

21 Dec


EDIT @ 17:30 GAME TIME: Issue is now resolved!

Hey everyone. We're aware of this and the team are already on it. We'll use this thread to keep you updated (and we'll also be putting out PSAs on Twitter with any key developments).

Hopefully shouldn't be too long. Thanks for your patience so far!

20 Dec


Originally posted by glemnar

Also, I might be misreading, but it seems to be missing the Scripture of Wen drop rate at 5 mechanic nm?

It's 1/500 for Scripture of Wen at 5 Mechanics NM. Adding that now, thanks for the spot!


Originally posted by Schizophrenia22

Not sure if I'm stupid but is there a reason Dark Nilas wasn't included in HM AG?

EDIT: HM Dark Nilas drop chance is 1/100, no matter the enrage or streak.


Maintenance Alert: Reboot In < 1 Hour. Please avoid dangerous activities at this time.

RuneScape will be offline from 11:00am Game Time as we perform our pre-holiday reboot, lasting no longer than 30 minutes.

External link β†’

13 Dec


Originally posted by Sayonee99

Your best chances come from finding a Gold Present, where you'll get either the Green Party Hat or 50M GP.

Green party hat lmao

I have written that accidentally SO MANY TIMES recently. Thanks for the spot. PHats on the brain..


Originally posted by ocd4life

We are not getting any idea of how rare the green santa is? despite paper being a prize on TH?

Seems a bit... yeah, bad?

It's the rarest drop of the entire event and we definitely don't expect this to be a 'everyone who plays will find one' sort of situation by any means.

Your best chances come from finding a Gold Present, where you'll get either the Green Santa Hat or 50M GP. You CAN find it in the other presents, but the chance is much much smaller as you go down the rarities.


Originally posted by HOT_UNICORN

Can F2P get the santa as well? Seems like that could be abused.

You mention that the GSanta might come back, what about the other two Santas?

The event is open to Free To Play players so they can indeed get one.

In terms of the other two Santas, we've only got certain 'Green Santa Will Return' news to confirm as it stands today.


Originally posted by Saadieman

Now that Arch-Glacor and Croesus are buffed, drop rates when :o

We have basically all the data pulled together now - should be within the week!


Just a little added note on this as well - we've seen a lot of questions about the Green Santa Hat and (understandably!) a lot of you wanting to know if this is a one time only opportunity to get it.

Unlike the Golden Party Hat, this isn't something we're saying is a get it now or miss out forever moment - we're definitely open to it returning in the future around Christmas sometime.

We haven't got concrete plans to share on when that next moment is or how often it will appear beyond that I'm afraid, but hopefully that gives you some peace of mind for now!

07 Dec


Originally posted by Bax_Cadarn

Wow sorry for the ping then :-P and thanks for the reply! It works from my pc, oddly, just not from mobile.

Yeah they just fixed the link after I sent that apparently!


The link should work now (and it's legit!). Give it a try.


Hey Bax - we can confirm this is legitimate. BSI are one of our Merch Store partners.

If the link isn't working, we suggest you email BSI Customer Services as it seems to be working for others. Let them know what country you are in and that you'd like to buy one. Congrats on being invited to nab one of the very few still available - hope they sort you out quickly so you can get your copy.


Unfortunately we're not going ahead with JvM Stream we planned for tonight. :(

Spear and I have realized we're woefully under prepared for this a little late in the day - both from a team and gear perspective - so this is entirely on us (more me!). I was a little ambitious penciling this one in.

We'll make sure to do this in the New Year when we've had some time to prep and put on a show that isn't just us dying on repeat. The more important General Q&A is very much locked and loaded for tomorrow though - Mod Osborne is joining us and we have a ton to get through.


Hotfix: December 7th, 11:00 Game Time

πŸ’€ Items gifted by Ironmen in the Secret Santa event will now be given to other players. Ironmen still cannot claim a Secret Santa gift.

🎁🎁 Stacks of gifted items in Secret Santa may now be split up between multiple recipients

06 Dec


Originally posted by 5-x

STILL no upper-left option text fix. Ridiculous.

Updated the Rex Matriarchs image in the Beasts tab.

Finally, only took two reports (Rexes had a background image copied from Dagannoths Kings).

We're asking about the status of that fix now 5-x.


Originally posted by Accomplished-Run-807

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in RuneScape – right down to the bosses getting a festive new look! You’ll also notice the decorations around Gielinor, giving our magical world that extra special NoΓ«l glow. Ahh.

Does this mean snowy Prif is back, I hope? Can this please finally become a permanent skybox option btw?

It is!