builds, I'm still personally really sad those impacted might have to make that decision at some point. We are looking at doing Wilderness improvements starting around April, so we may have an opportunity for new rewards to come from there (but I don't want to promise anything just yet). I don't see why we wouldn't be able to introduce new items though, that's part of the reason behind the change at least!

04 Feb


Originally posted by PowerPanda555

Any explanation why level requirment changes are needed?

Especially when they are such nonsense changes like moving rapier etc to 80att while blowpipe is 78 range and having DHCB and lance be in 2 different tiers when they are supposed to do the exact same thing and when they both high end weapons.

I don't think I can add much more than what's already been said in the blogs really. It's about providing clarity when comparing power levels, and clearly defining where gaps in different levels exist.


Originally posted by Charl3magne

Some good steps in the right direction here.

I am very interested in the blowpipe midgame effects. Out of all the changes that have been discussed I think this one is the one that will ultimately have the largest impact on players as they journey and progress towards the game. This needs to be more than just a flat nerf to ranged DPS across the board with no compensation in other weapons, because that's just hammering midgame and ironman players, further widening the gulf between them and the tbow wielders.

And I really have to say that I still hate the idea that this needs to be done to open up design space for Raids 3 rewards and bosses. Raids can take players years to progress towards and master. If the blowpipe's replacement comes from a new raid it feels like it's robbing the masses to create a niche reward. That just doesn't sit right, when it means that many more hours added to our journeys.

I wouldn't say the changes are being made just for Raids 3. Sure they'll help, but there are still rewards we can add - it's a much longer term result we're hoping for though. The reason it was brought forward now is because we've been discussing it for so long internally and with Conbat Achievements on the horizon, it seemed like now would be the best time.


Originally posted by nonpk

so is it not changing then? im confused lol

So basically there are no plans to change the tier rebalancing proposal at the moment, but there is a possibility it could still change before the update goes live. Hopefully that helps clear it up, sorry for the confusion!


Originally posted by Fsr_osrs

Dwh for sure 1 attack?

As it currently stands, yep!


Originally posted by Revoluting

there is still potential for it to change again.

Do you mean before the update or after? Repeatedly changing level requirements is not what the community is asking for. Please stick to them or allow us to reroll our account's attack levels.

Oh I meant the blog before the update sorry!


Originally posted by nonpk

So your not changing mele weps reqs right? That update kills my pure.

The current plan is to proceed as the blog states, which we know isn't a good solution for those impacted. We're still discussing though and there is still potential for it to change again.


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

Sounds good. Any chance you will be addressing the less discussed changes like the Bonecrusher Necklace and the odd level reqs? It doesn't make sense the DHCB is going to 70 while the DHL is going to 78; they should both be either 70 or 75.

Also, a lot of Magic weapons are going to 82, which is strange since they'd be better suited for 80. For example, the Trident will be 75, Swamp Trident 78, but then Sang is going 82 despite only being slightly above the Swamp Trident. I can get why the Nightmare Staves are going 82, even if you could argue the Harm should be 85 with the Scythe, but putting so many 78s and 82s just feels out of place since levels usually end on 5s or 0s.

There aren't any plans to make any further changes to the necklaces or odd level requirements at the moment, but I've seen a few of your comments and there is genuine feedback to be passed on with them.


Hey all, I posted this on Twitter so I thought it be best to share it here too so you can know what to expect with tomorrow's new blog. There may be additional changes, but these are the main ones we're looking to address as a result of the feedback received.

03 Feb


Originally posted by BrianSpencer1

I apologize if this was answered previously but looking for a point of clarification on basilisk knight superiors. With the change to the special attack, can I click once and my character will fight to free himself or do I have to incessantly spam click to free myself (similar to Hespori tangling in vines)?

You'd need to move before the special attack hits you or manually click to break free.


Originally posted by IsleOfOne

Hi Ayiza,

Thanks for all your hard work on this project. I can’t imagine what it must be like in your shoes right now.

Question for you regarding the stat requirement changes: would it be possible to ask the team about offering a one-time full account reset (stats, quests, bank, and all)? This could be utilized by pures and other (typically PvP) limited account builds to rebuild according to the new meta when the dust settles.

I do think the changes are excellent—all of them, every single one. This is coming from an ironman who loves to watch PvP and wilderness content. Truly, everything has been handled as best as it could be.


Hey, I for sure can ask! I'm curious though, would you really want to rebuild your account knowing that new items will eventually be released to fill the gaps left with these current changes?

Is your problem that you just don't know when that would be and would rather not wait?


Originally posted by eocdenier

that's understandable, but if you included the information you provided in this post at the top it'd be much easier to read

FWIW I added a summary of sorts to the blog, hopefully it makes sense - doesn't cover every minor detail but should give a good enough overview.


Originally posted by bob4786

Why would you even reply to this? Such a lose lose situation. Stop pretending to give a shit.

I'd rather give the information I'm able to even if it doesn't match what people want to hear - that's all I can really do at the moment.


Originally posted by kogasapls

No need to apologize to me. My issue is primarily that something I spent a lot of time actively pursuing will now be inherently less legitimate. But also yes, every time I kill Vorkath for the next few months and see a 1:12 PB it's gonna upset me.

I also lose the ability to flex the pb with Runelite's chat plugin, which is unfortunate.

Btw, major props for being in the trenches. None of the criticism of this blog or the game should reflect on you as a person. Thanks.

That's understandable, thanks for replying with more info, much appreciated!


Originally posted by Tozzaa

Sorry you're taking a battering here but these nerfs are clearly not being taken very well by the community. If there was new pvm content coming very soon to fill the gap people may be more receptive.

The way it stands right now we're just going to be doing the exact same content but 30% slower which is really boring.

Yeah I can't win and I'm in a terrible position being the messenger without all the shiny news to share that will help ease concerns. If I could say more, I would :(