

25 Feb


Very neat.

22 Feb


Originally posted by Any-sao

Do existing Jmods not like old quest series to such an extent that they aren’t willing to try and continue them?

Let them bring in their new opinions.

It works on OSRS.

Lots of Jmods love the older quests and there is plenty of ideas and discussions on bringing them back, the issue I believe Doom was trying to convey is that a lot of the early quests were designed and essentially tied to their creators and there isn't a blueprint lying around that we can follow to continue on in the previously intended design.

So while we could pick them up again and aim to be faithful to the setup, it will be unlikely we get it just right, and that is before we even talk about if we can even live up to the expectations players have been building up in their minds for years (I have seen theories on Arposandra being an incredibly complex underground system of areas complete with multiple bosses and raids for example).

In the future there could definitely be follow ups to older quest lines but if we had planned on doing them we would want to do them right.

20 Feb

19 Feb


Welcome to the team folks!


The lovely Mod Spyro did some hunting this morning and several front facing shots have been added to the blog. Unfortunately when it was being written up the plan was I would grab some on Friday but other tasks sapped away the time so we went with what was available.


Originally posted by Dry-Fault-5557

Why are you only showing the dyes with the camera facing the character's back?

Didn't get a chance to get more in game images so went with what was available at the time.


This week we’re rolling out the red carpet for a host of quest requirement changes – and for you adventurous types, a multi-community challenge odyssey awaits!

Check it out here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/quest-requirement-cleanup--gamejam---this-week-in-runescape

External link →

13 Feb


The combat team are really ramping up the pace with some refinements to the recent beta branch!

Find out what has changed and how you can go join the beta here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/combat-beta-update-5

External link →

12 Feb


Originally posted by RookMeAmadeus

So...since we have 450QP now, are we going to have a 9th block/prefer slot pair added for slayer?

The prefer/block slot is capped at 8 so there isn't a 9th for the 450 quest point, this could change in the future but currently we are happy with the amount available.


Are you a friend to the owls? Perhaps you need some new necromantic bling – or maybe you're just getting ready for DXP? This week has you covered...

Check it out here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/housing-of-parliament--double-xp--this-week-in-runescape

External link →

11 Feb


Unfortunately I jumped the gun on announcing this, the aim was to drop it at the end of Jan, unfortunately due to illness some key team members who were working on it weren't available and so progress slowed, couple that with some unfortunately technical difficulties it didn't go out when I had hoped.

I have been chatting with the team all week and there was a hope it would go out on Friday when the difficulties had been resolved but wasn't to be, will be chatting with folks tomorrow to get a more locked in timeline.

09 Feb


Streams are unfortunately something with a lot of moving parts so there is ups and downs with them as we don't want to just put up a stream for the sake of saying we had one.

With that said there will be a stream on Tuesday next week with Mod Stu to chat about his upcoming Quest Requirement update changes and Mod Doom is working on locking in more streams going forward.

08 Feb


Personally I have found the best way to enjoy my play time is to avoid trying to follow the trends, I will see what people are talking about and look into things but generally I try to stay away from the mentality of "if your not doing X your not doing it right" as it just undermining the enjoyment I find in puzzling things out with the resources I have.


The combat team have been hard at work, reviewing player feedback and today we are making some adjustments based on player feedback to the recent beta branch.

The recent beta patch is being pitched as a release candidate so we are going to continue these adjustments till they are just right and this is where you come in, If you're a pvm god and smash your way through bosses, or just wanting to get your daily combat challenge done, try out your usual combat scenarios on the beta and let us hear from you on how they play and feel with these changes under your belt! 

Check out what's changed here - ...

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02 Feb


Find out what's ahead for RuneScape in February and March in this new letter from Mod Keeper .
Read about it here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/a-look-ahead---a-message-from-mod-keeper

External link →

26 Jan


We have launched a survey to hear hear your thoughts on topics like Vorkath: Battle of Forinthry, Santa's Village, skilling and more!

Let us know what ya think! http://rs.game/WinterSurvey24 ( completion time ≈ 15min)

Thanks in advance, 'Scapers

External link →

Originally posted by CornedBeefCurtains

Im assuming the folks handling the survery also messed up calling the Necro Embargo being lifted as a content update as well? Props for giving us surveys. It is appreciated

" Which of the following recently released quests, events and updates are you aware of? "

It falls under the update category, the point of including it is to gather data around if it was something people were aware happened it wasn't being framed as a "content update"


An unfortunate mishap with some copy and pasting and missing it on subsequent read throughs. The folks handling the survey have since updated to align with the other questions.


Herb bag issue is being resolved on Monday, its not intended to store herbs over the bag size. Thankfully if you have stored over the amount they won't be deleted but you won't be able to use the bag as intended until you remove the extra herbs.

25 Jan


Our combat beta has been in full swing since November and over that time we have been polishing and refining changes to the systems with your feedback at the heart of it! We are drawing close to a release into the live game and for this final stretch we really want to get the feel just right and that is where today's update and you the players jump in.

With the aim of this patch being refinement before launch we are asking people to focus their feedback on how the systems feel compared to currently on live,...

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