

04 Sep


Originally posted by TheHotshot1

I think the community will be a lot happier if we got similar XP gains to the old daily challenge system.

Thank you for the feedback!


Originally posted by Double_Ranger_7732

But the XP has been fully pulled from Ironmen accounts.

We'll add this to our current Ironman discussions for consideration. We're looking at Ironman rewards all up based on last week.


Originally posted by overcookedchicken

As I said before:

It takes me 5 minutes to complete my daily challenges at the moment. This new system will take 40 minutes. An additional 35 minutes a day doing content I don't want to do. Dailyscape made worse, not better.

What if I want to spend the day doing clues, or other activities where I won't be actively gaining experience? I lose out because i'm not interacting with the Hero Pass. So instead, in my example of doing clues, I will be missing out and I am instead forced to do content I don't want to do.

At least with daily challenges I could get them out of the way very quickly so I can get on with doing the content I want, not content dictated by Jagex.

Clues are rewarded in Hero Pass as well. It acknowledges more than just skilling XP - bossing, clue scrolls etc are all covered.

To be clear, Daily Missions reward you for doing anything pretty much - you do not have to do a specific task or skill. Simply playing will progress the Daily Mission, without needing to alter your gameplay in any way.

In terms of if you miss that short, sharper burst of a Daily reward of some kind - that's feedback we can look at if it feels like the experience isn't delivering on the intent. We're absolutely open to feedback on how this plays, and what people want to see changed.


Originally posted by Gullible_Economy3295

Absolutely nothing They don't want irons in the game, we don't buy spins.

We are looking at the Ironman rewards for Hero Pass and looking to make improvements based on the feedback last week.

The team have been considering options on how we can make it better on that front - whether that's giving you more things worth spending Oddments on, some refinement to Ironman Hero Pass rewards or potentially both.


Originally posted by SolaVitae

We have a reduced Patch Notes this week to enable extensive testing for Hero Pass' release, given it's a system that touches many elements of the game in different ways. Development work is still continuing on Necromancy updates and beyond.

Theres no way this made it into the patch notes without someone at Jagex acknowledging this would just piss off the player base and was completely unneccessary to even include in the first place right?

We felt it would be better to be transparent on why there's less Patch Notes than usual this week - especially when we've got lots of Necromancy feedback development still ongoing - than just have a small Patch Notes section with no context.


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's not Mod Keeper's fault.

Doom mentioned it last week, but this was a mistake on our part to not catch the error and we are sorry to those of you who felt misled by it. Wasn't the intent.

Heads down in Necromancy, we didn't stop and properly consider 'Major Update TBA' on the Development Update image. Lesson learned, we got that wrong and won't be making that mistake again.

While it is a major update after a long project from the previous Yak Track team to make something fundamentally integrated and much improved based on issues with Yak Track (if we got it right!) - which is where this term came from - we shouldn't have been using that term publicly.

It also shouldn't have been on a Development Update image, which no matter how we label them are seen as Content Roadmaps, which we also understand is why expectations were overstated for this. We don't see this as content, we see it as a system/reward based feature.

We are genuinely excite...

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Originally posted by 5-x

If it really takes 40 minutes to do the daily tasks, and it doesn't complete by itself when I'm just doing my stuff, then I just won't bother. I don't have time to play with your Major Content Update.

I also resent the ugly mobile interface shoved in the desktop game. These are cheap battlepass aesthetics. Get that junk out of my RuneScape. Back to the drawing board.

You will complete them just by playing the game. If you put around 40 minutes or so of general time in doing whatever you'd prefer to be doing, based on the balancing goals, Daily Missions should be complete. You can half that if you focus on the skill tied to it if you want to speed it up.

I do want to restress something that was said in the original Hero Pass post though - these aren't supposed to be the same as Daily Challenges, but we made a concession on the design.

The XP Lamps being in there dilutes the original intent, which was more for the Missions to just reward you with progress for the days you play vs being 'Dailies' you feel compelled to do. We did something that somewhat conflicts with our design intent because we didn't want to fully pull XP from a Daily system without further consultation from the community on it.

If the end result of this is it feels worse because now you're having to spend 40 minutes to chase XP, that's a valid bit of fee...

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Originally posted by SinderWisp

Any news about ironmen receiving hero satchels?

The feedback from Ironmen in general on Hero Pass might take us a little time, but conversations have already started on what options we can look at to improve. We'll keep you updated as they progress.


Originally posted by The_Vault_Hunter

What is a hero satchel? There's a few references to them being rewards but I can't see any explanation of what they are

We covered it a little here: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=97/hero-pass-a-better-more-rewarding-runescape

Hero Pass Satchels are another reward you'll earn that are packed with gameplay-focused goodies.

These satchels offer random rewards from a drop table, featuring items like Gifts of the Reaper, Sealed Clue Scrolls, Slayer VIP coupons, Ports resources, Starved Ancient Effigies, Dungeoneering Tokens, Goebie Burial Charms and more. This is all part of ensuring Hero Pass adds to your play and gets yo...

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31 Aug


We hear you on this, especially so when it comes to Ironman players who have wracked up a lot of Oddments and need something to do with them.

The team are looking into options for Ironman rewards for the future in Hero Pass and/or discussing ways we could make the Oddments Store better for Ironman players based on the feedback so far.

