

27 Feb


Originally posted by runner5678

I’m a little confused by the agility course

What incentive do people have to PK there? Does the loot in the chest go into your inventory? It’s just builds over time in quantity earned each lap?

Inventory or looting bag most likely yeah, you get more out of it the longer you stay, but your odds of running into a player go up. Similar to stacking loot at Revs for example, it's not uncommon for me to stack up a 1m+ bag before leaving, which is the incentive for a would-be PKer!


Originally posted by chaotic-rapier

Wildy course gp/hr is insane, considering how bots can just insta log, this is a huge buff to bot farms, you have to either make logging out not possible 5 seconds after doing an obstacle or add just a shit ton of level 12 skeletons everywhere so you are always in combat, also 2m gp/hr is insane compared to lvl 92 agility sepulchre which is around the same gp/hr, also i think chivalry should be nerfed if it requires no defence level anymore

There's a sentence in the blog around adding more skeletons with the express intent of preventing insta-logging to avoid scenarios like the former. Also worth keeping in mind that the rates in question assume you're wholly uninterrupted, if it's wild enough that it's a no-brainer to do, then there's more activity and your odds of remaining uninterrupted go down - or your loot tolerance decreases and you're less likely to stay on longer trips to really get the most out of it.


Originally posted by HeyokaTroll

Throw in the chaos elemental while you guys are at it! If blipblop is no more, then blipblop is universal. Otherwise they should call it the 'elder chaos/abby demons teleblock scroll'

Kinda neat, will pass it on to the team!


Originally posted by SmartAlec105

Will PKers be able to tell who opted into the extra loot? Or will they just kill everyone on the off chance that they opted in?

Think it'd be cool to try and add some kind of anim/indicator that somebody's opted in for sure! That being said, people might still do the latter because you genuinely never know when somebody's rolled up with everything without realising - twice this month I've run a wildy clue step with full rune pouches, idiots like me are the reason everybody is a potential target :(


Originally posted by CharizardOSRS

Still not going to the wilderness with more than a clue and spade. Nice try.

We'll get you one of these days!


Originally posted by Estake

Should we add the Blipblock Scroll, a tradeable item that unlocks the ability to block teleportation attacks from Elder Chaos Druids

Uhh so what ability does this blipblock scroll actually unlock? Is it a new prayer you have to keep running while killing these mobs or is it a permanent slayer unlock?

The blog isn't really clear in this regard...

The blipblop scroll blocks the Elder Chaos Druid's ability to teleport you all over the place, with the potential on the table for it to block the Abyssal Demons' ability to do the same!


Originally posted by hubatish

Did the misc changes need to be separated in quite such detail? What kind of mad lad is gonna vote "yes more hellhounds" but "no more ice giants"?

I think I just wanted to make stuff as granular as possible for people just in case, appreciate that it adds a few seconds to voting but think it's preferable to do that vs. group questions up too much!


Originally posted by SmartAlec105

While you’re looking at the Fountain of Rune, could we get left click recharging of dragon stone jewelry? It’d be a nice little QoL.

For the Wilderness Agility Course, will you move the clue step out of there if those changes are made? Paying 100k to do a single clue step would be kind of awful.

Can pass the first on as a feedback point for sure.

Second point it's worth re-stating that the 100k is intended to be a 'I'd like to opt in to extra reward' fee, it's not required to enter or to just run the course, only to gain the extra bonus loot bits! That being said, I'm sure the team would be open to adjusting the location to make it 'about as risky as it is now' in line with the change at the top of this blog!


Originally posted by CarolinafanfromPitt

Wildy agility course will be botted to hell. It's awful to PK there. They will just have a logout script

"Speaking of risk, our final change is to add more skeletons (alive ones, obviously) around the course to make insta-logging less prevalent." is something we'd be aiming to do as well, would rather add energy restoring mechanics and encourage players to tank up or fight back than just insta-log at every turn.

22 Feb

07 Feb


Love to see it - Roq, Enigma, Ash, Tyran and others have done bits for the 'Orb incident' restores, made much easier once we figured out the 'why' for it. Happy you were reunited with your piles (phrasing?)


Originally posted by TheShitAbyssRandy

Love how you replied to literally every question except the bot one. Idk how any one can defend the devs with behavior like this.

I upset the mod. Shocker. They are so soft.

Left a comment on that one here. It's much easier for me to reply ad hoc to questions about content and the game itself because it's what I work on every single day, but I don't work in Player Support or in Anti Cheat and need to consult with people and double-check what I say before responding to make sure it accurately reflects where they're at.


Originally posted by FuckRed

/u/JagexGoblin I haven't seen any mention of this but since last update, Whisperer keeps asking if you want to use your Orb at the start of each kill. It was like this at launch but was quickly changed to only ask if you entered with them. Now it asks even if you got them as drops. It seems you accidentally reverted this change.

I think that was due to be fixed this week, sounds like something might have gone wrong - will share with the team, cheers for raising!


Originally posted by AncientWyvern_Shield

Can we expect action being taken on the Wildy Boss bots which will now be more prevalent and are already plaguing the highscores?

Apologies for taking a little while on this one. It's easier for me to respond to questions about content itself because it's the stuff that I'm attached to every single day, topics like this are more difficult to dive in to and give answers without consulting other members within the studio first.

ACT are working on trying to find a consistent and enforceable way to remove these players from the HiScores so that real players are actually able to secure spots - note that this applies to all content in the game, including things like CG. The ACT and Game Engine teams are investigating manual removal from the HiScores for accounts that have already been banned, should be banned or for any other reason should not still be appearing on the HiScores. Note that there are some players who are permanently banned but still appearing on the HiScores who are included in this manual removal.

It's always an arms race dealing with bots, but we don't want legitim...

Read more

Originally posted by Substantial-Tip-3353

Why no forestry fix yet? :(

I think the content outlined in the 'Wrapping Up Forestry' blog from last year is due to release next week!


Originally posted by MasaConor

Is there any word on Mod Ash's rune pouch QOL?

Team says they're hoping to see it release this month, but it's not been fully QAed for Release yet so not able to hard-commit to a date!


Originally posted by Dicyano7

On the topic of blighted supplies, I think blighted thrall sacks would be cool too. Currently spending 4 slots on thrall runes + book is kind of a lot for Wildy PVM, and of course the sacks would likely help bring the costs of using thralls down.

I mean yeah, sky's the limit really - would love to see things like brews, stams, stat-boosting pots, explore stuff like thralls, blood spells, god spells etc.


Originally posted by Odd_Wishbone_3847

Can the plank drop rate at Chambers go back to what it was before the "QoL" update. u/JagexGoblin

Will ask the team to take a look and see if they're happy to make a tweak - maybe even having them drop alongside other supply drops might just make them feel better?


Originally posted by DixiePixies

Any updates coming soon for DT2 bosses???

Have literally just added a brief update into the post for some of the CA stuff on the blog (was initially due next week but got pulled into this week after I'd written the main body of the newspost).


Originally posted by DragoniteG

Is it still being considered to make brimstone keys a guaranteed drop from superiors whilst on a konar task?

It's on our Player Suggestions sheet, hoping we get through the rest of our 'suggestions backlog' by next Monday (which is when those meets tend to happen!)