

16 May

09 May

03 May

26 Apr


Originally posted by DPSOnly

The only thing I'm unsure about is the upcoming Yak Track, after the last one just ended yesterday. I expected a DXP announcement instead. Everything else looks great. Will be interesting to see those upcoming skilling updates in the near future, was just thinking about doing those to 120.

We meant to confirm the DXP LIVE dates during the stream actually, so I'll drop it here since we missed it.

The next DXP LIVE starts on May 20th.

25 Apr

20 Apr

19 Apr

06 Apr

04 Apr

29 Mar


Originally posted by Butternubicus

If they were going to do something about Runelite for RS3, they'd explicitly say so. I think the "RuneScape and Old School RuneScape" line is just poorly worded.

Understand the confusion here. To help be super clear, this is just letting players who play both games know that RuneLite for OSRS will be integrated as well. This isn't a RuneLite RS3 announce.

28 Mar

21 Mar


Originally posted by ImRubic

Added! Thanks for the heads up.

And another set!

Our Engine Update actually went live today, so we've made sure to add the patch notes for those changes to the post. Here's what went live with the Engine Update today too:

  • Fixed a bug where Herby Werby particles were not displayed.
  • Improved vertical text alignment when using vector fonts.
  • Improved performance on macOS, iOS and Android
  • Reduced stutter when moving between areas on modern devices
  • Improved water reflections in certain areas such as Anachronia
  • Made improvements to lighting when viewing any models in the User Interface.
  • Improved hitbox accuracy of several areas including the Anachronia and Het's Oasis agility courses, Archaeology sites (eg Infernal Source and Stormguard), and Ranch Out of Time paddocks.
  • Hover text is now correctly displayed.
  • Fixed a crash when unplugging or switching audio devices.

Originally posted by ImRubic

Patch Notes

Fixes and improvements in this week's game update


  • Updated the look of the 20 Year Veteran Cape based on community feedback
  • The Book of Jas was only storing damage for 14 game cycles (8.4 seconds) before releasing it. This has been extended to 17 cycles (10.2 seconds) to more closely match the tooltip.
  • Throwing a Herblore Bomb at an NPC you're not actively targeting will once again re-focus that NPC as your current target.
  • Sign of the Porter no longer fills all the empty space in the inventory when a player tries to wear one with an active sign equipped.
  • The Skillguide entry for Sana's Fyrtorch will now correctly state that it has a 20% chance to cut an extra log, rather than 40%.
  • Each Daily Combat Challenge now tracks kills separately.
  • Dwarf Multicannon, Oldak Coil and Kinetic Cyclone damage upgrades will no longer reset on completion of the D...
Read more

We missed a patch note here - we've updated the 20 Year Veteran Cape based on community feedback. Added this to the website version now, sorry about that!


We're gathering questions for this week's General Q&A stream. Submit yours below and we'll answer as many as we can on Wednesday!

External link →

18 Mar


Originally posted by Yurple_RS

What / who exactly will be the people being interviewed? Jagex staff? Other streamers / content creators?

Or will there be actual player interviews with historic or infamous people like Zezima or that one fella who killed people in falador?

Right now, this series specifically is all about interviewing developers to talk about topics the community want us to dive into.

LOVE the idea of historic player interviews though, we could definitely look at that.

We have a history series commissioned with someone that we'll likely detail soon, which will include giving them access to developers for their content to make it even better - so you will see some of that in the not too distant future too.


Originally posted by paulohare

Hopefully his involvement will mean that this lasts more than one or two videos. It's proper Jagex fashion to start something like this with no intention of creating more.

So the way we're doing these partnerships is by working with creators on a 'Series' for our channels.

We're doing these over extended period of time to give them a really good trial run, see what people think and have time to adapt to get it right. If players love it and it makes sense for everyone involved, we'll likely renew the Series (potentially for even longer).

Some of the things we try might not continue - but if they do, we'll be looking to replace that series with a new concept or take rather than dropping whatever we were doing.