It won't be something we can address for Hero Pass launch, but we're working on this and looking at what we can do. If you have any suggestions/thoughts on Ironman based Oddments uses, please do share them as we can add them to the discussions.

29 Aug


Originally posted by Chemical_Molasses_93

Are we losing the free 3 daily keys from premier? (Not the daily challenge keys)

No those are unchanged.


Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

Hero Pass is a brand new part of the core RuneScape experience, designed to make the game even more rewarding whenever - and however - you choose to play.

So that was a lie? See:

And while the bonus progress skills or objectives required to complete Daily and Weekly Missions are assigned randomly, you can use Vis Wax to re-roll Daily missions into a particular Skill, to optimise your Mission progress in synergy with what you're already doing.

If objectives are assigned at random then you can't look straight into my face and tell me that I can play the game however and whenever I want. I do not want the game to tell me what I need to do. At least yak track got this right with skill & kill task, I can almost play the game however I want, from skilling, killing to clues and even minigames. I also bet the option to reroll them into what you actually want is nothing more than introducing a problem and later se...

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That refers to specific Mission benefits that just give you double progress.

All Daily and Weekly Basic Missions can be progressed by playing anything in the game - this just allows you to use Vis Wax to re-roll the double progress skill to what you are doing if you really want to. This is purely for optimisation though - the Daily Missions for example are balanced at 40 minutes for all 3 reward Tiers doing whatever.

Only Special Missions and Weekly Content Missions - which you have for the entirety of the Pass, with one added each week for Content Missions - are more specific. They are not compulsory for progress though.


Originally posted by ghostofwalsh

However, we also don’t want to drive more ‘Dailyscape’ pressure.

Also Jagex:

Every day that you log in to RuneScape, you'll have a Daily Mission to complete, with three tiers of potential rewards.

EDIT --> So instead of dailies that take a couple minutes to do we get "missions" that take a lot more time? Yay I guess? Just what RS needs is more dailies.

If the design didn't include any Daily Missions, players who play regularly naturally would also be asking us to provide them something. There's always a balance.

The difference here is Daily Missions are designed to be good hits of Hero Pass Points, but not essential every day for progress. You have Weeklies (which stockpile even while you don't play / login), Special Missions and the ability to progress through general play outside of them.

The intent of the team is that you can progress playing on your own terms, but for those players who already like to log in every day, there's still some additional Missions to progress.

The inclusion of Lamps does change that design intent a little, but as we mentioned on stream, the team didn't want to go so far as to remove XP entirely from Dailies without further discussion/feedback from your time hands on with Hero Pass once it's out.


Originally posted by 79215185-1feb-44c6

Keeper doesn't seem to be a forward facing EP.

This is very much true.

Keeper works with us a lot, and is a big champion for a lot of the moves we've been making to be more in tune with player feedback development wise.

Whereas Warden liked to be out front, Keeper prefers to let the team speak for themselves and focus on everything internally. He's very much out here reading and paying a lot of attention, it's just a different approach.

14 Aug


Originally posted by skyhigh655

No pathing fixes, or anything to address the disgraceful state of the ritual site content?

- Shambling horror is not visible with so many players, and sometimes doesn't produce a particle effect at all

- Protection Glyphs are content that serve no purpose whatsoever

- Defile random events can reset progress without glowing purple, and some spawns can't even be siphoned because of pathing

I actively avoid rituals because the content is so broken. I understand you can't address everything in a week, but how could you possibly leave such an integral part of the skill in such a mess?

We're looking at the feedback on Rituals. Thanks for sharing your key feedback points so clearly.

Our dev time last week was spent more on immediate issues and just absorbing core feedback to be worked from this week (or started last week for a future update). We'll be prioritising the most impactful stuff, and Rituals are a core focus of the team to look at as part of that.


Originally posted by bigboy1173

from notes:

Reapplied the damage buff from stat boosting (this will apply for all styles excluding necromancy) whilst the team looks at a more elegant replacement for the system.

This. We reverted the change today.

We'll look at adding a specific mention of Overloads here for clarity though.


Originally posted by Paranub

Redacted due to the addition of
(This update was added on Wednesday August 9th) in the notes! thanks!

This was hotfixed last week so there's no change from what you've been experiencing today.


Originally posted by CraigBeepBeeps

Necromancy is the most fun I've had playing in a long time, I hope it doesn't end up being balanced around the top 0.1% of players like other combat styles.

Any ETA on fixes for the pathing issues with rituals and events? It's atrocious at the moment if you don't manually move to the event first.

We're definitely aware of the feedback and it's being considered. No ETA to share on any changes in that area, but we may have more concrete news at the end of the week in our next Necromancy Community Update blog.


Originally posted by RedEyeJedi993

Any chance of looking into the Saga quest requirements for 'Remains of the Necrolord'?

Nadir is borderline impossible to 100% on mobile & thats the only platform I currently have access to.

Amending the requirement to an initial completion of each required saga rather than 100% completion would be great, as its currently the only thing standing between me & Rasial.

We'll pass that feedback to the team.


Originally posted by Yolomasta420

T95 still not augmebtable?!

That was fixed today!

  • Rasial's equipment will now be correctly augmented when using augmentors.