

07 Sep


Hey everyone.

Unfortunately we're having to postpone our Leads Q&A from today. Our studio air-con has gone down in the middle of a heatwave which means our video team would need to suffer 30C+ heat in an already very hot production room to make this happen. We really don't want to put them through that as I'm sure you can all understand.

While this should be fixed within 24 hours, realistically we don't see an opportunity in everyone's schedule to bring us together for this stream until next week without making it shorter - and given the delay, we feel like it should be longer if anything to get more questions in.

We know this will come as a disappointment given there's a variety of big topics you want covered by the Leads - from the EGW saga, the new Skilling Bundle, our plans for Death Costs, bugs feedback etc. We will absolutely cover all of those questions and a whole lot more when we sit down for the stream.

We're also going to take the extra ti...

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03 Sep


We've passed this to the team immediately this morning. Thanks for taking the time to report/PSA this and really sorry this happened to you.

Our Player Support team should be able to help you with this. You can get in touch about your lost items here and they'll conduct a thorough check to verify/validate the claim: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360000867937-Lost-Items-Claim

02 Sep


Originally posted by RedPtHat

Does this just apply to player models or is the team looking to push this out to all NPC models as well?

Currently this is just for player models.


We would very much love to do more of these! The Art Team has found them absolutely invaluable to the process and getting to build something this significant with all of you has been a blast. Plus, we all need more Mod Iroh in our life right?

The reason we've been radio silent on the project for a while now is a technical issue that emerged in the full production phase that didn't rear it's head in the proof of concept tests.

What we've found is the various components that make up a head (ie. head, hair, beards/lower face, hats, helmet etc) were not built in one standard format over the past 20 years. This wasn't present for any of the content used for the Proof of Concept testing. When we went to test implementing this across all our content, we've found a lot of issues related to this that need resolving before we can bring this into the game.

Given that technical challenge wasn't caught at proof of concept, that means a lot of additional QA/dev work that ...

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01 Sep


Originally posted by AnExoticLlama

Good stuff.

I see that there's no mention of the hitbox issues people are experiencing. I thought I should chime in and mention that the hitbox for DG doors also seems to have been affected and there are "dead zones" (or "breaks"?) in the hit box, more or less.

The team are across a lot of the feedback that's come in for this front - the hitbox feedback is definitely on the radar for consideration.


New Hotfix Deployed (15:50 Game Time, September 1st 2021)

  • The Scripture of Wen and Manuscripts will now correctly be found in Normal Mode and Hard Mode drop tables.
  • Hard Mode common drops (and Dark Nilas) have had their quantities increased. These will be updated on your next kill streak.
  • The third Pillar of Ice in Hard Mode will now correctly despawn.
  • Practice mode will no longer appear on the boss instance interface for the Arch-Glacor.
  • Fixed occurrences of the Enhanced Nightmare gauntlets effect not triggering.
  • Eliminated a rare player-state where mechanics could be toggled off in Hard Mode.

Previous Hotfixes

  • The Bolstered Glacytes no longer sets the Arch-Glacors health when it dies. (This was the cause of some of the quick kills you may have seen in some clips).
  • The Arch-Glacor’s attack rate has been slightly adjusted to ensure special attack animat...
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New Hotfix Deployed (15:50 Game Time, September 1st 2021)

  • The Scripture of Wen and Manuscripts will now correctly be found in Normal Mode and Hard Mode drop tables.
  • Hard Mode common drops (and Dark Nilas) have had their quantities increased. These will be updated on your next kill streak.
  • The third Pillar of Ice in Hard Mode will now correctly despawn.
  • Practice mode will no longer appear on the boss instance interface for the Arch-Glacor.
  • Fixed occurrences of the Enhanced Nightmare gauntlets effect not triggering.
  • Eliminated a rare player-state where mechanics could be toggled off in Hard Mode.

Previous Hotfixes

  • The Bolstered Glacytes no longer sets the Arch-Glacors health when it dies. (This was the cause of some of the quick kills you may have seen in some clips).
  • The Arch-Glacor’s attack rate has been slightly adjusted to ensure special attack animat...
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Originally posted by Nessx4

Another update where the chatbox font has been messed with, with no mention of it in the patch notes. This happens almost every month now. Is this intended or a bug? It's really frustrating having the UI change so often.

