

18 Mar


Originally posted by permabannedin24hrs

I like the RS Guy and I hope that he can speak and address real topics and issues with people in the community and not be censored or pushed in a direction heavily by jagex.

It's going to be a recorded show and a partnership - so I'm not going to pretend we'll have zero influence on this as we will get to see topics and questions before filming and such.

However - we have specifically commissioned this with RSGuy to have someone interview developers for our channel and ask the questions the community want to see raised. The show fails if it's all fluffy softball questions as players won't want to watch that and we'll have failed in why we're making it.

My point being is, even though we have a hand in it, our goal is to not get in the way of TheRSGuy's work to represent players on this show.

This is part of an overall move we're working on right now to be more open and accessible in different ways - we have more stuff coming like this too with other creators.

14 Mar

09 Mar


Hi everyone!

We're sitting down with Mod Pi and Mod Ramen tonight to talk about Combat in detail. Among diving into a few topics, we also want to make some time to answer some of your questions!

Drop any combat questions you have below and we'll get to as many as we can during the show.

External link →

07 Mar

04 Mar


Originally posted by JagexHooli

We're seeing positive signs everything is returning to norms. We're just doing some additional checks.

This is not an anniversary we planned to mark... :)

15 minutes later and services are looking good. Thanks for bearing with us and apologies for the unexpected downtime there.

03 Mar


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Just alerted the team about this. We’ll post back with any updates.

We're seeing positive signs everything is returning to norms. We're just doing some additional checks.

This is not an anniversary we planned to mark... :)


Just alerted the team about this. We’ll post back with any updates.

01 Mar


#RSHotfix: Mar 1, 15:40 Game Time

The Senntisten Asylum is now temporarily instanced with a 6 player cap. This should help alleviate kill competing while demand is high.

We'll be monitoring your feedback to this change. Please do let us know what you think!

28 Feb


Thanks for all the feedback on the problems with fighting for kills at the Senntisten Asylum.

Mod Shogun and co are working on a hotfix to deploy asap that will add instancing to the Asylum. This is something we're definitely looking to do to help with the huge demand we're seeing in the early days - whether or not it's a permanent instancing is very much TBD.

We'll let you know as soon as it's out there.

21 Feb


Happy Monday everyone!

As a heads up, this update deploys at 11:00 Game Time today - but as the update is deployed, the servers will remain offline for approx 30 minutes as we perform some additional server maintenance.

14 Feb


Originally posted by 5-x

We're running on 8 months of upper-left hover text being broken. Disgraceful.

Barely any patch notes this week even. See you next week.

Just checked in with the team on this - we have a fix for this actually done, it's just awaiting RC / final testing which should mean it appears in a Game Update very soon. I'll report back if I get a confirmed date.

09 Feb


Hey everyone. Thanks so much for reporting this - did some digging this morning on it.

This is ultimately an error in the News Post - the package is actually correct so we've fixed the News Post with the right information. This month's currency drop has more Runecoins than listed (400 not 200) but fewer Keys (20 not 35).

Really sorry for the confusion. We got together this morning to work out where the misinformation came from and we've just added an additional person to our verification process for Prime Gaming news who can help us catch incorrect information for PG drops.

07 Feb


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Today's Game Update will be taking place at 14:00 Game Time. As the Update is deployed, the servers will remain offline for approx 30 minutes as we perform some additional server maintenance. We'll post back here once the game is back online after the maintenance.

Maintenance is now complete and our latest Game Update is now available. Thanks for your patience during deployment!


Today's Game Update will be taking place at 14:00 Game Time. As the Update is deployed, the servers will remain offline for approx 30 minutes as we perform some additional server maintenance. We'll post back here once the game is back online after the maintenance.

25 Jan


🛑 Maintenance Alert: Today, 10:30am Game Time

You may be temporarily unable to redeem Keys as we perform some maintenance around this time. No other services will be impacted.

We expect the disruption to last no more than 5 minutes.

External link →