This is intended. It's further integration of the TrueType font we've been implementing across the game bit by bit, which is important for font scaling and text legibility.

We hear the feedback on the available font sizes though. The team are looking into potential options we could add for future Game Updates among other things.

31 Aug


Originally posted by JagexHooli

As we're getting near to the end of the day, here's a quick roundup of Hotfixes we've released so far all in once place.


  • The Bolstered Glacytes no longer sets the Arch-Glacors health when it dies. (This was the cause of some of the quick kills you may have seen in some clips).
  • The Arch-Glacor’s attack rate has been slightly adjusted to ensure special attack animations appear correctly.
  • Players can no longer rejoin the Arch-Glacor's Hard Mode encounter after turning it off, unless they re-activate it.
  • Triskelion keys dropped from the Arch-Glacor will no longer be multiplied by enrage or mechanic modifiers.

Confirmed Upcoming Hotfixes

  • Fix for a bug that is preventing the Scripture of Wen from dropping. Release TBC, target is today.

As I mentioned earlier, we're reporting and capturing every bug we see. We're also looking at what fixes we can...

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Just as an update to this, we're looking to deploy the Scripture Hotfix as soon as we can in the morning.


Just wanted to hop in and say we're passing the font size feedback to the team, including on the default size and the desire for 'in between' sizes (ie. 11pt, 13pt etc). Thanks for all the thoughts on this today.


As we're getting near to the end of the day, here's a quick roundup of Hotfixes we've released so far all in once place.


  • The Bolstered Glacytes no longer sets the Arch-Glacors health when it dies. (This was the cause of some of the quick kills you may have seen in some clips).
  • The Arch-Glacor’s attack rate has been slightly adjusted to ensure special attack animations appear correctly.
  • Players can no longer rejoin the Arch-Glacor's Hard Mode encounter after turning it off, unless they re-activate it.
  • Triskelion keys dropped from the Arch-Glacor will no longer be multiplied by enrage or mechanic modifiers.

Confirmed Upcoming Hotfixes

  • Fix for a bug that is preventing the Scripture of Wen from dropping. Release TBC, target is today.

As I mentioned earlier, we're reporting and capturing every bug we see. We're also looking at what fixes we ca...

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Originally posted by JagexHooli

Hey everyone. If you're finding the new default chat text size a little too small, you can click the + button in the chatbox to change the Text Size to something larger.

Just to add to this - we're also passing the feedback on regarding the size options in general as well. This is a great step to try out first if you haven't already though.


Originally posted by AuryxTheDutchman

Currently I’m running into an issue where it is difficult to move on the center of the bridge unless your camera is directly facing the boss. If your camera is off to either side, you cannot move on the center of the bridge because the clickbox for the boss covers that entire area, making avoiding the three beams when you’re hemmed in very difficult.

We'll get this feedback to the team.


Hey everyone. If you're finding the new default chat text size a little too small, you can click the + button in the chatbox to change the Text Size to something larger.


Hotfix: The Bolstered Glacytes no longer sets the Arch-Glacors health when it dies. (This was the cause of some of the quick kills you may have seen in some clips).

We're reporting and capturing every bug we see - and the team are hard at work addressing anything urgent. Thanks for all your reports which are massively helpful for the team.


PSA: If you aren't unlocking Hard Mode after killing the boss solo on Normal with all 5 mechanics, make sure your instance player limit is set to 1. This is intentional to prevent abuse.

27 Aug


Originally posted by Rab-z

Will there also be a further upgrade to the pontifex shadow ring?

Yes, but we tend to leave the specifics to be discovered.


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Checking with the team on this. I'll post back once we have confirmation.

Yes they can. They'll be renamed to Lucky Dip Tickets, but they will work with this event.


Originally posted by Jchaplin2

Comment: Do previous years raffle tickets have any use here? we were told they would be usable in future raffles, and then nothing came last year, and this year seems to be a spiritual successor, will they have any use? or will they be removed as they'd be useless otherwise?

Checking with the team on this. I'll post back once we have confirmation.


Bit of an added note - for those of you waiting for more details on the rewards found in The Glacor Front, we're dropping that news later this afternoon too in a separate blog.